各类体育运动英语词汇大全 2

发布时间 : 星期六 文章各类体育运动英语词汇大全 2更新完毕开始阅读

举重服 weightlifting suit 腹围、腰身 abdominal girth 举重鞋 weightlifting shoe 直立提肘 abductor lift

举重手套 weightlifting glove 走向杠铃 address the bar 拉力器 wall pulley

加重 add weight to the bar 组合哑铃 dumb-bell sets

可调式头带 adjustable headstrap 镀铬哑铃 chrome dumbell

活动斜板 adjustable slant board 普通正反握 alternate 正反握 alternate grip

(哑铃)交替推 alternate press 交替练习法 alternate set system 美国式 American style 踝部加重袋 ankle weight 自选动作 anyhow

走向杠铃 appoach the bar 屈臂练习凳 arm curl bench 背后直臂上举 arm extension


射箭 archery

可调整箭台 adjustable

箭 arrow

向前一步(弓箭步 advance junge 箭筒 arrow carrier

瞄准引导器 a guide for marking 箭袋 arrow case 瞄准基线 alignment 靶垫 boss

分配靶位 allocation of targets 弓 bow

合金铝箭 aluminum arrow 蓝区 blue zone

琥珀灯光(计时信号) amber light 靶 buttress

固定姿势(拉满弓后的) anchor 护胸 chestplate

确定拉弦手固定点的技术 anchoring 弓弦 cord

拉弦手固定点 anchor point 侧身向靶瞄准 address the taret 水中靶 aquatic target 弩(中世纪) arbalest

弓箭射鱼者 archer-angler

动物形象靶 animal picture target 站立(准备姿势) address 射鹿季节 archer deer season 射箭场 archery field


出发池端 starting edge of pool 游泳池 swimming pool (池)浅端 shallow end 游泳馆 indoor pool 池缘 deck edge

救生带 swimming belt 水线 lane line 救生棒 saving bar 池边 pool side 救生员 lifeguard 池壁 pool wall 救生圈 cork hoop 泳道 swimming lane 膝盖上方 above the knee 标志线 markings 分道线 lane rope 得分 abtain points 意外事故 accident 出发台 starting platform 伴奏 accompaniment 仰泳 back stroke 一致性 accordance 蛙泳 breaststroker 年龄组 age group 游泳帽 bathing cap

年龄组规定动作 age group figures 游泳衣 bathing costume

信天翁式 albatross

信天翁旋转180度 albatross spinning 180 degree 信天翁旋转360度 albatross spinning 360 degree 换气 alternated breathing

(用于)替换器材 alternate facilities

替補队员 alternatives 踝 ankle

广播员 announcer 弓形 arch

弓背,塌腰 arch the back 上拱 arch up


武术 Martial Arts 太极拳 hexagram boxing 刀 broadsword 钩 hook

飞功 chikung 剑 rapier 棍 cudgel 散打 free combat 匕首 dagger 盾 shield

双剑 double

拳法 fist position 叉 fork

猿形 ape form

如封似闭 apparent close 器械对练 armed combat 与眼平 at eye level 与鼻平 at nose level

上步盖掌 backhand stroke in bow step 仰身跌 backward falling

倒毛跟斗 backward somersault

平衡 balance

提膝平衡 balance with one knee raised 平衡练习 balancing exercise

摸胸反击法 against one who grabs your breast

抓肩反击法 against one who grabs your breast shoulders from behind 正面抓单手反击法 against one who seizs one of your hands face to face 身后抓单手反击法 against one who seizs one of your hands from behind


出发池端 starting edge of pool 仰泳 back stroke

(池)浅端 shallow end 蛙泳 breaststroker

池缘 deck edge

游泳帽 bathing cap 水线 lane line

游泳衣 bathing costume 池边 pool side 游泳池 swimming pool 池壁 pool wall 游泳馆 indoor pool 泳道 swimming lane 救生带 swimming belt 分道线 lane rope 救生棒 saving bar 标志线 markings 救生员 lifeguard

出发台 starting platform 救生圈 cork hoop

换气 alternated breathing 全力冲刺 all-out sprint 划臂 arm pull

充分交换 adequate exchange 吸气 breath in 滚翻转身 flip turn 呼气 breath out 打水动作 footwork 入水 entry 蹬水 kick 跳水 spring

踩水 treading water



Athletics (Track & Field)田径 Badminton羽毛球 Baseball棒球 Basketball篮球 Boxing拳击


canoe slalom激流划船 chess 象棋 cricket 板球


(Track赛道 Road公路 Mountain Bike山地车)
