
发布时间 : 星期三 文章广东省深圳市2020届高三英语第二次调研测试试题(深圳二模,无答案)更新完毕开始阅读

16.答案为 threw。 考查学生正确使用动词时态及不规则形式变化的能力。

17.答案为 his。 考查学生在语境中准确使用物主代词的能力。 18.答案为 to。 考查学生根据上下文语境正确把握介词用法的能力。 19.答案为 safety。 考查学生在语境中将形容词转换为名词的词性转换及词形变化能力。

20.答案为 where。 考查学生在语境中准确使用关系副词的能力。 21.答案为 saying。 考查学生正确使用非谓语动词(现在分词)的能力。 22.答案为 How。 考查学生在语境中正确使用疑问副词的能力。 23.答案为 happily。 在语境中将形容词转换为副词的能力。 24.答案为 the。 考查学生根据上下文语境正确使用定冠词的能力。 25.答案为 that。 考查学生根据上下文语境正确使用连接代词的能力。 注:22题答案“How”若不大写不给分。

Ⅱ 阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)



26. 答案为B。考查文章细节理解能力。根据第一段 the question on everyone’s lips。

27. 答案为A。考查推理判断能力。根据第三段“ don't have to pay your realtor any of it.可知。

28. 答案为D。考查文章细节理解能力。根据第四段内容可知。

29. 答案为C。考查句意理解能力....your house is always worth more than you paid for it.

30. 答案为A。考查主旨理解能力。通读文章并理解可知。

B篇是一篇时文。讲述了最近有一股韩剧热,这是由于刚刚热播的韩剧 “来自星星的你” 和“继承者们”,他们摆脱了过去模式化的爱情故事的手法,使得中国观众重新认识韩剧,同时作者也希望能给中国电视的制作带来一些灵感,提高制作水平。

31. 答案为D。考查文章细节理解能力。根据第一段理解可知。 32. 答案为D。考查文章细节理解能力。根据文章第三段内容可知。

33. 答案为C。考查句意理解能力。根据第四段理解可知。“关键理解tailored to meet the Market demands.

34. 答案为B。考查推理判断能力。根据文章第三段内容可知。

35. 答案为A。考查作者写作意图推理判断能力。理解整个故事和文章最后一句可知。


36. 答案为C。考查重点短语理解能力。理解文章第一段可知。 37. 答案为B。考查文章细节理解能力。细读文章第二段可知。 38. 答案为C。考查推理判断能力。根据第三段段内容可知。 39. 答案为A。考查文章主旨理解能力。理解文章主旨可知。 40. 答案为D。推理判断作者写作意图。理解文章主旨可知。


41. 答案为B。考查细节理解的能力。根据文章第二段最后一句可知。关键理解 and some had a rosier outlook than others.

42. 答案为B。考查细节理解的能力。根据第三段内容理解可知. 43. 答案为D。考查细节理解的能力。根据第四段内容理解可知。 44. 答案为C。考查关键词代词的理解能力。理解文章第六段段可知。 45. 答案为A。考查段落大意的理解能力。理解文章最后一段可知。 信息匹配(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)

46. 答案为E。答案由 “deserts; millions of trees” 和 “widespread tree plantings of the deserts”对应。

47. 答案为B。答案由 “food security” , 与 “food security” 对应所决定。 48. 答案为F。答案由 “harming Australia’s economy; mining, farming and tourism industries”, “which harms Australia’s economy in many industries very seriously” 对应所决定。

49. 答案为A。答案由 “downpours; heavy rain; the downpours and flash flooding Sydney more frequent” , “more rain in our Sydney.”所决定。 50. 答案为C。答案由 “air pollution”与“indoor air pollution and 2.6 million outdoors” 所决定。

Ⅲ 写作(共两节,满分为40分) 基础写作(共1小题,满分15分)

I’m Liu Fang, a Senior Three student aged 18, and I’d like to share my social practice experience with you. To enrich my social life, gain more experience and inspire me to study harder, I participated in the activity, working in a Xinhua Bookstore for more than 10 days during the winter vocation. There, I mainly did some cleaning, put the books in order and introduced books to

customers and I also helped the salesmen sell books 8 hours a day. The work made me really tired, which helps me realize that it’s not easy for our parents to earn money. Meanwhile, I have also learned how to communicate with different customers, which has built up my confidence.


Patti, at the age of 5, lost her speaking ability accidently. With the help and encouragement of her mother and a doctor, she overcome many difficulties and succeeded in learning languages.

I think Patti and her mom’s attitudes towards illness and misfortune are positive. They tried every means to overcome difficulties, which led to her success at last. We should learn from their strong will and perseverance. As far as I am concerned, difficulties or misfortunes are an unavoidable part of our life. When facing them in real life, we should be brave and positive and determined to overcome them.

Once in a school speech contest on environment, I was so nervous that I forgot everything. I lost and felt very sad then. But I didn’t lose heart. Since then, I have read lots of books about speech skills, and found every chance I could to improve myself, so last month I got No 1 in the school speech contest, which has proved the power of positive attitude towards failure.

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