中国地产巨头万达和万科宣布联手- 副本

发布时间 : 星期三 文章中国地产巨头万达和万科宣布联手- 副本更新完毕开始阅读


China property giants join hands in tough market

China’s two biggest property companies are joining forces to buy land and develop new projects, the latest sign of how the real estate industry is adapting to the end of a housing market boom. 中国两大地产公司将联合拿地和合作开发新项目,这是中国房地产业适应地产泡沫终结的最新表象。

China Vanke, the country’s largest homebuilder by revenue, and Dalian Wanda, owner of China’s top commercial developer, on Thursday announced a “strategic co-operation agreement” that will cover both domestic and international markets. 周四,中国营收最高的住宅建筑商万科(Vanke)和大连万达(Dalian Wanda)公布了一份《战略合作框架协议》,该协议将同时涵盖国内和国际市场。

“This alliance between two prominent real estate players spearheads a new direction for the domestic real estate industry,” they said in a joint statement. 两家公司在一份联合声明中表示,两家知名房地产商的结盟,为国内房地产业开辟了新的方向。

As the multiyear boom in China’s property market has come to an end, developers have started to shift away from simply building and selling property towards business models based on income from rental and property management services. 随着持续多年的中国房地产市场繁荣走向终结,开发商已开始从简单的修建和出售物业,向基于出租收入和物业管理服务收入的商业模式转型。

Wanda said earlier this year it was moving to an “asset-light” model that involves using outside investor capital to fund projects rather than its own balance sheet. 尽管万科和万达都对海外开展了大量投资,两家企业在中国国内的业务却没什么冲突。

Some builders also have sought to diversify away from property altogether. Evergrande announced plans last year to invest in agriculture, while Wanda set up a joint venture with two of China’s biggest internet companies to create an online-to-offline sales platform. 兴业证券(Industrial Securities)房地产业分析师阎常铭在报告中写道:“两‘万’合作空间非常广阔,包括而不限于共同拿地开发、轻资产运营、金融创新、社区消费O2O等等。”

While both Vanke and Wanda are investing heavily overseas, the two have little overlap inside China. “两大龙头在主业上并无较多竞争,此次强强联手将实现优势互补,开创合作共赢新局面。”

Wanda’s commercial property arm, which raised $3.7bn from a Hong Kong flotation in December, has largely focused on office and retail development inside China, although it is building apartment blocks in London’s Nine Elms district. 周四双方发布声明之后,在香港上市的万达商业地产(Wanda Commercial Properties)股价上涨2.8%,而万科股价则上涨1.3%。

The acquisitive Wanda parent company, founded by billionaire Wang Jianlin, has also

targeted the entertainment sector, including the purchase of cinema chain AMC in 2012. 同样在香港上市的万达酒店发展有限公司(Wanda Hotel Development)股价则跃升逾10%。巨大的涨幅迫使该公司发布声明称,董事会确认并不知悉这种“股价及成交量不寻常变动”的任何原因。

Vanke’s principle business is residential development, where it has the largest market

share in China. Last year alone it sold 210,000 units, helping make it the biggest developer in the world by revenue. 加布里尔?维尔道(Gabriel Wildau)上海补充报道

“The two companies have extremely wide scope for co-operation, including joint acquisition of land, asset-light operation, financial innovation and offline retail within residential

compounds,” Yan Changming, property analyst at Industrial Securities, wrote in a report. 译者/简易
