
发布时间 : 星期日 文章惊天魔盗团更新完毕开始阅读

我们就可以直捣黄龙It'll lead us right to 'em. 你们两个跟着我You two are with me. 两位Guys.

你们看,总部通知有一段影片Look. Office just called with this.

骑士20分钟前上传YouTubeHorsemen posted it to YouTube 20 minutes ago.

我们在这里的原因是想声明The point of why we're here is to say that we are not... 我们不会也不能放弃We cannot quit now.

我们已展开超越小我的任务We've started something bigger than all of us. 我们必须完成We have to finish it.

看到我们现场演出时Remember the name Jack Wilder 记得杰克怀德这个名字when you see us live, 皇后区涂鸦圣地,7点5 Pointz, Queens, 7:00.

他们的表演在半小时后Their show is in a half an hour. 我们正要前往那里It's exactly where we're headed.

老大,我不想唱反调I don't know, boss. I don't wanna be the naysayer, 但这看起来有鬼 but these guys are kinda tricky. 罗德,他们只是卖艺的Rhodes, they're entertainers.

涂鸦圣地出现惊人的群众A stunning turnout here in 5 Pointz

等着亡命的骑士向FBI最后摊牌as the renegade Horsemen taunt the FBI into a final showdown. 骑士邀我们观赏跟FBI的最后对决The Horsemen have invited us to their final round of their three-act face-off with the FBI.

他们要玩什么把戏?What do they have in store? 我们即将揭晓We're about to find out.

全员盯着卡车,看有谁靠近All eyes on the truck. Let's see who approaches. 收到Copy that.

罗德、富勒探员?Agents Rhodes, Fuller? 我们准备好了Go, for us.

这里有动静,有人走向卡车We've got movement. Someone's walking toward the truck. 是个女人It's a woman. 别动- Freeze! 见鬼了- Oh, shit!

怎么回事?What the hell's going on?

是那个电视艺人Hey! It's the guy from the TV. 把枪放下Put your guns down.

瞧是谁,第五骑士Look who it is. The fifth Horseman. 没搞错?Are you kidding?

我跟你们一样在跟踪他们I'm following them, just like you are. 我没有跟踪任何人了I'm not following anybody anymore. 你一直超前我们You've been ahead of us this whole time.

但猜怎么着?我现在超前你了But guess what? I'm ahead of you now. 你完蛋了Your ass is mine.

你们仍是白痴You guys are still idiots. 是吗?Yeah?

这里正是莱诺谢克的旧彩排地This happens to be the former rehearsal space for Lionel Shrike.

也是我第一场表演的地点It's where I did my first show.

如果你想看起来更白痴Now, if you wanna look like even bigger idiots, 何不打开它?why not open it?

在你打开时,罗德探员And while you're doing it, Agent Rhodes,

介意重演你一脸困惑的模样?would you mind reenacting your look of absolute befuddlement for me?

我能拍成很精彩的DVDIt will make a wonderful cover for my DVD. 打开保险箱Open the safe. 去吧- Go ahead. 打开- Open it.

搞什么?What the hell? 怎样?What?

给我Give me that. 不!No. 不!No!

怎么回事?What is this? 退后Get back!

谁不爱超炫的魔术?Who doesn't love a good magic trick?

他们又引诱你追踪空保险箱了They have you chasing empty safes again. 再一次,障眼法Once again, misdirection.

表演开始了,快走The show is starting. Move out!

罗德探员,你的问题应该是?The question I'd be asking now, Agent Rhodes is, 真正的保险箱在哪里?\撒走,撤走民众Clear! Clear 'em out!

支开民众Come on. Move 'em out. Move 'em out of the way. BI,空出一条通道FBI! Give me a path! 让开Clear out! Clear out! 魔术是什么?What is magic? 魔术就是骗术Magic is deception.

但这骗术是设计用来?But deception designed to delight, 取悦、娱乐、鼓舞to entertain, to inspire.

小心,让开,让开Look out! Clear! Clear! Look out! 攸关相信、信仰It is about belief. 信任Faith. Trust.

缺乏那些特性Without those qualities,

魔术就不再是一种艺术magic, as an art form, would no longer exist. 但要是这些特性But what happens if these qualities

不是用作更崇高的目标呢?are not used for their higher purpose? 改用在欺骗、说谎And instead they're used to cheat, lie. 个人利益或贪婪For personal gain or for greed. 那就不再是魔术了Then it's no longer magic. 是犯罪It's crime.

所以今晚,我们的最后高潮So tonight, for our final act,

你们要帮我们拨乱反正you're gonna help us set a few things right.

罗德,怎么回事?What's going on here, Rhodes? 我不知道I don't know. 好戏登场Showtime. 你们看Look!

他们在屋顶上,快去There they are on the roof. Let's move! 快走,快走Go, go, go!

FBI - 迪伦!- FBI, coming through! - Dylan! 借过,借过- FBI, coming through!

你在这里干嘛?What are you doing here?

你明知道他们走错方向They're going in the wrong direction and you know it. 罗德,我需要所有人员Rhodes! I need all personnel now! 你要信任我,“坚定不移的信念”You need to trust me. Take your leap of faith. 等等Wait.

我要跟她去I'm going to go with her.

快去,我掩护你,我守在这里Go. I got your back. I'll be right here. 你们先走!Go ahead!

你看着办吧,富勒That's on you, Fuller. 快走,快走Let's go, let's go! 快走,快点?Now, now, now! 丹尼Daniel? 怎样?Yeah?

作为我们?姑且说是As our, let's call it,

“冒险生涯的一年”接近尾声 在这难得的感性时刻 year of living dangerously comes to a close, in a rare moment of vulnerability,

我想要表达对我们关系的感想I'd like to express a sentiment to you about our relationship. 好Okay.

第一次遇到你,我认为你有点?粗俗Well, when I first met you, I thought you were kind of a dick.


没了,就这样No, that's it.

非常好 我很感动That's very nice. - Yeah. - I'm touched. 是啊,我真心的Yeah. Just from the heart.

我起鸡皮疙瘩了Well, I didn't tell you where I was touched. 死相啦Oh, you!

这任务结束后,我们要干嘛?Oh, God. What are we gonna do when this is over? 分道扬镳吧We're on our own.

这场表演后就没有指令了Our instructions run out after the show. 就算没有“天眼”Even if there is no \

就算我们中计被关20年if we were completely played and we spend the next 20 years in jail, then,

我只想说?I just want to say that... 我知道,我也是I know. Me, too.

太矫情啦Little too sentimental for me. 他们在那里There they are!

去抓他们,逮捕他们,快去Go grab 'em! Put 'em down! Go, go, go! 抓他们Grab 'em! 起来Get up!

搞什么?What the hell? 可恶Shit!

你好,纽约Hello, New York!

谢谢一同见证神奇Thank you for the magic.

谢谢你们是这么棒的死忠观众And thank you for being such an incredible and dedicated audience.

可惜就像所有美好事物Unfortunately, like all good things, 天下没有不散的筵席it must come to an end.

我们想要开始今晚的表演So we would like to start our show tonight... 告别演出BY Saying goodbye.

我们只想带给世人一场魔术秀All we wanted was to bring the world to a magic show. 藉此为世界带回一点神奇And thereby bring a little magic back to the world. 让开Clear the way!

这对我们来说是一场痛快历险This has been one hell of a ride for all of us. 但该是我们消失的时候了But it's time for us to disappear. 晚安,纽约Good night, New York.

谢谢相信我们And thank you for believing in us. 别逃Stop! 别动!Freeze! 不要!No!

该死God damn it! 抱歉I'm sorry.

你说的对,这非我们能力所及You were right. It's bigger than all of us. 就这次我后悔说对了This is one time I'm not happy being right. 我想就这样了So I guess this is it. 是吗?Is it? 迪伦!Dylan! 迪伦!Dylan! 迪伦!Dylan! 嗨Hey.

你有看到吗?- You see that? 什么?- What?

真钱在哪里?Where's the real money?

你被逮捕了,把手举高,马上You're under arrest! Hands in the air! Now! 我是被陷害的I've been framed. 那敢情好I'm sure you were.

但我能证明Yeah, but I can prove it. 我永远能I always do.

就像我预测你会扮演笨蛋Just like I predicted that you'd play the fool. 少装模作样了,好吗?Let's just drop the theatricality, all right? 现在没在拍摄The cameras aren't rolling in here.
