
发布时间 : 星期四 文章惊天魔盗团更新完毕开始阅读

行啦I mean, come on. 被你看穿了You got me.

如果你真想知道If you really want to know

一家巴黎银行如何被拉斯维加斯舞台上的人抢了how a bank in Paris was robbedfrom a stage in Las Vegas,

我的特辑下个月出来my special comes out next month.

那我指控你妨碍办案拖你下水 逼你告诉我呢?Or I could just bring you inon obstruction chargesand force you to tell me.

除非你真正要说的是Unless, of course,what you're trying to say to me is that 你根本破解不了他们you actually don't know how they did it. 表演技巧和戏剧效果Showmanship and theatrics.

当魔术师挥着手说When a magician waves his hand and says, “魔术发生在这里”\

真正的戏法是发生在别处The real trick is happening somewhere else. 障眼法,魔术的基本概念Misdirection. A basic concept of magic. 我对魔术的概念没兴趣Not interested in the concepts of magic. 我想知道他们怎么抢银行的I wanna know how they robbed a bank. 白痴才会以为他们抢银行You're an idiot if you think they robbed a bank. 但别轻信我的话But don't take my word for it. 想去巴黎吗?How about a trip to Paris?

希米亚,请拿出念力头盔Hermia, the teleportation helmet, please, darling? 你在开玩笑吧?You're joking, right?

你到底想不想摸清他们?You wanna know how they did it or not? 我来套在你头上I'm just gonna put this on your head. 走向前Step right UP There you go. 很好There you go.

现在放下惟幕,一切安全无虞Now we just pull this down all safe and snug. 自在一点,很好Make yourself comfortable. There we go. 当你准备去巴黎And when you're ready to go to Paris, 只要说个神奇字眼just say the magic word. 吹我喇叭?Blow me? 行得通- That'll suffice. 一路顺风- Bon voyage.


我个人宁可走楼梯去巴黎I personally prefer to take the stairs to Paris. 欢迎来到光之城Welcome to the City of Light, Agent Rhodes.

真难笑,这顶头盔是怎样?Hardy har har. What was with the helmet? 我的乐子My fun. 干嘛?What? 没事Nothing.

原来他们有个金库场景 - 对So they got a vault set. Yes.

完全复制那个法国佬的银行And it's the exact replica of the little French guy's bank. 所以他是暗桩So he's a plant.

他是衰鬼,不是暗桩He was a dupe, not a plant.

他们选择他,知道他坐哪里They chose him. They knew which seat he was in. 不,是观众选位No, no, no, the audience picked the seat.

当然除非观众没选位Unless, of course, the audience didn't pick the seat. 他们让观众以为自己选位They let them think they picked the seat. 那我们随机选一人We'll choose one at random then.

其实他们手上藏着?Actually, they were just palming the ball 他们想要的座位号码球with the seat number they wanted. 抽中第5排We are looking at row number 5.

海莉,请抽出座位号码Henley, could I please have a seat number? 幸运号码13Lucky number 13.

能确认这是你的座位吗?Could you just confirm that this is, in fact, your seat? 他被选中He was selected.

他们操控他的心智去赌城They programmed his mind to make him go to Las Vegas. Viva Las Vegas.

不断刺激诱使他去And then they kept reinforcing it, until he did. 他们跟踪他They trailed him. 研究他They studied him.

万无一失Nothing was left to chance.

我摸出他的衣服尺寸了I got his measurements.

他不知道自己就是目标He had no idea he was their target. 他们只是在赌城启动他And they simply activated him in Vegas. 当我弹手指When I snap my fingers...

再次介绍,梅利麦金尼And once again, Merritt McKinney.

那他们怎么知道他的银行?But how did they know what bank was his? 你别闹了- You're kidding. - Really?

真的假的?你可以再跩一点吗?Can you be any more of a condescending ass? 可以Yes.

听好了Like this.

有个很罕见的神秘方式There's a very rare, very mysterious way

魔术师能预言观众的银行in which a magician divines an audience member's bank. 准备好了?You ready? 好了Yes.

信用卡Credit card.

所以他们取得信用卡的签名And that's how they got the signature for the card 留在巴黎的金库they left in the vault in Paris. 很好Very good.

你被占上风了,罗德探员You're being one-upped, Agent Rhodes.

但他们得把签名纸牌放进金库Okay, but they had to get the signature card in the vault. 你是说他们没偷钱You said they didn't steal the money.

我没说他们没偷钱No, I didn't say they didn't steal the money. 我是说他们没抢那间银行I said they didn't rob the bank.

我猜他们锁定装运的新钞My guess is that they targeted a shipment of freshly minted money 要送往法国佬的银行headed to the Frenchman's bank 装在装甲车上on-board an armored truck.

这同样很难闯入Which, of course, is just as hard to break into. 除非你已经身在里面Unless you're already inside.

尽管银行会说服你And despite what the banks would have you believe,

运钞车驾驶可能被催眠the men who drive these trucks are not exactly mental giants. 这对四骑士来说易如反掌For our Horsemen... ...it was almost too easy. 伙伴们Hey, boys-

他们怎么让假钱在金库里消失?So, how did they make the phony money disappear from the vault?

闪光纸Flash paper.

魔术师常用这招Magicians use it all the time.

不起烟雾,不留残渣Creates no smoke, leaves no residue.

两天前,没人听过这群人Two days ago, no one heard of these guys, 但今晚的表演在35秒内售罄but tonight's show sold out in 35 seconds.

这些人破解打入娱乐界的秘密I think these guys have cracked the secret to show business. 发300万元给观众Give your audience $3 million.

皆大欢喜,对吧?Puts 'em in a good mood, doesn't it? 最精彩的闭幕Best finale ever.

他们证明变魔术可以打到砲They're gonna be the first magicians in history to get laid. 记得,如果氧气罩落下Remember, if the oxygen mask comes down, 先给律师戴- put it on the lawyer first. Remember. - Oh, yes. 我总是这样I always do. It's lawyer first,

先是律师,再来是我,儿童最后- then myself and then the children. - Then yourself. 对,儿童最后Yes. Then the children.

我直说我们俩在想什么吧Um... Allow me to make plainwhat we've both been thinking.We'll be getting there a few minutes early.


你想说什么?And what's that?

显然你对丹尼有好感Well, obviously, you have feelingsof affection for Daniel.

没回报又被误解 都怪他是个感情白痴Unrequited and misguided, owing tohis lack of emotional availability.

于是你就拼命?Consequently, you're very tightly... 该怎么形容?How should I put it? Um... 无法发泄Corked. 是吗?Oh, I am?

我看出你的肉体需求无法满足Now, recognizing thatyou have physical needs not being met, 纯粹出于帮助我的姊妹and strictly in the veinof helping a sister out,

我乐意让你当作私人玩物I invite you to think of meas your own personal corkscrew. 哦,谢啦Wow. Thanks.

我会考虑这种廉价又玩票的性Let me mull overthat offer of cheap and meaningless sex. 廉价又玩票的性,或许吧Cheap and meaningless, maybe, but, uh, 但不费时not time-consuming.

我们将提前几分钟到达We should be getting therea few minutes early. 坐好休息,放轻松So, sit back, relax.

我们很快会到达纽奥良市We should be in the Big Easy soon.

感谢今天搭乘本班机Appreciate you flying with us today.

塞杜斯除了削钱还有什么好康?So, what's in it for Tressler, besides the money? 自尊心Ego.

选张纸牌Okay, pick your card.

看完放进整副牌里,告诉我Look at it, put it in the deck, and tell me. 不,别告诉我No, don't tell me. 好.Okay-.Okay-

塞杜斯那晚在场Thaddeus was there that night.

他清楚他们怎么搞鬼,那他呢?He knows exactly how they pulled it off. What about him? 你说什么?What are you saying?

你认为他们合作You think they could be working together. 我不确定I don't know.

但这些人只是一群街头魔术师All I know is that these guys were a bunch of street magicians 一年前还名不经传a year ago with no resources.

他们怎么能一夕爆红So, how do they go from doing that to this 如果没有外力帮忙?without some kind of outside help? 这是你的牌吗?Is this your card?

不,我的牌在那个人的大腿上No, my card is sitting over there in that guy's lap. 牌洗得不错Nice shuffle.

按书上说,这招很难练You know, this is hard.According to this book,

一个简单动作有些人每天八小时坚持练一年some of those guys practice one simplemove eight hours a day for years.

是吗?那些人真闲得没事干Really? Some of those guysseriously need to get a life. 你对所有魔术师都有成见?Is it magicians, in general, you have a problem with? 还是针对那群人?Or specifically those guys?

我才不鸟什么魔术师I could careless about magicians in general.

我讨厌的是剥削别人的家伙What I hate is people who exploit other people. 怎么剥削?Exploit them how? 再抽一张Try again.

藉由利用别人的弱点By taking advantage of their weaknesses.

人们需要相信无解的谜团Their need to believe in something that's unexplainable 才禁得起无奈的人生in order to make their lives more bearable. 我认为这是优点I see it as a strength.

我有信仰时人生更快乐My life is happier when I believe that. 这是你的牌吗?Is this your card? 对Yeah. 是吗?Yeah? 对- Yeah. 酷喔- Cool.

你是真心在笑吗?That smile on your face. Is it real? 或许吧Maybe.

那我问你,探员先生So let me ask you, Mr. Detective Man. 你感觉被剥削吗?Do you feel exploited?

还是你有点乐在其中?Or did you have maybe a tiny, tiny bit of fun?
