2017-2018济南市历下区八年级下册英语期中试?包含答案) - 百度文库

ʱ : 2017-2018济南市历下区八年级下册英语期中试?包含答案) - 百度文库ϿʼĶ


B. Because the writer didn't like to study all her life C. Because the writer thought she was good enough. D. Because the writer only wanted to take her holiday

82. What does the underlined word \

A Magic B Early C Whole D. Half 83. According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true?

A. Later, the writer understood the advice from her teacher was the key to success. B. The writer liked to play happily before studying hard because she was really patient. C. The writer thought when the athlete stopped practicing, he wasnt an athlete anymore. D. If a person studies a new language. he will keep his own mind active and creative. 84. From paragraph 4, we can know the writer talks about an athlete in order to

A. show us that sports practicing is very different from the study. B. let us know that we can stop studying at any time in our lives. C. explain to us that it will be good for an athlete to stop practicing. D .tell us that we can't stop studying even after we leave schools. 85. Which of the following is the best title of the passage

A. Never stop studying. B. How to be an athlete C.Learn from history D. New ways of doing things



뿼05׺ɫǩֱʽдڴ}ĿָӦλ,дڱ ԾЧ VI.ѡ(10)

A. Ķ,ӷѡʵĵ(ÿһ)

free because with food different

Hi, Li Lang. I was really excited to hear from you last week. You told me about your school life in your letter. How (86) it is from mine ! In America, we students usually have lunch at school. We can pick

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the (87)_ we'd like to eat. The lunch lady will write our school numbers down and we pay for the lunch. There are usually beans, chicken or beef, bread, salad, and fruit. Students can drink milk for (88) . Each class has its own place to sit in. Parents can also have lunch (89) . For example, on my birthday, my mom came to have lunch with me. After lunch, we will help to clean up the tables. We like this kind of lunch. (90) it's delicious. What about your school lunch? Can you tell me something about it?


feel get shout mean fly

One day a man was walking though a large city. On a street corner he saw a boy with some small birds for sale,in a cage. He felt sad for the little birds. They (91) __ in the cage and cheeping (֨֨)at that time .They beat their wings against the cage, trying92 ___ out. He stood for some time looking at the birds.Atlast he said to the boy. \ \

I dont (93) how much each \all .\very pleased with selling so many birds. As soon as the man bought the birds, he opened the cage and let all the birds fly away. The boy (94) to him. What did you do that for, sir?You have lost all your birds?

Oh, boy, being free is o important to every bird \ happy .

V.дӰеҪɵ,ÿոһʡ(5) 96. The old man used to tell Chinese stories t kids.Ϊ񶨾䣩

The old man to tell stories to kids.

97. Tim was cleaning up his room when his mom came back(Ի߲ʣ

__________ ___________ Tim doing when his mom came back?

98. We didnt enjoy the school trip because the weather was so bad.(Ի߲ʣ

__________ __________ you enjoy the school trip?

99. He was surprised that his elder brother didn't refuse to let him watch TV.(д,ⲻ)

_______ his ________ , his elder brother allowed him to watch TV.

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100. To drive safely, you can' t answer the phone when you are driving.(д,ⲻ)

It's safe for you not to _________ _________ the phone when driving. IX.ɾӸݺ˼Ӣ,ÿոһʡ(5) 101.Ӧѧչ˼ˡ

We should learn to_______ _______ families. 102.Ӧûʱȥ治˷ֻ

Teenagers should spend more time reading __________ __________ playing on the phone. 103.캣жȫչʾ,Ǿͺһλڹй.

Operation Red Sea shows that we will never _______ ________ any Chinese in trouble in foreign countries. 104.Ӣ Bay House SchoolʦӢֽ,һйɫá

In April this year teachers and students from Bay House School in UK ___________ ________us happily in English and experienced special Chinese classes together.

105. ־Ը߹ԿǵҰ,ܶ޴Ӱ졣

Working as a ________ can not only open our eyes to the world, but also make a big to the society.

X.Ķѡ塢ݶ,Ӷĺѡѡհ״ѡѡ ѡ(5)

Do you have a mobile phone? Can you take your phone to school? Does your teacher allow you to use it at school? Nowadays, parents and teachers in China think mobile phones are bad for study and health. In fact, it is a problem all over the world.

106 ________ On December 10, 2017, in France, the government()came up with a new rule on mobile phone use for students in schools. This rule will begin in September 2018.That means children may be allowed to bring their phones to school, 107.______________even at breaks and lunch time,\outside at break time anymore.They are just playing with their smart phones.Thats a serious problem. \officer. Anyway.according to BBC news, 108.__________ .More than 80% of young people in France had smart phones in 2015, but only 20% in 2011.

People have different opinions on this rule. Although some of them welcome the rule. 109.________ Some schools plan to pull all the students' phones in one place and give them back at the end of the school.But its not easy to do this .One of the headmasters said that many schools have no room to put the phones and 110._______.

What do you think of it?

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A. the number of young people who have a phone keeps rising these years. B. Some French schools won't allow students to use mobile phones in school. C. A lot of young people become less and less interested in mobile phones. D. But they cant use them at any time until they leave school. E. It's not easy for teachers to keep students' smart phones safe. F.Some parents believe students still need their phones when in trouble. G. All of the teachers, students and parents were so happy with the rule.


ijӢ־ھٰӢıҪͬѧǸʾ,ԡ My Favorite SeasonΪ,Ӣдһƪ100ҵĶġʾ: season spring


1ϲļصд; 2üصĶ 3ϲüڵԭ Ҫ

1дӦṩϢ,ʵ; 2.óʵУϢ

My Favorite Season

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