
发布时间 : 星期二 文章新世纪大学英语(第二版)综合课程2unit1课文翻译和课后答案更新完毕开始阅读

1. Collocations

Look at the adverbs listed in the box below, and decide which adverb is needed to collocate with the verb in each sentence. Fill the correct adverb into the blank in the sentence. The

same word may be used in more than one sentence. C


a dictionary if necessary.

▆ Answers:

1) out 2) over 3) back 4) down 5) over 6) up 7) out 8) back 9) down 10) out 11) up 12) over 13) back 14) out 15) down

16) over 2. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 3.

Study the different meanings of the word Action speaks louder than words.

“ than ” in the following sentences.

▆ Answers for Reference:

Production here needs temperatures lower than 25 degrees Celsius. I like to keep things rather than throw them away. There is nobody here other than me.

She?d rather leave her job than (be forced to) work for that boss. Word Building

Now choose the Chinese meaning from Column B that matches each italicizedword in

Column A. You may consult a dictionary if necessary. ▆ Answers:

1) d.

2) k 3) n 4) j 5) a 6) g 7) f 8) b

9) o

10) m


11) p 12) e 13) c 14) h 15) i 16) l

Grammar in Context


The –ing form and the infinitive form of the verb

Task : Choose either the infinitive form or the –ing form of the verb in the brackets to

complete each of the following sentences. ▆ Answers: 1) preparing 2) to thank

3) repairing / to be repaired 4) to get 5) studying 6) being treated 7) missing 8) to reduce 9) to leave 10) worrying 2.

The –ed form and the –ing form of the verb

Study the following sentences that appear in this unit, paying special attention to the–ed

form and –ing form of the verb. Reflect on its grammatical function in each sentence. Task :Complete the following sentences by translating the Chinese in the brackets into English, paying attention to the use of the -ing form and the -ed form of verbs. ▆ Answers:

1) kept nodding, rather confused 2) Fallen leaves 3) surprised, hiding 4) Deeply moved 5) following 6) Being, interested 7) located 8) reading


▆ Complete the following passage with words chosen from Text A. The initial letter of each is given.


▆ Answers: 1) relying 2) intrigued 3) penny 4) for 5) covered 6) treated 7) amazed 8) contrary 9) generally 10) whatever 11) invited 12) attentive 13) where


▆ Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in brackets. ▆ Answers for Reference: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8)

The rumor about his divorce is just a ploy to gain publicity for his new film. He took a gamble on starting a factory with all the money his parents had left him. After winning the important game they hoisted their captain to their shoulders in shouting triumph.

In the rush to go for globalization, we should watch out for collision of cultures. In the circumstances it was not surprising that there was trouble. The baby is the very picture of health.

People have realized the dangers of exposing children to violence and sex on TV. We always had in mind for whom we were making the film.

Theme-Related Writing

▆ Choose one of the following writing tasks and complete it after class.

1) Write an essay (of about 250 words) about a memorable experience in which you helped a stranger or were helped by him or her.

2) Write an essay (of about 150 words) about human relationships in our society. The following hints might serve as a guide:

a. The problems existing in the relationships between people in our society. b. The negative results such problems may bring about to our society. c. What can you do to help establish a harmonious society as a student?

▆ Sample Essay for Task 1:

One weekend morning, while walking on a bustling street with a light heart, I was suddenly overtaken by a startling moan. Turning around, I discovered the sound was coming from a black


mass in a corner. “ What?s that? ” My heart pounded heavily. I wentdsawup anhuman being,

alive but in a dreadful state. He was crouching on the ground with deformed hands and legs,

mumbling something. He had obviously lost the normal ability to move and work. A dirty plate was placed in front the miserable-looking man, in which there were some coins and small notes.

As my eyes were drift ing away from him , his eyes caught mine suddenly. What eyes they were! Filled with misery and expectation, they were looking straight at me. He was unable to speak, but I seemed to hear his pleading voice and read his despairing mind. His look seemed to be telling me about his hard life and his longing for help. For a while, I was at a loss what to do. Should I drop some coins in the plate like some other passers-by or turn away in indifference? I recalled news reports about men pretending to be beggars, who were actually healthy and able to work. Could this be another one of those scams? But the beggar was there, groaning and living. Then something seemed to hit me hard. I drew a five-yuan note from my pocket, dropped it in his dirty plate and walked away quickly in silence.

“ No good deed is too small.

” Maybe we need to bear this saying in mind.

▆ Sample Essay for Task 2:

We are living in a world of distrust. We live behind cold security bars; we do not talk to strangers, let alone go out of our way to help them; we live in fear of fake products. In short, fear and feelings of

insecurity fill the environment we live in.

All this greatly harms our society. Growing up in such an environment, we tend to feel isolated

and care only about ourselves. If things go on like this, ,trust?, ,teamwork?, and ,harmony? will eventually become terms unheard of.

In my opinion, trusting others and being trustworthy are the two basic principles that we should follow if we want to improve human relationships. We may not be in a position to change others, but we can change the way others see us by winning their trust in us. Mutual understanding and love are the pillars that support a harmonious society.

