
发布时间 : 星期二 文章模具加工承揽合同(中英文)更新完毕开始阅读

6.2乙方承诺如利用乙方制作的模具生产产品能够达到甲方的如下生产要求: Party B promises the Production Capacity of Tools to be as following: 日产能:Daily Production Capacity : Units; 月产能:Monthly Production Capacity: Units;


Party B shall not assign part or whole of the right of exploitation of Tools to any third party or appoint subcontractor to produce the Products without written consent of Party A.

6.4乙方保证按照上述产能交货。在此标准内出现不正常时,乙方须在 1 日内进行更换、维修或保养,否则视为违约,除承担违约责任外,给甲方造成损失的,另行赔偿甲方损失。本条约定不受本合同有效期限的限制,违约责任按照本合同违约条款处理。如实际模具产能低于上述约定的模具产能根据相差的比例,从合同总价中扣除相应的比例价款,直到累计扣完合同总价。如因此造成甲方的损失超过可扣的总价款则超出部分仍由乙方承担。

Party B promise to delivery Products in accordance with aforesaid Production

Capacity. Party B shall fix the problems provided that the Production Capacity could not be reached within 1 working day. Otherwise without affected by validation term of this Contract Party B shall not only bear the responsibility of breach but also be liable to compensate the loss of Party A. Any deviation of the Production Capacity, Party A is entitled to deduct proportional value of the Contract. In event the remedy is not adequate, Party B shall liable for the surpass amount by imbursement.


In event that Party A’s purchase demands could not be satisfied due to Party B’s fault, both parties shall solve it together in agreed time limit. Provided that Party B fails in the aforesaid time limit, Party A in entitled to deduct responding value of the Contract.

6.6乙方由于自身问题中止此模具产品对甲方供应,乙方应立即将模具归还给甲方,运输费由乙方承担,否则甲方可直接从货款中扣除该模具全部价款。因中止供货行为给甲方造成的其它损失的,按照双方签订的相关协议赔偿,否则全部由乙方承担。 In case Party B is not capable in supplying Products to Party A due to its own reason, Party B shall return Tools to Party A immediately at its own expense. Both Parties shall negotiate the compensation supplement; otherwise Party B shall reimburse Party A for all the loss.

6.7乙方因不可抗力中止此模具产品对甲方供应,甲方根据乙方实际交货量与采购量的比例,从乙方货款中扣除模具总金额相同比例的模具费用。同时乙方应立即将模具归还给甲方,运输费由乙方承担,否则甲方可直接从货款中扣除该模具全部价款。 In case Party B is not capable in supplying Products to Party A due to force majeure, Party B shall return Tools to Party A immediately at its own expense. Party A in entitled to deduct proportional value of the Tooling charge from the total Contract Price.

第七条 模具维护和保管Article 7 Keeping and Maintenance of Tools


During guarantee period of the Tools’ lifetime, Party B shall be responsible for preventive and corrective maintenance works on the Tools. In case the Tools’

lifetime run out before the date due, Party B shall replace or remake the Tools on its own expense. Party A shall be notified in time. Party B shall not use the new Tools without written consent of Party A.

7.2乙方应对模具的修改、维护和修理等情况及时登记造册,无论此种修改、维护和修理是否由甲方提出。如甲方需询问有关的技术细节或证据的,乙方应积极配合。 Party B shall keep records of the altering, preventive and corrective maintenance works, including such works proposed by Party A. Party B shall response to enquiry positively on request of Party A about the technical details or evidence.


Party B shall safe keep the Tools in good manner. In event of damage or lose, Party B shall compensate Party A loss value in sum.

第八条 知识产权 Article 8 Intellectual Property


All right (including but not limit the right to apply for a Patent, Trademark or

Copyright), title and interest in and to the Confidential Information is owned by and remains with Party A. Any and all work product or deliverables developed in connection with the Tools, regardless of their state of completion, shall be work-made-for-hire for the benefit Party A. Party B agrees not to copy, transfer, disclose or use, or permit to be copied, transferred, disclosed or used, any Confidential Information of Party A by or for the benefit of itself or any Person or disclose any Confidential Information to anyone. Otherwise Party A shall be responsible for all loss incurred by breach hereto.

8.2 保密信息包括“所有有关客户、供应商、业务来源方和业务展开对象的数据和销售量;产品概念;产品设计;技术秘密;工程规格;公司财务数据;技艺技能、保密技术和方法;其他由一方向另一方以任何媒介披露并默认需要保密的信息”,“保密信息”亦应包括所有由保密信息复制或者摘录而来的信息和由披露方提供或者基于完成本合同目的的包括保密内容的电子计算机生成的数据。

Confidential Information is defined as “all data regarding customer/client, supplier, business source, and business development identities and sales volume; concepts of products; product design; know-how; engineering specifications; company financial data; technical expertise, knowhow, and methods; and other information deemed confidential by either Party in transmitting the information to the other Party,

regardless of the medium in which the information is transmitted.” “Confidential information” shall also include all copies and extracts of Confidential Information and all computer-generated data containing Confidential Information prepared by or for the benefit of the disclosing party.

第九条 违约责任 Article 9 Responsibility of Breach of Contract


Party B shall not subcontract or assign part or whole Tooling works to any third party, otherwise Party A is entitled to terminate the Contract at its sole discretion and Party B is liable to pay penalty sum to no less than 50000 RMB.

9.2乙方不得擅自更换材料,并不得更换零部件,否则视为严重违约。乙方除赔偿甲方因此而造成的全部损失外,还应承担违约责任。乙方承担不少于10万元人民币的罚金。 Party B is not allowed to alter the material and parts at its sole discretion, which otherwise shall be deemed as material breach and Party B must compensate all loss incurred to Party A and bear the responsibility of breach of Contract to pay the penalty sum to no less than 100000 RMB.


In case the Tools delivered by Party B is not in conformity to standard as agreed between both parties, the Agreement on Product Quality Assurance signed by both parties shall prevail.


In case of delay or failure of delivery, Party B shall compensate all loss incurred to Party A and pay penalty no less than 50000 RMB; Party B shall reimburse advance payment in double to Party A and pay penalty meantime in case of breach after prepaid.

9.5任何一方违反本合同或者双方其他合作协议、招投标文件、订单等约定的,守约方有权要求违约方承担相应的违约责任。双方同意以合同总价款的10%作为违约赔偿金,如相应违约金无法计算或者低于人民币3万元的,以 3万元计。如因乙方违约造成甲方的损失超过违约赔偿金约定额度的,则超出部分乙方仍应赔偿。

One party who violates this Contract or other mutual agreed documents including but not limit Cooperation Agreement and Order, shall bear the responsibility of

breach of Contract. Both parties agree 10% of Contract Value to be penalty, but not less than 30000 RMB. In event the remedy of penalty is not adequate to loss, Party B shall liable for the surpass amount by imbursement.
