
发布时间 : 星期日 文章音标讲义(整理版)更新完毕开始阅读


新 Vowels 元音 旧 新 旧 i: i: ? ? p Consonants 辅音 无变化 ? i ɑ: ɑ: e e eI ei ? ? aI ai З: ?: ?I ?i k ? tr ? ? ?? ?u Λ Λ a? au u: u: I? ? u e? ?: ?: ?? u? i? ε? b e ? t m t∫ d n d? g l dr f r ts v h s w dz z j ? ∫ 音标整理讲义- 1




class 短元音


love /e/



late 双元音


here /??/

No 元音(20个)



door her /?/


lock teacher /?/



/??/ like boy /e?/


bear hour /a?/





tea lose /?/



it book






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park /b/

bike /?/

ship /?/

pleasure /m/

moon /j/

Yes /?/





it look /d/


dive glass /h/


hard /r/


red /n/


thank /w/




wife think /v/


live mother /t?/


chair tree /d?/


age dress


small /z/


元音音素可分单元音和双元音两大类。单元音又可分为前元音,央元音和后元音。 单元音:发音时舌位、唇形、开口度始终不变的元音音素,英语中单元音共12个。 双元音:两个单元音混合在一起的元音因素,英语中双元音共8个。

元音音素——单元音 第一节 前元音

/i:/ /i/

Part 1发音秘诀


舌位:舌部及下颚肌肉紧张,舌尖抵下齿,舌前部向硬腭尽量抬起。 唇形:上下唇微开,口型扁平。

发音长短:发音时要尽量拉长,让它超过两秒,就像古人喝醉酒以后饮食的感觉。 小提示:嘴角尽量往两边拉,像微笑的样子,所以说英语国家的人拍照喜欢说“cheese” Part 2常见字母和字母组合

e be /bi:/ me /mi:/ he /hi;/ evening/i:vning/ she /?i:/ ea tea /ti:/ sea /si:/ seat/si:t/ easy /i:zi/ eat /i:t/ ee see /si:/ feet /fi:t/ cheese /tfi:z/ teeth /ti:θ/ green /gri:n/ ie thief /θi:f/ piece /pi:s/ niece /ni:s/侄女 ey key /ki:/ Part 3: Try to Read

sheep leave please dream speak secret Chinese bee read Part 4精品句练习 There’s a bee in the tree.

Seeing is believing. 眼见为实。

The Chinese is a great people. /i/ /I/

Part 1发音秘诀


舌位:舌尖抵下齿,舌向硬腭抬起,但舌位比/i:/稍低、稍后。 唇形:上下唇微开,口型扁平。

口腔肌肉:舌部及下颚肌肉比/i:/松弛。 发音长短:短。


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Part 2常见字母和字母组合

e pretty reply repair remember i sit history little miss u busy business y marry January ey monkey money Part 3 Try to Read

English gift guitar ticket difficult chick hill ticket Part 4精品句练习

I want to have a ticket to the moon. She is always as busy as a bee. I’m sick of this weather. This guitar is cool. I love it. /e/

Part 1发音秘诀


舌位:舌尖抵下齿,舌部稍微抬起,舌位比短衣音/i/低。 唇形:嘴唇向两边微分,比短衣音/i/少松开,口型扁平。 发音长短:短元音,急促。


Part 2常见字母和字母组合 a any anybody

e desk very American bed ea bread dead ready health ai said

Part 3 Try to Read

Respect parent sweater friend bell never friend head elephant forget better rest Part 4 精品句练习

More jelly, please.再要点果冻。

Make the bed yourself. 自己把床铺好。

Never let your parents down. 永远不要让父母失望!

ur turn hurt fur purse ear earth learn early

We have a test next Wednesday. I’d better study. Part 3 Try to Read Thursday shirt perfume bird turtle dirty first nurse /?/ Part 4精品句练习

She bought a small bottle of French perfume. Part 1发音秘诀

The turtle can’t bear the bird. 牙床:介于开和半开之间,上下齿距离能容纳食指加中指尖。

Girls love skirts. 舌位:舌尖轻触下齿,舌前部微微抬起,但舌位比/e/低,发音时逐渐压低舌头和下

The earth is our home. We should care about her. 颚,尽可能夸张。


小提示:越夸张越到位,美国味越浓。 /?/ Part 2常见字母和字母组合 Part 1发音秘诀 a flag black plan fat chat 牙床:半合,与/?:/类似。 Part 3 Try to Read 舌位:舌端离下齿,舌中部微微抬起,舌位中低。 map glad cap(cape/keip/披风,斗篷) catch back passion hand 唇形:嘴唇少松开,口型略扁平。 handsome /h?ns?m/(same/seim/ some/s?m s?m/) laugh happy family 发音长短:短一点,弱一点。 Part 4 精品句练习 小提示:带r出现在词尾时常卷舌。 Catch you latter. Part 2常见字母和字母组合 He’s a handsome man. a ago breakfast/brekf?st/(break/breik/) arrive sofa/s?uf?/ Can you give me a hand? 可以帮下忙吗? e open happen/h?pen/

o collect computer The fat cat大腕has a backpack.

or inventor actor 第二节 中元音(央元音)

er letter order sweater/swet?/ ruler /?:/

our color Part 1发音秘诀

牙床:介于开和半开之间。 ure picture nature/neit??/

Part 3 Try to Read 舌位:舌端离下齿,舌尖轻触下齿,舌中部微微抬起,舌位介于低和中低之间,整

个舌身在口腔里处于低平状态。 water/w?:t?/ mother doctor Saturday/s?t?di/ matter better aboard workers

banana/b?na:n?/ panda paper moment the breakfast future 唇形:双唇扁平。

dinner cinema/sin?m?/ potato Part 2常见字母和字母组合

er her herself nervous mermaid/m?:meid/美人鱼 Part 4精品句练习

See you on Saturday. ir birthday third skirt birdcage鸟笼

or word work world worm What’s the matter with you?

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