
发布时间 : 星期六 文章施工图预算2毕业设计更新完毕开始阅读



题 目:辽宁豫丰工程造价咨询有限公司办公楼施工图预算

指导老师: 王 丹 院 系: 工 商 管 理 学 院 专业班级: 2012 级 工 程 管 理(双 学 位)专 业 姓 名: ****** 日 期: 2013年10月

中文题目:辽宁豫丰工程造价咨询有限公司办公楼施工图预算 外文题目:The bugdet of construction drawing of Liaoning Yufeng construction cost consulting offices 毕业设计(论文)共99 页 (其中外文文献及译文翻译12页)

完成日期 2013年10月20号 答辩日期 2013年10月 摘要



关键词:施工图预算; 工程造价;工程量计算


The construction drawing budget is the construction enterprise and construction unit signed contracts, project budget contract, the allocation of engineering and management engineering settlement basis; is the construction of enter prise planning, implement economic accounting and evaluation to conduct the result of basis. In the implementation

of the bidding and contracting system circumstances, is to determine the bid price bidding and construction enter priseson the basis of the construction unit. The construction drawing budget is the construction project cost is determined on the basis of the construction drawing design stage. The project cost refers to the construction of a project is expected to total investment in fixed assets cost or actual expenditure, project cost management is a technical, professional and strong work.

This paper mainly for the preparation of Liaoning Yufeng engineering cost consulting limited company office building construction budget, in the preparation process of engineering quantity by software calculation, material price according to the Liaoning 08 fixed price, engineering cost all of the software to set the price. At the end of the man-machine material were analyzed, reasonable shows the composition and other related contents of the project cost.

Key words: construction cost;Construction Budget;Engineering calculation


1绪论 ......................................................... 6 1.1设计目的和意义 .............................................. 6 1.2国内外的研究现状 ............................................ 7 1.3设计方案 .................................................. 11 1.3.1工程概况 ................................................ 11 1.3.2设计基本内容 ............................................. 11 1.3.3设计依据 ................................................ 12 1.3.4设计方法 ................................................ 12

2辽宁豫丰工程造价咨询有限公司办公楼工程量的计算 ............... 14 2.1土方工程 .................................................. 15 2.2砌筑工程 .................................................. 15 2.3混凝土及钢筋混凝土工程 ..................................... 15 2.5防腐、保温、隔热工程 ....................................... 17 2.6筑物超高增加人工、机械降效 ................................. 2.7措施项目 .................................................. 2.8装饰部分 .................................................. 3辽宁豫丰工程造价咨询有限公司办公楼工程造价的确定 ............. 3.1直接费的计算 ............................................... 3.1.1直接工程费的计算 ......................................... 3.1.2措施费的计算 ............................................. 3.2间接费的计算 ............................................... 3.3利润 ...................................................... 3.4税金 ...................................................... 4工程造价的分析与对比 ......................................... 5结论 ........................................................ 致谢 .......................................................... 参考文献 ...................................................... 附表A ........................................................ 附录B外文文献译文 ............................................

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