
发布时间 : 星期日 文章浮头式换热器毕业设计更新完毕开始阅读


摘 要






Floating Head Heat Exchanger Design


This design manual is about the floating head heat exchanger design, mainly for the heat exchanger process calculation, heat exchanger design of the structure and strength.

Heat exchanger is the chemical, oil refining, power, food, light industry, atomic energy, pharmaceutical, machinery, and other widely used in many industrial sectors as a general-purpose device. The past 23 years, chemical, petroleum, light industry and other process industries have been developing rapidly. Therefore, the required small size, light weight, large capacity heat exchanger heat transfer equipment. In the design process, I try to use a relatively new national standard, so not only meet the design requirements, but also to structural optimization, cost reduction, mainly to improve economic efficiency, and strive to make the products meet the actual needs of production for the market competition. Meanwhile, in order to make this design smoothly carried out, I read a lot before in the design of the books and English literature, and to do a certain amount of foreign language translation work

The first part of the design is mainly the principle of heat exchanger, a detailed description of the structure, which for heat exchanger selection, structure design. The latter part is about the design of the structure and strength of the special heat exchanger, which is mainly to design the parts, such as tube-sheet, baffle plate, distance control,


floating cover, tube boxes and so on , based on the heat exchanger types selected. The paper include: design and calculation, material selection, determining the specific dimensions , determining the exact location, pipe thickness calculation, the floating head cover and floating head flange thickness calculation, the opening reinforcement calculation. Finally I draw an assembly map, three parts diagram.

Key words: Floating Head Heat Exchanger; Design; Check;


目 录

1前 言 ............................................................... 1 1.1 换热器的应用及其发展 ............................................. 1 1.2 换热器的分类及其特点 ............................................. 3 2 换热器的结构说明 ................................................... 6 2.1 换热器的选型和选材 ............................................... 6 2.2 浮头式换热器的结构及特点 ......................................... 8 2.3 管程结构 ......................................................... 9 2.4 壳程结构 ........................................................ 16 2.5 管板设计 ........................................................ 24 2.6 膨胀节 .......................................................... 28 2.7 管壳式换热器的振动与防止 ........................................ 29 3 计算部分 .......................................... 错误!未定义书签。 3.1 浮头式换热器筒体的计算 .......................... 错误!未定义书签。 3.2 前后端封头的计算 ................................................ 37 3.3 管板的计算 ...................................................... 39 3.4 螺栓的选择及强度校核 ............................................ 44 3.5 法兰的选择 ...................................................... 45 3.6 浮头部分的计算 .................................................. 47 3.7 开孔补强计算 .................................................... 49
