
发布时间 : 星期三 文章惊天魔盗团更新完毕开始阅读

有个人去看医生Guy goes to the doctor.

医生说你要停止打手枪了Doctor says, \他问为什么,不影响检查啊He says, \

丹尼,我想讨论我演出时的角色Oh, Danny, can I talk to you about - my role in the show real quick? - Yeah, yeah, yeah. Sure.

两位Hey' guys.

我们有表演要准备We got a show to prepare for. Do we now? 现在吗?No, no, no, don't do that.

不行,不准催眠我You're not doing that thing to me. No. 怕啥?我只是在看你What thing? I'm just looking at you.

才怪,我观察你一年了No, you're not. I've been watching you for a year. 我摸清你的所有小技俩I know all of your little tricks. 哪些小技俩?That what they are to you? Tricks?

只是花招,同一套说词Yes, it's gimmicks. It's Barnum statements. 读眼神,肢体语言,我了It's reading the eyes. Body language. I get it.

既然这么容易,何不试试海莉?If it's such an easy thing, why don't you do Henley? 对,何不试试我?Yeah, Danny. Why don't you do me?

不,你太容易了,我会试洁丝敏No, you're too easy. I'll do Jasmine. 不好No.

试试我Do me.

好,试试亚瑟Oh, yeah. Yeah. Do Art. 好Okay.

更好人选Even better.

但我先警告,我很难解读- Art. - Yeah. But I warn you, I can be difficult to read, when I want to be.

专心看着我Just stay with me, okay?

你小时候很强悍So, Art, you were a tough kid. 有点像流氓You know, kind of a real rapscallion.

你养一只狗,很强悍的狗You had a dog. A real tough dog. 很凶猛的品种A brutish breed. Like a real...

我猜叫做班,牛头犬I want to say, Ben the bulldog. 其实我小时候是胆小鬼Actually, I was a prissy little tot. 我养一只毛绒绒的白猫I had a fluffy white cat 名为鼻鼻called Snuffles. 对不起Sorry.

让我试试,我比他强多了Wait, let me try one.

让他试试- I can do way better than that. - Let him do it.

再给我一次机会Come on, give me one more time. One more time. 他比你强多了He can do way better than that. 来猜家人Let's do family.

你有个舅舅You had an uncle on your mother's side.

他有很MAN的名字He had a real, kind of... A real masculine name. 不矫揉造作A real, kind of, salt-of-the-earth... 又很挑衅You know, a real stick-it-to-you...

像是保罗?汤普森?Like it was some kind of Paul. Thompson? 是保罗吗?Was it a Paul...

说真的,我读不到Okay. You know what? I got nothin'. 很接近了 - 真的?- Nearly though. - Was I?

对,我舅舅叫做库许曼阿米塔吉Yeah. My uncle's name was Cushman Armitage. 当真?鼻鼻和库许曼阿米塔吉?Really? Snuffles and Cushman Armitage? 那是你的童年?That was your childhood?

希望今晚的表演会比这强I certainly hope tonight's show is gonna be better than this. 别担心,等着瞧Don't worry. Just you wait.

拜托,给我订房的好消息Hey. Come on, give me some good news on a hotel room, please. 没搞错?What, are you kidding me? 有嘉年华会耶No, it's Mardi Gras, Dylan.

剧场的视线范围内订不到房There's nothing within sight of the theater.

等一下,这女人跑去哪了?Hold on a second. Hold on. Where is this woman? 嗨,找到你了Hey, hey! There you are.

法国女来纽奥良观光?What, the French girl doing a little sightseeing while she's in New Orleans?

不,其实在这里讲法语是优势No. In fact, here, speaking French is actually an asset. 有看到那里的女人吗?Do you see that woman up there? 她叫做玛丽克蕾儿That's Marie Claire.

她借我们一间很棒的公寓And she has a lovely apartment for us. 不客气You're welcome. 好Yeah.

找到地方了We got a place.

我要你们两个人在这里其余30人在这周围I want two each inside of here.The other 30 around here.

房顶、小巷、阳台Roofs, alleys, balconies.

时刻盯着骑士团 - 是,先生- Eyes on The Horsemen at all times. - Yes, sir.

00年前,威廉·罗宾逊改名为程连苏Wow, 100 years ago, William Robinson took the name Chung Ling Soo

一生中从不在公开场合说英语and spent his entire lifenever speaking English in public. 另一人,麦辛米伦This other guy, Maximillian...

我现在没兴趣上魔术史课I am not interested in a history lesson on magic at this moment. 随你想继续正中他们下怀If you want to keep playing into their hands, go for it. 我只是试着了解他们的想法I'm just trying to understand how they think. 你认为我正中他们下怀?You think I'm playing in their hands, do you?

我不懂靠机器要怎么对付这种事I don't know how any of that is gonna go against this. 哪种事?魔术?This what? This magic? 莱诺谢克Lionel Shrike. 在中央公园In Central Park,

他要一个人抽张牌并签名he has a guy pick a card and sign it.

然后他走向一棵种在那20年的树Then he goes to a tree that has been there 20 years. 把树切开两半They saw the tree in half.

树里,装在玻璃罐里Inside the tree, encased in glass,

正是签名的那张牌is the card with the signature. 他怎么做到的?How did he do that?

不知道,但我确定有合理的解释I have no idea. But I'm sure there's a logical explanation. \\fn黑体\\fs24}失陪了{\\r}Excusez-moi.

你们有人守在大厅吗?You guys got a guy in that lobby yet? 没有,但我有好消息No, but I do have some good news.

记得亚特斯是个控制狂Remember how Atlas is such a control freak,

他要所有团员戴着追踪手环?he's got his whole crew on those tracking bracelets? 什么追踪手环?What tracking bracelets?

他要每个团员戴着追踪手环He has every member of his crew wearing a tracking bracelet. 是低频平带手环Those bracelets are on a sub-8 flat-band. 只要亚特斯追踪它们So as long as Atlas is tracking them... 下一个Next.

我们就能从指挥组这里追踪到他...our boys can track Atlas from right here in the mobile command unit.

好,有任何动静打给我Okay, call me if you get any movement. 收到Copy that.

你失去重点了You are missing the big picture here, Dylan.

巴黎有个地方,艺术桥There is a place in Paris, Pont des Arts.

有时早上我坐在那里的椅子上Sometimes in the mornings I sit on a bench there. 看着人们许愿And I watch the people make a wish

把愿望锁进桥上的挂锁里and lock it in a lock on the bridge. 然后把钥匙扔进塞纳河Then throw the key into the Seine. 整天有人这样做All day they do this.

母亲、恋人、老人Mothers, lovers, old men.

看着钥匙沉进河里Watching the key sink into the water 他们的秘密永远锁着and their secret is locked away forever. 既平凡又神奇Real and, at the same time, magical. 所以So,

你真的认为可能有第五名骑士? do you really think it's possible there's a fifth Horseman? 对Yeah.

font color=\“破解魔术,塞杜斯布莱德利”{\\r}

传闻中有个密令源自古埃及 名为“天眼”There is a legend of a secret order born in ancient Egypt called \

听说他们的手法鬼斧神工It is said they perfected sleight of hand

偷法老的食物给奴隶to steal food from the Pharaohs and give it to the slaves. 他的目的?Their purpose?

利用魔术和幻术来伸张正义Using magic and illusion to even the scales of justice.

四骑士会笨到相信这种古老神话?Are The Horsemen next in a long line of fools to believe this myth?

会像在赌城一样神乎奇技脱罪?Will they evade the rules of law and logic like they did in Las Vegas?

或是南方沼泽的黑魔法Or will the dark mysticism of this Southern swampland 会击败他们?get the better of them?

棒极了,布莱德利先生Bravo, Mr. Bradley.

除非你有停止令,但你没有Either you have a cease-and-desist, which you don't, 否则你该离开or you should leave.

如果我想停止或制止什么If I want something to cease or desist, 一定会生效it does. 休息5分钟Take five.

根据你的潜在赞助人According to your potential backers, 你最成功的节目you stand to make 2.5 million tops 顶多让你赚250万from your best special. 我这里有张支票I have here a check 50万for 3.5 million.

要我走人?To walk away?

远走高飞,我的喷射机任你差遣To fly away. My jet is at your disposal. 别自欺欺人了,崔斯勒先生Let's not kid ourselves, Mr. Tressler. 你是利用他们的成功赚钱You're in this to ride them up. 我是利用他们的失败赚钱I'm in it to ride them down. 看来我们谈判破局了I take it that we do not have a deal. 这表示我们存在冲突And therein lies our conflict. 我直话直说Let me be blunt.

我的财力比你雄厚太多了My bank account is much, much bigger than yours. 我的律师也厉害多了And my lawyers are much stronger. 他们会让你动弹不得And they will manacle you 强加许多禁令with so many injunctions.

直到你绝望地闪边去Until you stand by, hopelessly watching 看着你拥有的一切消失殆尽everything that you own drain away 就在你贪婪的小眼面前in front of your greedy little eyes.

这不是我第一次遭受威胁This isn't the first time I've been threatened. 可我还在这里And I'm still here.

对,不过是你第一次被我威胁It is, however, the first time you've been threatened by me. 如果你有任何破坏我投资的举动And if you do anythingto sully my investment, 那我的搞砸行动the ride down, which you mentioned,

将会突然凌空而下强大到地震仪都能测得到will be sudden, precipitous,and measurable on the Richter scale.

不妙,你早该威胁的You shouldn't have done that. 根据迷信According to superstition,

使用人偶泄忿的人one who uses a doll to enact one's own wrath, 可能会反受其害is likely to bring that very wrath unto himself. 真讽刺Isn't that funny?

我以为你不相信魔术And I thought you didn't believe in magic. 帮我个忙Do me a favor.

想象你最大胆的性爱经历Visualize your most adventuroussexual experience. 别打我主意,色鬼Stay out of my head, you perv.

不行,不打你的主意我就永远无法上你Well, no, if I stay out of your head,I'm never gonna get into your pants.
