
发布时间 : 星期二 文章2018年全国各地高考英语模拟试题书面表达汇编(含答案解析)更新完毕开始阅读

24.(2018?一模拟)假定你是李华,你的美国朋友Jack对中国的新年文化感兴趣,新年要来了,你特意给Jack写信,邀请他来中国和你共度中国新年.请依据下列要点,给Jack写封英文书信. 要点:1.欢迎Jack;

2.介绍新年活动(包水饺、看表演等). 注意:1.词数100左右;

2.可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯. Dear Jack

Yours, Li Hua


It was an Art lesson. Rachel sat at the desk watching her classmates busy preparing the water jars and paints. She understood why Mrs. Weston asked her to sit down and got Lisa to fetch everything for her. It was always a disaster when Rachel tried to do Art!

Rachel sighed and reached out to dip her brush in some black paint and﹣oh, no! She knocked over the jar. The water spread across the desk and drowned the paper. Lisa called Mrs. Weston to see what Rachel had done. Rachel went red in the face. She jumped to her feet to get a cloth. Her chair fell over backwards. She turned round and her paintbrush caught Lisa across the face, giving her a black moustache. Lisa was so surprised that she fell back against a wire bookstand. It came crashing down and the books went all over the floor.

How clumsy! Rachel thought as she went home on the bus. The bus stopped outside her house. She jumped up and her elbow (肘部) knocked a woman's hat right over her eyes. Oh, no! Rachel said sorry, got off and ran indoors. Mum wasn't in the kitchen but lay in bed as she caught an awful cold. Rachel offered to make a cup of tea but Mum would rather wait for Dad. Rachel sighed. She


understood Mum was afraid she would spill (溅出) it.

\. Willow for some cold cure?\. Rachel turned to the door at once. \, Mrs. Willow's house is full of beautiful things, so if she asks you to come in, you'd better say no.\out.

Mrs. Willow was an old lady with white hair and sharp blue eyes living in an old house. She opened the door and invited her in. Rachel said why she came and that









warning. Mrs. Willow insisted Rachel come inside. Rachel took a deep breath and stepped in. She looked round Mrs. Willow's sitting room and saw at once why Mum had been worried. 注意:

1. 所续写短文的词数应为150 左右;

2. 应使用5个以上短文中标有下划线的关键词语; 3. 续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好; 4. 续写完成后,请用下划线标出你所使用的关键词语. Paragraph 1:

There were beautiful things everywhere ﹣pretty china figures and delicate vases. Paragraph 2:

With a smile Mrs. Willow comforted her saying it had been broken before. 26.(2018?琼海模拟)假定你是李华,得知你的外国朋友Jack获得了中央电视台综艺节目\星光大道\的周冠军,你为他感到骄傲,并给他写一封祝贺信,要点如下: 1.写信目的.

2.肯定他付出的努力. 3.预祝获得月冠军. 注意:




参考词汇:星光大道 Avenue of Stars 综艺节目 variety show

27.(2018?乌鲁木齐模拟)假设你是新城中学学生李华,在网上得知英曜中学生John打算寒假来中国参加中国传统艺术节,他向网友招募翻译.你有兴趣为他翻译.请给John写一封自荐信,内容要点如下: 1. 自我介绍; 2. 你的优势;

3. 希望能成为John的翻译. 注意:1.词数100左右;


参考词汇:中周传统艺术节 Chinese Traditional Art Festival;招募recruit

28.(2018?呼伦贝尔一模)假设你是李华, 你的美国朋友David计划今年暑假来北京旅游两周,他来信咨询相关事宜,请你给他回一封电子邮件, 主要内容包括:

1. 向David推荐旅游地点; 2. 帮他预定宾馆; 3. 就交通方式提出建议. 注意:1.词数100左右;

2.可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯; 3.开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数. 住宿accommodation Dear David, .

Yours, Li Hua




提示词:大雁塔Dayan Pagoda; 莫高窟Mogao Caves

30.(2018?郑州三模)假定你是李华,正在你校学习汉语的美国交换生Albert对中国古诗词很感兴趣.请用英语给他写封邮件,邀请他一同观看央视频道《经典咏流传》中的一期节目.内容包括: 1. 时间、地点和观看人员;

2. 内容:欣赏以歌曲形式咏唱的经典古诗词;

3. 提醒:提前简要了解一些中国经典古诗词,观后一起谈感受. 注意:

1. 词数100左右;

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯. 参考词汇:《经典咏流传》Everlasting Classics Hi Albert, Best,

Li Hua

