英语笔译 - 3

发布时间 : 星期三 文章英语笔译 - 3更新完毕开始阅读



中埃是亚非两洲的大国,不但在地区中发挥着独特的作用,在国际事务中也发挥着重要作用.人类进入21世纪后,虽然人民要和平,国家要发展是时代的主旋律,但也是面临着不少问题:关于世界格局问题,广大发展中国家要求有一个多极的世界,而不是单极的世界,以实现国际关系的民主化, 使它们能有效地参与国际决策进程。经济全球化使多数发展中国家处于不利地位,其经济安全甚至主权正面临严峻挑战。布什政府上台后,在中东对以色列支持依旧,但对和平进程采取超脱立场;在亚洲,美售台武器,公然声称要保卫台湾,美侦察机在中国近海撞落中国飞机,这些作法将给国际形势带来什么影响。联合国须进行改革并发挥应有作用。中埃这两个文明古国,对当前的国际文体有着广泛的共识,在这种复杂的国际形势面前,中埃作为友好的、负责任的国家,有必要保持密切联系,进行磋商,协调对一些问题的看法和立场,是符合两国共同利益的。

China and Egypt, as two large countries in Asia and Africa, play a special and significant role not only in their neighboring regions but also in the international affairs. After the world enters into the 21th century, the demand for peace and development of the country is becoming the basic concept of the time, while numerous problems still remain to be dalt with: as for the structure of the world, most developing countries want to have a multi- polar structure of the world rather than a single one in order to realize democracy of the international relationship, which enables them to effectively participate in the decision-making process in the world. Economic globalization puts a lot of developing countries under a serious/great disadvantage. Their economic security, even their sovereignty is confronting with serious challenges. Since Bush administration came into power, the U.S. government, indifferent in the peace process, has been supporting Israel in the Middle East; In Asia, it sold weapons to Taiwan, claiming protection to the island. The American patrol aircraft knocked down China’s plane in the near sea. What a bad influence the misbehaviors of the U.S government bring to the world! The UN should undergo reformation and exert its due influence in/on the world stage. As two civilized and ancient countries, China and Egypt share an extensive understanding concerning the current international issues. In the complicate international situation, it is of great necessity for China and Egypt, as two friendly and responsible countries, keep in a close contact with each other, exchanging views and positions about some issues. This is beneficial to both China and Egypt.



Today we should be on good terms with foreign countries, and carry out reformation at home. Since Qin Dynasty came to an end after reformation, the people in the following generations had been clinging to the settled rules in order to make their emperors happy. Now the countries throughout the world become increasingly prosperous for the through reforms one after another, while China take great care in observing the rules and regulations. If the country was defeated by the west countries, the Chinese would not feel regretful. Oh, my God, why do the people come to know the reasons after the country perished?




Everywhere, there were heavy vehicles, cars, trolley-buses, bicycles, and the hooting, voices and laughter typical of a big city at night-full of life. He saw occasional neon lights and barber?s poles. Also permed hair, long hair, high-heeled shoes and frocks. In the air hung the fragrance of toilet water and face cream. Though the city women had just began to pay a little attention to their appearance, they had already outraged certain people. This was interesting.

He saw trucks and cars, trolley buses, and bicycles. He heard the shriek of whistles and the high-pitched din of voices talking and laughing. To Chen Gao, the city truly showed its peculiarities and vitality at night. He noticed people with permanent-waved hair and naturally straight hair, women wearing sleeveless dresses and shoes with spiked heels or pumps. He smelled the strong scents of perfume and face powder. Chen Gao was interested in everyone he saw.

Vans and cars. Buses and bikes. Hooting, chatting and laughing. A big city reveals the most of its vigor and character only in the night. There have appeared some neon lights and barber?s poles, sparse but striking. Permed hair and long hair. High heels and semi-high heels, sleeveless dresses. Smells of toilet water and face creams. The city and women are just beginning to dress themselves up a little bit, and some people have already been upset. That?s interesting.

One Saucer More

I have been told an anecdote by a friend of mine.

Zhen Zhifan, a professor of electrics, was going to leave USA for a new job at Hangkong Chinese University. Before departure, he and his wife were packing for the trip at home. They kept a beautiful tea set. However, she had one cup broken carelessly during the process of preparation.

People would feel sorry for it in this situation. What a perfect set! Where to find one to match it?

Prof. Chen, however, took this matter very differently instead. He smiled and said, “oh nice! We have one saucer more.” This attitude of approaching things in the perspective from the brighter side really benefits one in his life.

Prof. Chen is not only a distinguished scientist, but also an excellent essayist. Some of his essay collections, fresh and expressive, once filled me especial longings. What I admired him, now I think, is his intelligence and witty imagery as well as his beautiful language.

As the proverb says, “ life means frustration eight or nine times out of ten ”. It is too old to be repeated. However, one in his journey of life, long and repeated, is certain to encounter frustration one after another.

When frustrated, one always finds others more fortunate. Look around. There are people who are running successful businesses. And there are people who are becoming senior officials. Some people are wealthy, and others are enjoying their prosperity and achievements. In the contrast, he, like an shabby cart pulling by an old oxen, is plodding on the dirt road in the graying dusk.

Is it true? As to a cup half filled with water. There are people who exclaim cheerfully, “good. The cup is half filled.” At the same time, there is also some people who grunt gloomily, “oh! The cup is half empty.”
