
发布时间 : 星期五 文章惊天魔盗团更新完毕开始阅读

没错- 咱们接着来吧- Right.- So let's stick with this exercise. 这有助于?- 打扰了- And it helps...- Pardon the intrusion.

我只想祝你们今晚好运I just wanted to wishyou good luck tonight.

然后就可以在网站曝光?What, so you can try to expose us lateron your little website? 应大众要求And on demand.

你盼望的事不会发生That's not gonna happen. 不会吗?Oh, no?

因为\眼睛\的传说所以要在专机上表演?Operating on a special planebecause of The Eye?

我听说那是个美丽的地方星光月光交相辉映I heard it's a lovely place.Lots of starshine and moonbeams.

可以让魔术师的每个梦想成真Make any magician's wish come true. 你们已经走了很远You've come a long way,

远远超过了那些期盼成名者和功成名就者所期望的much furtherthan anyone would have expectedof a bunch of wanna-bes and has-beens.

如果\功成名就\指的是我那我有点受宠若惊If by \you're referring to me,I just wanna say I'm flattered,

我总以为自己是个从未成功者because I always considered myselfa never-was. 能对你做个快速观察吗?Do you mind if I do a quick read on you? 当然可以By all means.

好,我脑子里出现一个小男孩Okay, I'm picturing a little boy.

梦想有一天成为大魔术师He wants to be a great magician someday.

他算是不错,但远远不够And though he's good,he's not quite good enough.

所以他最终成为了娱乐圈食物链的最底端So he ends up at the bottomof the entertainment food chain,

靠那些天才为生而他们的天资是他永远达不到的feeding off of thosewho have the talent that he never did.

我说的接近吗?Tell me. Am I getting close? 先别走,我练了点新招术有时间吗?Wait. Before you go. I'm workingon something new. Do you have a second?

好,说一张牌Okay. Name a card.

红桃K- 我就知道- King of hearts.- Knew it. 好的Okay.

在你左边的袖子里It's up your left sleeve. 是吗?Is it?

不,没有啊No. No, I don't see it up there.

干嘛不看一下你那边的口袋?You know, why don't you checkyour unnecessary velveteen pocket there? 对Yeah.

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好啦,谢谢你能来,不过这是个只有天才能来的领域,所以?Anyway, thank you so much for coming by, butthis is kind of a talent only area, so... 祝你们好运Break a leg.

也祝你好运Hey, you break something, too. 各位先生女士Ladies and gentlemen,

欢迎各位莅临今晚的特别表演the Savoy management welcomes you to tonight's special performance,

四骑士,第二慕The Four Horsemen, Act Two. 跟传统表演不同Unlike traditional performances,

四骑士鼓励你录影、Call朋友The Four Horsemen encourage you to film, call your friends, 自由上传、串流和PO文upload, stream, and tweet the show freely.

谢谢,节目将于几分钟后开始Thank you. The show will begin in a few minutes. 这表不错Nice watch.

家传的It's a family heirloom.

对了,我知道他怎么变那个戏法By the way, I know how he did that trick. 谁?- Who? 谢克- Shrike.

他14岁时So, when he was 14,

看到中央公园有颗树上有洞he saw a hole in a tree in Central Park. 他找个旋转木马的员工He had a guy who worked at the carousel

在纸牌上签名,就像普通小把戏sign a card for what looked like a routine little trick. 那个人退休时At the guy's retirement, 8年后18 years later,

谢克表演时让那个人签在纸牌上Shrike performs, has the guy sign a card, 登登!and presto!

纸牌就在树里The card is in the tree.

8年前就在树里It was in the tree for 18 years. 纸牌在树里The card was in the tree.

8年来树长大把纸牌包覆The tree grew around the card in 18 years. 那不是魔术That's not magic.

重点是这戏法不能看短程The point is, the trick was not to look closely. 要看长程It was to look so far

要回顾到20年前that you see 20 years into the past.

谢克落水后,从未寻获尸体After Shrike drowned, they never found the body. 你暗示什么?What are you suggesting? 亚瑟崔斯勒呈献Arthur Tressler presents 杰克怀德Jack Wilder, 海莉李维Henley Reeves,

梅利麦金尼Merritt McKinney, 丹尼亚特斯and Daniel Atlas.

四骑士魔术团The Four Horsemen.

谢谢,节目开始前Thank you. Before we begin,

我们要特别提到两个人,一男一女为他们奉上今晚的演出we'd like to single outtwo people in particular.A man and a woman to whom we'd liketo dedicate tonight's performance. BI警官迪伦·罗兹FBI Agent Dylan Rhodes

和漂亮的,经验不太足的国际刑警阿尔玛·德雷and the lovely, if somewhat inexperienced,Interpol Agent Alma Dray, everyone.

好,罗兹警官本人发誓要“逮住我们”Yeah, Agent Rhodeshas personally vowed to \如果他有这个聪明才智我们鼓励他这样做And we encourage him to do soif he has the brains

and the fur.

什么是魔术?What is magic? 我们的论点Our argument,

就是锁定目标的骗术nothing but targeted deception. 所以我要你们看好So I want you to look. 看越仔细越好Look as closely as possible.

因为你们即将看到的戏法Because the tricks you are about to see 可能看起来无迹可循may not seem connected. 但我们保证有迹可循But we assure you, they are.

接下来是百变的不同戏法?Is what follows 100 different tricks? 还是一场超大幻术?Or is it one giant illusion?

书中记载最古老的戏法之一And now for one of the oldest tricks in the book. 丹尼,请打开箱子Danny, if you wouldn't mind opening up the box,

给大家看里面空无一物and showing everybody that it's completely empty.

我们需要12位勇敢的自愿者Now, we're gonna need 12 courageous volunteers. 我要把这只可爱的小兔子I'm gonna take sweet little Fluffy here, 放进这个神秘箱子and put her inside this mystery box. 观众席有两支铅笔There are two pencils out there. 举高,给我看Hold 'em up high. Let me see 'em. 这里- Here! - Yeah!

现在你说那句魔咒And now, you will say the magic word. “我变”Abracadabra.

我会无故挥动魔杖Yes, and I will wave this magic wand for no reason. And then... 兔子就会在你们眼前消失Fluffy has magically vanished before your very eyes.

你们体验集体催眠的机会来了If you haven't experienced mass hypnosis, you're about to. 睡着And sleep.

沉睡,睡着,完全睡着Down, down. Sleep, sleep. Completely sleep. 很好,睡着Good, good. Sleep, sleep.

今晚我们要揭穿一些魔术神话And now we are gonna debunk a few magic myths this evening. 我们都知道兔子活得好好的We all know that Fluffy is, in fact, alive and well. 兔子奇迹地出现了And Fluffy has miraculously appeared. 因为藏有镜子As has the mirror

会让箱子看起来像空的 which makes the box only appear as though it's empty. 当你们听到“别动”这个词When you hear the word \你们都变成足球选手you are all football players. 你们的任务就是阻截And your job is to tackle, 破坏 dismantle, 毁损crush,

拳打脚赐tear limb from limb, 对象是四分卫the quarterback.

我们都听说过从帽子里变兔子Now, we've all heardof pulling the rabbit out of the hat. 有人听说过兔子变帽子吗?But has anyone heardof pulling a hat out of a rabbit? 你们会知道谁是四分卫You will know who the quarterback is. 他会是说那个词的人He will be the one saying that word.


3、2、1 Three, two, one...

好,手放中间,1、2、3Put your hands in the middle. One, two, three... 干掉四分卫Kill the quarterback!

回到你们的座位Get on back to your seats.

我有预感很快会见到你们I got a feeling I'm gonna be seeing you soon. 你变苗条了I guess you have lost some weight. 在中场休息At the intermission,

我们要你们写下目前的银行余额we asked you to write down your current bank balance, 密封在信封里and seal it in an envelope.

该拿出信封了Now it's time to take those envelopes out. 大家都拿出来Everyone take 'em out. 现在各位Now, everybody,

一起大声喊出自己的名字,开始shout out your name. All at once. Go. 大声喊出Shout 'em out.

克雷门?法尼克?Clement? Frannick? 这里- Yeah! Up here!

在那里- Oh. Way up there.

好,迪娜?罗伯森?Okay. Dina? Robertson? 是我That's me!

好,继续报名字Okay. Names. Names. Let's go. 乔瑟芬?希基?Josepha Hickey? 是我That's me!

乔瑟芬,我要你专注在你的余额Josepha, I want you to focus on your balance, 大声从1数到10and count from one to 10 out loud. 1、2、3、4、5? One, two, three, four, five... 停Stop.

第一位数是5?Is the first digit 5? 对Yes.

重数,这次快点Do it again. This time, faster.

1、2、3、4、5、6? One, two, three, four, five, six... 停Stop.

6,重数Six. Again. 1、2? One, two... 乔瑟芬Josepha,

你今天的银行余额是562元?is your bank balance $562 as of today? 对,这是我的数字Yeah. That's what I got. 可惜你错了Unfortunately, you're wrong. 好,迪娜Okay, Dina. 1… 1, 4… 4, 7… 7, 7.

对- Yeah.
