
发布时间 : 星期二 文章模具加工承揽合同(中英文)更新完毕开始阅读


合同编号: Contract No.:

签署日期: The date of signature of 甲方(定作方):Party A (Buyer):

乙方(承揽方):Party B (Supplier):

甲乙双方本着平等、互利原则,就甲方委托乙方加工制作用于生产 (“产品”)的模具、冲模或模具(“模具”),经双方友好协商,于甲方所在地达成如下协议: Whereas, Party A desire to purchase the tools, dies and moulds (the “Tools”) from Party B for production of (“Products”). After friendly consultations and

proceeding on principles of fairness and equality, the Parties at the location of Party A have agreed the following:

第一条 委托事项Article 1 Tools Information

序号No. 模具名称Tools Name 型号Type 数量Qty. 穴数Cavity No. 模具用料材质Tooling Material 模具单价(元)Unit Price(RMB) 备注Remark

备注:本合同中所指模具包含: □模具本身及 □后续产品生产所需的夹具、模具等。 Note: The “Tools”in this Contract include: □ the tools, dies and moulds □ Jigs and fixture etc which are necessary for production.

第二条 质量标准和要求Article 2 Quality Standards and Requirements 2.1质量标准和要求:按甲方的质量要求执行。

Quality standards and requirement: In accordance with requirements of Party A.

2.2甲方提供产品模具的设计图纸、样板和其他相关技术资料。就上述资料,甲方具有唯一的解释权。发生歧义时,乙方应书面征询甲方意见,并得到甲方的书面确认。 Party A will provide Party B design, blueprint, specimen and relevant technical

documents, which shall be illustrated by Party A solely. In case of discrepancy, Party B must enquiry Party A in written.

2.3乙方在收到上述资料后 个工作日内,需提供详细的模具图纸,甲方应在收到模具图纸之次日起的 天内予以确认。

Party B shall complete the drawings of Tools in working days upon receipt of aforesaid documents and specimen. Party A will check the drawings in working days after receiving.


Party B shall design and manufacture the Tools in accordance with the drawings and conform to Party A’s technology requirements.

2.5合格模具的定义:Definition of Qualified Tools:

2.5.1符合经甲方确认的模具结构图;In conformity to Tools schematics approved by Party A;


In conformity to Parts drawings approved by Party A;


In conformity to quality and technology requirements of Party A;


Tool life shall be ensured per provision in this Contract;


Where no standard was prescribed, the National Standard in P.R.China shall prevail;


The material which Tools made of shall be qualified per Party A’s requirement.

第三条 原材料来源和模具制作时间Article 3 Material Sourcing and Lead Time 3.1模具制造生产所需的原材料由 方承担。如为乙方承担,则乙方必须保证按甲方的技术要求采购原材料,以确保产品质量的稳定。同时,乙方还应把原材料的品质标准、产地等如实预先书面报告甲方。

Party shall provide the material for Tooling. In case of Party B be liable for material sourcing, the purchasing procedure shall be practised strictly per Party A’s technology requirements to ensure the steady good quality of the Products.

3.2 本合同模具开发送样周期为 天,自签订本合同之日起到 日止;模具交付使用周期为 天(即 日前)。在乙方完成试模后,须于12小时内向甲方传真或邮递《试模报告》。

The lead time of Developing, Making and First Sample Pour is working days, from valid date of commence of this Contract to (Day\\Month\\Year); The delivery time shall within working days (before Day\\Month\\Year). After each Tryout completed, Party B shall report to Party A within 12 hours via Fax or Email.

3.3如果乙方模具制作出现工艺或者其它的问题,导致模具无法验收合格的,乙方应根据图纸和样板免费重新开模。重新开模的质量和交期除有特殊约定外,按本合同执行。 In case the Tools fail to pass the inspection due to Party B’s fault, Party B shall remake the Tools free of charge per drawing and specimen. Party B shall complete the remake in accordance with quality and lead time provisions hereto in this Contract unless mutually agreed otherwise.

3.4如果乙方模具制作出现工艺和其它的错误,导致模具无法验收合格而甲方又急需生产,乙方应先用现有的模具安排生产,同时再根据图纸和样板要求免费重新开模。 In case of emergency demand of Party A, provided that the Tools fail to pass the inspection due to Party B’s fault, Party B may arrange production with available Tools, and meanwhile start to remake the Tools free of charge per drawing and specimen.

第四条 模具价格及付款方式Article 4 Price and Payment 4.1模具价格Price

4.1.1由乙方提供的报价单经甲方认可后,签订的价格确认书是本合同的组成部分。 The quotation sheet shall be counter signed after approved by Party A, hereto constitutes the complete and exclusive statement of the Contract between the Parties.

4.1.2合同总金额(含增值税)为人民币 元(大写:人民币 元整)。 The total contract price (include VAT) is RMB (Say RMB in total)

4.1.3合同总金额已包含且不限于如下费用,乙方不得以下列原因向甲方要求费用: The amount aforesaid in 4.1.2 has included but not limit following charges, which Party B shall never charge Party A:乙方对产品进行成型试模/二次加工/组装所需的所有夹具和治具的模具的费用; The charges of molds of chucks and jigs which are necessary to perform molding trial or shot, second operation and assembly;乙方按合同规定进行模具设计、试模所需的材料和设备及人工等费用; The charges of material, facility and labor, which are necessary for tooling design and trial;乙方提供给甲方进行模具和产品认证的试模样品的费用;

The charges of trial samples provided to Party A to process applying Tools and Products certificate;乙方为保证模具正常生产制作的模具易损备件的费用;

The charges of spare parts for Tools, which to ensure the normal production;
