仁爱英语九年级下册导学案 - 图文

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课题: Unit6 Topic2 Section B


备课人: 何敏 审核人: 徐敏 班级: 学生:

【学习目标】 1. 能够正确朗读、理解、运用本课生词。 2. 能够 谈论自己喜欢的娱乐节目。 【预习达标】 一、在文中找到下列单词和短语划线,读背并默写。 1、mission 2、adventure 3、misrerious 4、crew 5、rescue 6、award 二、英汉互译。 1.看起来有点累_________________2.in a tiede voice____________________ 3.昨晚_____________ 4. 电视看得太晚___________________ 5. In surprise________ 6.so much__________________ 7.科幻电影_________________ 8._对...感兴趣_________________ 9.被提到__________________ 11放学后_________________ 10.上演、上映____________________________________ 12be based on__________________ 13.决定做某事_________________ 14.with the help of his own invention___________________________________ 15、一群外星人_________________ 16迷路______________ 17、一个十岁的男孩_________________18、在公元2020年______________ 18、both of ..._________________ 19、all of..._________________ 20、去看电影_________________ 21、指的是..._________________ 【自学指导】 1、In a tired voice 意思:“以用一重疲倦的声音”,相似的表达法:in a high \\low voice 翻译:_________________ 注意:表示声音的词还有:__________________________________ 区别是:___________________________________________________________ 2、What program attracted you so much?翻译:_________________ 点拨”What program”疑问词短语就充当主语,语序不变。 3、3、Sounds great!翻译:_________________ 点拨:sound 在此是系动词,意思是“听起来”


例如:它听起来怪怪的。____________________________________ 其它的联系动词还有:____________________________________ 4、A science and inventor decides to prove that time travel is possible. 翻译:______________________________________ 注释:a science 、 inventor 指同一个人,所以谓语动词用三单,意为“科学家兼发明家。此句是一个宾语从句,引导词是__________,宾语从句是______________________________。 5、Mission to Mars will be shown tomorrow.翻译:________________________ 注释:此句是将来时态的被动语态,show 意为“上映”。同义词有:put on,be on. Eg: E.T.将于8月26日在我们学校上映。__________________________ __________________________________________________________。 6、In the year 2020 A.D., a mysterious storm kills all but one crew member of the first manned mission to Mars.翻译:____________________________________ 注释: but one 意为:“出一个外”:crew member of the first manned mission to Mar意为:“首次火星载人任务的机组人员”。 7、反复朗读课文1a,2a并完成1c,2b、2c. 然后逐句翻译,不会翻译的句子组内讨论,理清句子结构和单词的含义。 【当堂检测,点击中考】 I. 单项选择 ( )1. ---Will you go shopping tonight? --If you go, ____. A. so do I B. so I go C. so will I D. so am I ( )2. These photos will show you ____. A. what does our school look like B. what our school looks like C. how does our school look like D. how our school looks like ( )3. Mr. White has lunch at school, ____? A. hasn’t he B. doesn’t he C. doesn’t Mr. White D. does he ( )4. Miss Zhang asked me if ___ Xi’an. A. I have been to B. I had gone to C. I had been in D. I had been to ( )5. –Could you tell me ____? ---Sure. A. when will they leave Beijing B. when would they leave Beijing C. when they will leave Beijing D. when did they leave Beijing



课题: Unit6Topic1 Section C

备课人: 何敏 审核人: 徐敏 班级: 学生:

【学习目标】 1. 能够读懂新闻的主要信息,了解新闻的写作特点。 2. 能够运用表示偏好功能的表达式写一篇关于班级学生最喜欢的电影类型。 【预习达标】 一、朗读、抄写本课生词。(每词四遍,组长检查并矫正读音,帮助学困同学做好展示准备。) 二、英汉互译。(读课文,独立找出下列短语,英汉互译。组长帮助核对答案后,结对背诵。先各自记忆短语,再让对方提问,再交换。做好展示准备。) 1.three pieces of news _________________2.如此多的作品________________ 3.艺术爱好者_____________ 4.follow in someone’s footsteps _____________ 5. be into doing =be interested in doing__________________ 6.有天赋的小男孩__________________ 7.take up sports_________________8.如此伟大的一件事__________________ 9.在影视界__________________ 【自学指导】 1、It is a wonderful chance for art lovers to see so many works of great artist.翻译:____________________________________ 点拨:句子中it 是形式主语,真正的主语是:_______________________。 works 意为:“文学、艺术作品”,so many 意思是:_______________________,修饰可数名词______数。例如:如此多的苹果_______________________ so much 修饰_____________名词。例如:那么多钱:______________________如此多的家务活______________________ great artist意为:______________________ 2、The famous foofball star ,David Beckham ,would love his three boys to follow in his footsteps.翻译:_______________________________ 点拨:句子中的主语是The famous foofball star,而David Beckham是同位语,用于解释说明主语,指的是同一个人或物,用逗号。 例如:这个十岁的男孩,王强经常帮助他的父母做家务。翻译:_____________ follow in one’s footsteps 意为”效仿、效法” a.他效仿他的父亲,当了一名教师。翻译:_______________________________ B.我想效仿钱学森当一名科学家。翻译:______________________________ 3.They’re really into playing foorbll and basketball.


翻译:______________________________ 点拨:句子中的be into 在此处相当于be interested in Eg:a.这个男孩在五岁时就对完电脑游戏产生兴趣。 翻译:______________________________同义句:________________________ b.现在我对打篮球产生了兴趣。翻译:______________________________ 4.读课文正确翻译课文。完成课后练习1b,1c,2. 5.调查你班所有同学有关最喜欢的电影类型,做好记录,准备写一篇调查报告。 注意:为了练习口语英语,调查时尽量用同学能听懂的英语问题。 例如:What kinds of your favorite movies do you prefer? I would rather watch ....than...\\I prefer watching....to... 【当堂检测,点击中考】 ( )6. –John had a good time yesterday. ---____. A. So had Tom B. so Tom has C. So Tom did D. So did Tom ( )7. –Do you know ___ yesterday? ---Sorry, I don’t know. A. how did she come to school B. when she will come to school C. what didn’t she come to school D. why she didn’t come to school ( )8. I like sweet food. Ice cream ____ me very well. A. gets B. fits C. tastes D. suits ( )9. I want to ___ your bike and will you please ____ it to me? A. lend; borrow B. borrow; give C. lend; give D. borrow; lend ( )10. -–Which program do you prefer, programs about education or entertainment shows? ---I ___ watch entertainment shows _____ programs about education. A. would rather; than B. rather; than C. more; than D. better; than ( )11. Please take ____ medicine twice ____ day and have ___ good rest. A. the; a; a B. a; a; a C. the; the; the D. the; a; the ( )12. There is ____ with my TV, so I have to go to bed. A. anything wrong B. wrong anything C. wrong something D. something wrong ( )13. –What about the two films? ---___ of them is interesting. A. Both B. None C. All D. Neither ( )14. ___ Gu Ping ___ Wu Dong are League members. They study very well. A. Neither; nor B. Both; and C. Either; or D. Not; but

