
发布时间 : 星期二 文章2018-2019学年最新人教版八年级英语上册Unit1阅读理解专项练习及答案-精编试题更新完毕开始阅读

英语(Go for it)八上Unit1 阅读理解专题训练(含答案)

Unit1 Where did you go on vacation

包括选择型和任务型阅读。 第一部分:选择型


Canada and the United States are neighbours. They are on the same land. They share the same long boundary(国界).

These two nations are same in many ways. Canadians buy many goods from the United States. Cars and clothes are two examples. Americans also buy goods from Canada. Much of the paper used in the United States comes from Canada. Some of the oil we use comes from Canada, too.

Americans travel to Canada on holiday. And Canadians often visit the United States. It is easy for the people of one country to go to the other country.

Canadians read about the United States in newspapers and magazines. Many Americans watch Canada baseball and hockey matches on Sundays.

However, there are important differences between the United States and Canada. The United States has many more people. Because the population is smaller, there are more open places in Canada. There is much unusual land. This is another important difference.

1. Canadians buy from the United States.

A. oil and paper B. nothing C. many things D. everything

2. The people in the United States like Canadian .

A. newspaper B. basketball C. baseball D. oil

3. Which one of the following is NOT true?

A. Canada is connected(连接) with America. B. Canada has not used all the land.

C. Canadians don't like hockey. D. Canada has less people than USA.

参考答案1—3、C C C


I went on vacation with my family last summer. “Wake up! It’s time to go fishing,” My mom woke me up. After having breakfast we got on a boat. Getting up at 6 a.m. was really early and I was not happy, but later, I had fun.

My uncle caught (抓住) a big fish first. And my mom caught one, too. Then I caught a Black Drum. Next, my dad caught a big Sheepshead. The captain said no one caught a big fish like this one. We were all happy when we heard this. Later we tried to catch small sharks (鲨鱼). My grandpa caught one, but it snapped the line (咬断绳子). My uncle caught one, but it also snapped the line. My dad caught one at last. It didn’t look so scary but was a little funny.

Then our fishing activity was over, and we went back with all the fishes. We were tired but happy!

( )1. Who woke up the writer? A. His father.

B. His mother.

C. His uncle.

D. His grandpa.

( )2. The underlined word “captain” means “_______” in Chinese. A. 船长 B. 律师

C. 司机

D. 飞行员

( )3. Why did they feel happy when they heard the captain’s words (话)? A. Because someone caught a fish the same size as theirs. B. Because the Black Drum was expensive. C. Because the fish was the biggest (最大的). D. Because the boat went very fast.

( )4. How did they feel when they went back with the fishes? A. Scared. B. Lucky.

C. Tired and terrible. D. Tired but happy.

( )5. What does the writer talk about? A. His summer vacation. C. His favorite activity.

B. His favorite fish. D. His happy family.

参考答案1—5、 BACDA


There is an old dog in Mr. Smith’s family. The dog’s name is Buddy. When Buddy was young, he could run fast and catch many animals. Mr. Smith loved him very much. Now, Buddy is old and weak.

One day, Mr. Smith and Buddy walked into the forest. Buddy saw a pig and caught it, but he was too old and weak and the pig ran away at last. They didn’t get anything that day and went home.

Mr. Smith was not happy. He said to Mrs. Smith, “Buddy is too old. He doesn’t catch anything today.”

Mrs. Smith answered, “Buddy didn’t do anything wrong (错误的). It’s natural for him to get old. For many years, he helped us catch animals and feed our family. So we shouldn’t be angry (生气的) with him.”

Then Mr. Smith knew he was wrong. He said, “I shouldn’t dislike him for being old. I will love him and be good to him just as before.” ( )1. What is Buddy?

A. A dog. B. A mouse. C. A cat. D. A hen. ( )2. Why didn’t Buddy catch the pig?

A. Because he was hungry. B. Because he was not happy. C. Because he was old and weak. D. Because he didn’t want to kill it.

( )3. What did Mr. Smith and Buddy get that day?

A. A sheep. B. A pig. C. Some fruit. D. Nothing. ( )4. Which of the following is TRUE?

A. Buddy worked hard when he was young. B. Buddy didn’t like catching animals.

C. Mr. Smith didn’t like Buddy when it was young. D. Mrs. Smith was angry with Buddy. ( )5 What does Mr. Smith want to do?
