[优化方案](浙江、江苏)2016高考英语二轮复习 题型重组第三组

发布时间 : 星期六 文章[优化方案](浙江、江苏)2016高考英语二轮复习 题型重组第三组更新完毕开始阅读




Strange Wedding Traditions around the World

Flinging raw rice and breaking a glass underfoot may seem like strange ways to celebrate a marriage, at least if you’re not used to American customs. Strange as some U.S. wedding traditions may be, they certainly cannot take the (wedding) cake for overall wedding weirdness.Those honors go to these 5 strange wedding traditions around the globe.

Blackening of the Bride and Groom (Scottish)

For Scotland’s tradition of blackening of the bride, which has expanded to now include the groom, absolutely anything goes. This includes tars, feathers, pillow stuffing, dirt, rotting food, sour milk, flour—you name it and you get it, you can certainly pile it on.The blackening takes place prior to the wedding, which at least spares the tux (无尾礼服) and the wedding dress, but any time or location is fair game.Once blackened, the lucky newlywed-to-be is paraded through the streets or tied to a tree as said “friends” announce the wedding.Blackening supposedly prepares the person for any humiliation (羞耻) that life has yet to bring, as nothing could be as humiliating as being blackened.

Breaking Dishes (German)

Throwing plates is typically something you do after you’ve been married a few years, unless you’re from Germany.The wonderful tradition of breaking dishes actually takes place prior to the wedding at the rehearsal dinner.Tradition says the more dishes you break, the more good luck the new bride will receive.This counts double if she’s lucky enough to get a brand new set of china as a wedding gift.After this part, the bride and groom join forces to sweep up the mess, a gesture that ensures nothing will ever get broken in their home again.

Keep Your Feet on the Floor (Irish)

Irish legend has it that the bride must keep her feet on the floor while she’s dancing with the groom to ensure little fairies attracted by her beauty won’t kidnap her.The quick and clever fairies are always eager to get their hands on beautiful things, and legend says the bride has long been a prime target. Irish legends throughout the ages full of tales of fairies stealing brides, although it’s not clear where the brides end up and if the destination is better than where she planned to spend her honeymoon.

Passing a Rolling Pin(擀面杖) (Polish)

How many Polish people does it take to pass a rolling pin? It depends on how many people are at the Polish wedding! The tradition is pretty much what it sounds like,as people stand in a circle and pass a rolling pin from one person to the next,but there’s a rule—no hands are allowed,and each person must grad and then pass the pin along using only their legs.While it is not immediately evident what the tradition means or why people do it,it is evident it would be great video to capture for future generations to enjoy.

No Bathroom Breaks for Three Days(Tidong tribe,Northern Borneo)

Can your bladder (膀胱)really explode? Folks who follow a marriage tradition in Northern Borneo put this question to the test.Newlyweds in the Tidong tribe must stay in their home for three days—without a single bathroom break.That means no No.1, no No.2 during this three-day period. The background of this tradition is

extremely unclear... as is the feeling people probably get after not relieving themselves for half a week.

1.Why is it before the wedding that Scottish people blacken newlyweds? A.They are occupied during the wedding.

B.They don’t want to look ugly in the wedding.

C.They don’t want to blacken their wedding dresses.

D.They need to spare time to clean their blackened faces. 2.Which of the following wedding traditions has an origin from local tales? A.Blackening of the Bride and Groom. B.Keep Your Feet on the Floor. C.Passing a Rolling Pin.

D.No Bathroom Breaks for Three Days.

3.Which of the following wedding traditions is supposed to occur at the wedding ceremony?

A.Blackening of the Bride and Groom. B.Breaking Dishes.

C.Passing a Rolling Pin.

D.No Bathroom Breaks for Three Days.

4.Which of the following statements is TRUE? A.The blackened Scottish couple are not allowed to be exposed to others except friends.

B.The Germans even break a set of delicate china which is a wedding gift. C.Fairies in Irish legend will kill the bride if her feet are not kept on the floor.

D.Newlyweds in Tidong tribe follow “No Bathroom Breaks for Three Days” to test their bladder.


(2015·浙江杭州第一次高考质检) A.Delaying your responsibilities. B.Neglecting sleep.

C.Communicating with the person next to you. D.Performing your duty.

E.Making thoughtless decisions. F.Reflecting over every detail.

What We Should Avoid When We’re Stressed

It’s safe to say we’re a little less than logical when and that puts us at risk to make some mistakes. The next your worries spiking, pay attention to these five behaviors.

1.________It may seem helpful to let it out—and for the most part it can be cathartic(精神集中发泄的)—but mind the long-existing problem. Studies show that stress is an infectious emotion, and soon your stress has become someone else’s, too. A hateful anxiety cycle isn’t good for anyone. Instead, try hanging out with your best friend while doing a few activities you enjoy. One 2011 study showed that quality time with your best friend forever can help ease your worries.

2.________Ever heard the phrase “Don’t go to bed when you’re angry”? Well, here’s another one to file in your rulebook: Don’t make a big decision when you’re stressed. Researchers from Harvard monitored a group of students and found that students who reported high levels of stress were worse at making good long-term choices because their minds were absorbed. In other words, that important decision about a job or that choice to make a down payment on a house should probably wait until you’re a little more relaxed.

3.________We’ve all been there. We get overcome and decide the best way to deal with our to-do list is to just ignore it. That delay habit we create when we’re stressed may feel good at the time—but it’s certainly not helping later on. Instead of putting off something entirely, try breaking up your tasks into pieces. Research suggests we work best in 90-minute intervals (间

隔). Dedicate yourself to your work during those intervals—then give yourself a rest by taking a look at those puppy videos.

4.________It can feel natural to think about every single hiccup (打嗝)when something goes wrong, but that nonstop overthinking could be harming our health. According to a 2013 study published in the journal PLOS ONE, those who reflect over negative thoughts and emotions are more at risk of depression and anxiety. The study also suggests that our psychological response to the negative occurrence seems to have more of an impact than the actual event itself. If you find yourself worrying about every detail, try a few mindfulness to get you back to the present moment. Let those thoughts float away.

5.________Stress can ruin your sleep routine, and the worst thing you can do is to just give into the stress. Watching a TV show until the early hours may seem like the only way to get your mind off things, but research shows your burning screen could be messing with your sleep even more. If you’re stressed and struggling to sleep, try smelling some lavender(薰衣草) or even a warm bath. Sweet dreams.



1.你对这些活动的看法; 2.你打算参加的一项活动; 3.你想参加该活动的理由;

4.你希望从该活动中得到的收获。 注意:1.词数100~120;

2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯; 3.开头和结尾已为你写好,不计入总词数。 Dear Sir or Madam,

I’m glad to know you’re going to hold a summer camp from July 1st to 7th during the vacation.

________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ I’m looking forward to your early reply.

Yours sincerely,

Li Hua


【解题导语】 地球之大,无奇不有。本文介绍了5种令人惊诧的婚俗。

1.解析:选C。细节理解题。由Blackening of the Bride and Groom (Scottish)部分中的“The blackening takes place prior to the wedding,which at least spares the tux(无尾礼服)and the wedding dress”可以看出,“涂黑新人”的婚俗在婚礼前进行的原因是避免弄脏新郎新娘的结婚礼服。故答案选C。

2.解析:选B。细节理解题。由Keep Your Feet on the Floor (Irish)部分中的第一句“Irish legend has it that the bride must keep her feet on the floor...”可以看出新娘跳舞时双脚不能离地的婚俗源自爱尔兰一个神话传说。故答案选B。

3.解析:选C。细节理解题。由Passing a Rolling Pin(擀面杖)(Polish)部分中的第二句“It depends on how many people are at the Polish wedding!”可以看出,婚礼上有多少人,就有多少人参与了传递擀面杖的活动。所以,传递擀面杖的婚俗发生在婚礼上。A、B两项都发生在婚礼前,D项发生在婚礼后的三天里。故答案选C。

4.解析:选B。细节理解题。由Breaking Dishes (German)部分中的“This counts double if she’s lucky enough to get a brand new set of china as a wedding gift.”可以看出,如果摔碎一套作为新婚礼物的全新的瓷器,那么给新娘带来的祝福是双倍的。故答案选B。

Ⅱ.任务型阅读 1~5.CEAFB Ⅲ.书面表达

One possible version: Dear_Sir_or_Madam,

I’m_glad_to_know_you’re_going_to_hold_a_summer_camp_from_July_1st_to_7th_during_the_vacation.I have a great interest in it.There’re so many wonderful activities,such as experiencing cooking culture,visiting world-famous universities,attending foreign classes,learning family gardening,visiting places of interest and so on,which I think are all very useful to us high school students.

After my careful consideration,I’ve decided to apply to learn family gardening.I want to learn how to grow flowers and plants well.We have a garden,where my parents grow various vegetables,flowers and plants.With the knowledge I learn,I hope I can help them with some work in the garden and manage it better.

Thanks for reading my application.I hope I’ll have a chance to take part in the activity.



