
发布时间 : 星期日 文章(完整word版)2018年济南市中考英语试题更新完毕开始阅读

anything, you(94) _________ math. Think of simple things, like clocks. They tell time, but only if you know how to read them. That means using math. How much longer until school ends? How long did I sleep last night? That’s all math. When you go shopping, you do lots of math, too.

Even when you (95) _________ math, it’s all around you. The computer you use to surf the Internet is a machine to do binary math very fast. The house you live in is designed by people who use lots of geometry(几何学). So enjoy math, not for exams, but for the wonderful world’s helps to build.

VIII.改写句子 按括号中的要求完成句子,每个空格填一个单词。(5分) 96. There are some restaurants on Bridge Street. (改为一般疑问句) ____________ ____________any restaurants on Bridge Street.? 97. They talked about Mary’s hometown in class. (就句子画线部分提问) ____________ hometown ____________ they talk about in class? 98. “Do you enjoy growing flowers?” I asked Alice. (改写句子,句意不变) I asked Alice ____________ she ____________ growing flowers.

99. The documentary Amazing China shows China’s achievements in the past five years.(改写句子,句意不变)

The documentary Amazing China shows what China ________ ________ in the past five years. 100. Lao She wrote these articles about Jinan in 1931(改写句子,句意不变) Those articles about Jinan ____________ ___________ by Lao She in 1931. IX.完成句子 根据汉语意思完成英语句子,每个空格填一个单词。(5分) 101. 我有用英语记日记的习惯。

I have a habit of keeping a diary____________ ____________ . 102. 五一假期,趵突泉接待游客十万多人次。

Baotu Spring Park received ___________ ___________100,000 visitors during the May Day


103. 他乐于助人,因此大家都喜欢和他交朋友。

Everyone likes to____________ ____________ with him because he is always ready to help


104. 身体健康主要依赖于良好的食物、新鲜的空气和充足的睡眠。

Health mainly____________ ____________ good food, fresh air and enough sleep. 105. 金属、玻璃、纸之类的废弃材料是可以回收利用的。

Many waste ____________, such as metal, glass and paper, can be ____________.

X.阅读理解七选五 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。(5分)

Most families love to go on holiday together. It is great fun to leave your common life behind and go somewhere different and exciting!

106. Some people enjoy traveling around cities and visiting museums. Other people prefer outdoor holidays, where you can hike or go boating. Some people like cruises, where the huge ship is like a hotel.

英语试题 第9页(共10页)

Many families go on holiday in summer, when schools are closed. 107. ________ In the past, most British families would take their holidays at a British seaside town. However, now many people choose to go abroad instead. One reason for this is to escape(躲藏) the possibility of rain at home! France, Spain and Greece are popular destinations(目的地).

In the United States, summer holidays often involve a road trip. 108. It is common to drive hundreds of miles to get to your destination. If the beach is too far away, you could go to one of the national parks. Many people love to enjoy the natural beauty of places such as Yellowstone or the Grand Canyon.

109. In winter, many people go skiing. The Alps are a very popular place to ski. The mountain scenery is truly wonderful! You can try downhill skiing, cross-country skiing or snowshoeing.

Not matter what kind of holiday you take, there are two things that nearly everyone does. The first is to sent postcards to friends and family at home, so they can see a photo of the place where you are. The second is to buy some sort of souvenir(纪念品) to that you can remember your trip——maybe a T-shirt or an art piece.110. A. Beach holidays are very popular in Britain. B. Few people like to take holidays in winter. C. There are many different kinds of holidays. D. Summer is not the only season for going on holiday. E. This means packing the whole family into the car and setting out! F. Then once you’re home, it’s time to start planning your next holiday! G. However, some families never have chances to take holidays together. 106. _________ 107. _________ 108. _________ 109. _________ 110. _________ XI.书面表达(15分)

下面这副漫画呈现了小明的爷爷昨天接他放学回家的情景。请根据你对漫画的理解,用英语写一篇100词左右的短文。内容包括:1.描述漫画内容;2.简要陈述你的看法。 注意:


2.短文中不得出现真实的人名、校名等相关信息。 (参考词汇:drawing board 画板)

英语试题 第10页(共10页)
