集体备课 天气教案

发布时间 : 星期二 文章集体备课 天气教案更新完毕开始阅读

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集体备课教案(初稿) 人教版小学英语四年级下册

Unit3 Weather Part B Let us talk



2、能听、说、认读本课时的主要句型:What's the weather like in New York? Is it cold?

3、能够用英语简单谈论天气情况。 教学重点:


2、能听、说、认读本课时的主要句型:What's the weather like in New York? 教学难点:能听、说、认读句型:Is it cold? 教具准备:PPT,卡片。 课时:第一课时


一、对话,问候(Free talk and greet)

T: Hello, boys and girls. I am Wang shanshan, you can call me Miss Wang. I am happy to know all of you.

1. What is your name? Nice to meet you. 2. Do you have a library? Where is it?

3. What time is it? It is time for English class T: It is hot today, can I take off my clothes?


1、学生说唱第25页的Let’s chant部分歌谣。

2、教师播放中国城市天气预报,然后提问:What’s the weather like in …?学生根据实际内容回答It is…(学生既可以从气温的角度回答,也可从气候特征的角度回答,此项活动主要是巩固What’s the weather like in …?的功能结构。)

三. 教学新课

1、教师提问:What’s the weather like in Hong Kong?(同时将PPT内容定在Hong Kong的界面),学生根据实际来回答。

2、教师继续将PPT内容定在某一城市,问:How about…? 引导学生根据实际来回答。反复利用3-5个城市操练How about,让学生在问答中理解How about…?的功能。

四. 巩固练习


A:What’s the weather like in …?

B:It’s … How about…? A:It’s …

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2、学生两人一组分角色读对话,教师及时进行评价。 3. 学生根据刚才的练习,播报城市天气预报

Here is the world weather report. It is cool and rainy in China today, the temperature is 15 degrees. It is… today, the temperature is….


听天气预报,学生填写下表: City Weather Is it cold? Sanya London New york Hong kong 六.布置作业

1.读27面课文给家长听 2.练习册作业


---What is the weather like in Beijing ? ________ ________ ---It is________ ________

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集体备课教案(修改稿) 人教版小学英语四年级下册

Unit3 Weather Part B Let us talk



2、能听、说、认读本课时的主要句型:What's the weather like in New York? Is it cold?

3、能够用英语简单谈论天气情况。 教学重点:


2、能听、说、认读本课时的主要句型:What's the weather like in New York? 教学难点:能听、说、认读句型:Is it cold? 教具准备:PPT,卡片。 课时:第一课时


二、对话,问候(Free talk and greet)

T: Hello, boys and girls. I am Wang shanshan, you can call me Miss Wang. I am happy to know all of you.

4. What is your name? Nice to meet you. 5. Do you have a library? Where is it?

6. What time is it? It is time for English class T: It is hot today, can I take off my clothes?


1、学生说唱第25页的Let’s chant部分歌谣。

2、教师播放中国城市天气预报,然后提问:What’s the weather like in …?学生根据实际内容回答It is…(学生既可以从气温的角度回答,也可从气候特征的角度回答,此项活动主要是巩固What’s the weather like in …?的功能结构。)

三. 教学新课

1、教师提问:What’s the weather like in Hong Kong?(同时将PPT内容定在Hong Kong的界面),学生根据实际来回答。

2、教师继续将PPT内容定在某一城市,问:How about…? 引导学生根据实际来回答。反复利用3-5个城市操练How about,让学生在问答中理解How about…?的功能。

四. 巩固练习


A:What’s the weather like in …?

B:It’s … How about…? A:It’s …

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2、学生两人一组分角色读对话,教师及时进行评价。 3. 学生根据刚才的练习,播报城市天气预报

Here is the world weather report. It is cool and rainy in China today, the temperature is 15 degrees. It is… today, the temperature is….


听天气预报,学生填写下表: City Weather Is it cold? Sanya London New york Hong kong 六.布置作业

1.读27面课文给家长听 2.练习册作业


---What is the weather like in Beijing ? ________ ________ ---It is________ ________
