
发布时间 : 星期一 文章惊天魔盗团更新完毕开始阅读

想必富勒探员打死不会承认Or might not have, if you believe everything Agent Fuller is saying to be correct.

不过FBI不是很自豪?But isn't there a proud tradition in the FBI 有男扮女装的传统吗?of men wearing dresses?

不可耻,富勒探员,不可耻No shame, Agent Fuller. No shame. 我只是闹着玩I'm just having fun.

这是你的牌吗?不是Was this your card? No.

我知道你不是红桃王后See, I knew you weren'ta queen of hearts lady, 我对此表示尊重and I respect that.

如果不被绑着,我能玩得更好The trick usually works betterwhen I'm not strapped in here, 不过我知道规矩but I understand protocol. 好啦,好啦Okay, okay.

如果你没有涉案So, if you had nothing to do with it,

签名的纸牌怎么会在金库中?then how did the playing card get into the vault? 因为?套句流行用语Oh, yes. That would be... What do the kids call it these days? 没错,是“魔术”Oh, yes, that's right. Magic.

回答问题,臭屁鬼Just answer the question, okay, smartass. 好,抱歉,抱歉All right. Sorry, sorry, sorry.

给你,别分他喝You can keep that. Don't share it with him. 上面写你是心灵魔术师It says here you are a mentalist. 到底什么是心灵魔术?What exactly is mentalism?

大部分是戏法,小部分是科学Tricks, mostly. Some science.

最佳说法是套用经验法则Targeted guessing might be a most apt description. 伴随着某种直觉Along with some intuition and the occasional... 和脑中不时出现声音Voices in my head.

这里说你曾经红透半边天Says here you were fairly famous at one point. 你甚至能透过电话催眠人You can even hypnotize people over the phone. 在全美大型巡演几年Some big tours around the U.S. for a few years, 演出两个电视节目- two TV specials. 光辉岁月- Glory days.

然后你的兄弟经理Then your brother/manager disappeared 卷走你的辛苦钱落跑with all your hard-earned money. 做过研究,是吧?Did your research, did you? 国税局查帐,欠税IRS audit. Back taxes.

你花了很大功夫才返回舞台吧?You've had a long hard slog back into the limelight, haven't you, Mr. McKinney?

确实,感谢让我重温旧梦Yes, indeed, it has. And I do appreciate that trip down Memory Lane. 依我了解As far as I understand it,

当那个巴黎人戴上神奇头盔 when the man from Paris put on the magical helmet... 听我说Listen to me.

就算你没抢银行,但你事先知情If you didn't rob that bank, then you knew about it. 所以你是共犯Which makes you an accomplice.

所以别妄想你今天能走出这里?So if you wanna walk out of here today, I'd suggest you start... 你才听我说Now you listen to me,

除非你以为有哪个内华达州检察官unless you think there's a D.A. in the state of Nevada 会向陪审团解释这怪事who'd be willing to make sense of this to a jury, 不然我们还有表演then we have a show to perform.

而你罗德探员,最好从头调查And you, Agent Rhodes, have a drawing board to get back to. 你们是第一次拍拖吗?Is this your first date? 什么?What?

显然你们不太熟No, I mean, obviously, you guys don't know each other well, if at all. 但现场酝酿着暧昧But, like, there is a palpable tension in this room. 在你们有一腿之前And before you get involved,

你该考虑她有很多大秘密you should consider the fact that she has a lot of big secrets.

首先这是你第一次出外勤 对吧?And I know the first one is that this is your first time off the desk. Isn't it?

你该对他坦承的You should have said something to him. 这样发现不是滋味吧This is a weird way for you to find out.

你是巴不得被逮捕吧?You are literally begging to be arrested. You know that?

乐意之至,但你不会If it means you would actually do it, then, yeah. But you won't. 因为你逮捕我就表示Because if you did, it means that you,

你、FBI和你的国际刑警朋友and the FBI, and your friends at Interpol, 相信并公开承认魔术actually believe, at an institutional level, in magic. 媒体会大肆报导The press would have a field day.

我们会变得更有名And we'd be even more famous than we already are.

你们会显得更愚蠢And you guys would look like idiots even more then you already are. 不是你,是他Well, no, not you. But him. Right?

你落入我们这行常说的?You have, what we in the business, like to call, 变不出戏法了\你心知肚明And you know it.

别勾引他又甩掉他Don't draw him in and then dump him

因为被遗弃是他的罩门because abandonment is a big \妈咪?Mommy? 是爹地Daddy.

你有老爸情结You have big daddy issues. 够了- Okay, that's enough.

这种疗程要花你200到300元- I'll tell you what. Your average therapist is gonna charge you $200-$300 for this sesh.

我只收你10元Me? I'll take a tenner.

好,待会如果你度量够大Okay, later, if you're feeling magnanimous, 我还是收你10元I'll still take a tenner.

知道你之前谁坐你的位子吗?You wanna know who sat in that chair before you? 那些黑帮老大、杀人犯和窃贼Mob bosses, murderers, and thieves. 知道谁逮到他们?And you know who put them there? 坐我位子的人The guy who's sitting in this chair. 所以我警告你So I warn you,

我跟你耗多久都行I can maintain my resolve much longer

你狐假虎威撑不久了than you can maintain that phony arrogance.

一旦你的原样And the instant that you even show

出现破绽 我会找上你the slightest crack in that smug facade, I'll be there. 我会缠上你像是?I will be all over you like... 阴魂不散?Like white on rice?

对不起,不公平Sorry. That's unfair. 换我警告你Let me warn you.

我要你继续侦查I want you to follow.

因为无论你以为知道什么Because no matter what you think you might know,

我们永远会超前你好几步we will always be one step, three steps, seven steps ahead of you. 当你以为追上我们And just when you think you're catching up, that's when we'll be right behind you.

我们早就躲在你后面And at no time will you be anywhere other 不久你就会落入我们的圈套than exactly where I want you to be. 所以尽管靠近,缠着我So come close. Get all over me 因为你越靠近because the closer you think you are, 越看不到真相the less you'll actually see. 我会逮到你I'm gonna nail you...

小妞,那罐汽水有问题吗?Something wrong with that soda, Miss? 小心Oh! Shit!

魔术入门First rule of magic.

永远当全场最聪明的人Always be the smartest guy in the room.

老大,怎样?放他们走?Boss, what are we doing? We're letting them go? 他们等于承认了还要再干They all but admitted they're gonna do it again.

半小时前你根本不鸟他们About a half an hour ago, you didn't give a damn about them. 怎么改变了?- What changed? 我棋逢敌手- I met them. Hey. Guys.

两位,我查过观众Hey, I ran a check on the audience.

多数是暗桩,崔斯勒的人遍布全场Most of it was just filler. People that Tressler dragged in to pack the room.

但猜谁坐在后座拍下整场表演?But guess who was sitting there in the back, filming the whole damn thing?

天晓得I don't know.

塞杜斯布莱德利Thaddeus Bradley. 塞杜斯布莱德利Thaddeus Bradley,

靠DVD和作秀走红的电视艺人?the guy from TV with the DVDs and shows? 没印象No.

他常拆穿魔术师Okay, well, he debunks magicians.

揭露他们,破解戏法He exposes them. He shows you how to do their tricks. 替我打给他Get him on the phone.

打了,45钟后和他午餐I did. You're having lunch with him in 45. 很好Good.

布莱德利先生最早是个魔术师Mr. Bradley started as a magician. 技艺相当不错- 是吗?- He was actually quite good.- Really? 名列前茅- 不会吧- One of the best.- You don't say.

最伟大的天才是能看穿幻像的人\是个热爱自己工作的人That's a man who loves his work.

我用葡萄酒真的引不起你兴趣?You sure I can't interest youin a glass of wine? 不,谢谢,我们在工作No, no, no. No, thank you, sir.We're working. 我来一杯吧I will take one.

真不可思议,太奇妙了That's incredible. That's amazing. 事先藏好的红颜料Red dye, palmed.

耶稣也是这么干的?真不可思议Is that how Jesus did it?That's incredible. 对不起,能不能耽误点时间?I'm sorry. Can I just take a minute here?

你曾是名列前茅的魔术师怎么不干了?You were one of the great magicians.Why did you stop? 知道过去5年有多少人去看现场的魔术表演?Do you know how many people went to see magic performed livein the last half decade?

大约160万人About 1.6 million.

知道相同期间我卖出多少数位下载?You know how many digital downloadsI sold in the same period?

00万Five million.

哦,是因为钱Right, so it's about the money. 人们了解内情的需要大于受愚弄的欲望,就有钱可赚Well, the money is only therebecause the need to knowis greater than the desire to be fooled.

我和你一样痛恨那些利用民众轻信进行欺骗的人Like you, I detest those who preyupon the gullibility of the masses.

恕我冒昧,玩这游戏不需要付出代价吗?With all due respect,isn't there a cost, though, to this game?


我不知道,比方说职业,生命I don't know. Careers.Lives. 你想必是指莱诺谢克I assume you're referring to Lionel Shrike. 那是谁?I'm sorry, who's that? 莱诺谢克Lionel Shrike.

一个普通魔术师30年前在哈德逊河淹死A middling magician who drownedin the Hudson River 30 years ago.

布莱德利先生做的第一个特辑披露了史拉克的所有魔术On Mr. Bradley's first special,he revealed all of Shrike's tricks.

一年后,他想要东山再起The next year,Shrike tried to stage a comeback.

把自己锁在保险箱 沉到东河底下He was shackled inside a safe,and dropped into the river. 但他从此没浮上来But he never resurfaced. 你是说他死了?You mean he died? 我没有杀他I didn't kill him.

是他杀死了自己他没有准备好就去做He killed himself trying to do somethinghe wasn't prepared to handle.

你真的认为这是游戏?You do realize this is a game? 相信我,这不是游戏Believe me, it's not a game. 这是游戏It is a game.

你就是游戏,就是被玩的You're the game. You're being played.

你可怜地祈求,想得到我的信任?And your pathetic attemptsat fawning to gain my trust...
