
发布时间 : 星期三 文章河北科技大学高分子材料专业外语翻译更新完毕开始阅读

time. Measurement of the response in deformation of a viscoelastic material to periodic forces, for instance during forced vjbration, shows that stress and strain are not in phase; the strain lags behind the stress by a phase angle δ, the loss angle. So the moduli of the materials,the complex moduli, include the storage moduli which determine the amount of recoverable energy stored as elastic energy, and the loss moduli which determine the dissipation of energy as heat when the material is deformed.


UNIT 29 Synthetic Plastics 第二十九单元 合成塑料

It would be difficult to visualise our modern world without plastics. Today they are an integral part of everyones lifestyle with applications varying from commonplace articles to sophisticated scientific and medical instruments. Nowadays designers and engineers readily turn to plastics because they offer combinations of properties not available in any other materials. Plastics offer advantages such as lightness , resilience , resistance to corrosion , colour fastness, transparency, ease of processing ,

etc. , and although they also have their limitations , their exploitation is limited only by the ingenuity of the designer.


It is usual to think that plastics are a relatively recent development but in fact, as part of the larger family called “polymers”, they are a basic ingredient of plant and animal life. Polymers are materials which consist of very long chain-like molecules. Natural materials such as silk, shellac, bitumen, rubber and cellulose have this type of structure. However, it was not until the 19th century that attempts were made to develop a synthetic polymeric material and the first success was based on cellulose. This was a material called “Parkesine”, after its inventor Alexander Parkes, and although it was not a commercial success it was a start and eventually led to the development of “Celluoid”. This material was an important break-through because it became established as a good replacement of natural materials which were in short supply.

通常认为塑料是一种相对新的发展,但事实上作为 “聚合物”大家族的成员,它们是动植物生活的一个基本组成部分。聚合物是由象链一样非常长的分子组成的材料。象丝、虫胶、沥青、橡胶和纤维素之类的天然材料有这种类型的结构。然而,直到19世纪才尝试开发了一种合成聚合物材料,首次成功基于赛璐珞。这是一种叫做“硝化纤维素塑料”的材料,它的发明者是Alexander Parkes ,尽管不是一种开始的商业成功,最终导致了“赛璐珞”的发展。这种材料是一个


During the early twentieth century there was considerable interest in these new synthetic materials. Phenol-formaldehyde (“bakelite”) was introduced in 1905 and about the time of the second World War materials such as nylon, polyethylene and acrylic (“Perspex”) appeared on the scene. Unfortunately many of the early applications for plastics earned them a reputation as being cheap substitutes. It has taken them a long time to overcome this image but nowadays the special properties of plastics are being appreciated which is establishing them as important materials in their own right. The ever increasing use of plastics in all kinds of applications means that it is essential for designers and engineers to become familiar with the range of plastics available and the types of performance characteristics to be expected so that they can be used to the best advantage.


The words “polymers” and “plastics” are often taken as synonymous but in fact there is a distinction. The polymer is the pure material which results form the process of polymerisation and is usually taken as the family name for materials which have long chain-like molecules and this includes rubber. Pure polymers are seldom used on

their own and it is when additives are present that the term plastic is applied. Polymers contain additives for a number of reasons. In some cases impurities are present as a result of the polymerisation additives such as stabilisers, lubricants, fillers, pigments, etc., are added to enhance the properties of the material.


There are two important classes of plastics: 有两种重要类别的塑料:

Thermoplastic materials. In a thermoplastic material the long chain-like molecules are held together by relatively weak Van der Waals forces. A useful image of the structure is a mass of randomly distributed long strands of sticky wool. When the material is heated the intermolecular forces are weakened so that is becomes soft and flexible and eventually, at high temperatures, it is a viscous melt. When the material is allowed to cool it solidifies again. This cycle of softening by heat and solidifying when cooled can be repeated more or less indefinitely and is a definite advantage in that it is the basis of most processing methods for these materials. It does have its drawbacks, however, because it means that the properties of thermoplastics are heat sensitive. A useful analogy which is often used to describe these materials is that like candle wax they can be repeatedly softened by heat and will solidify when cooled.
