2017-2018学年八年级英语下册 Unit 9 Have you ever been to a

发布时间 : 星期二 文章2017-2018学年八年级英语下册 Unit 9 Have you ever been to a更新完毕开始阅读

My parents _______ ______ back ____. 2. The boys have been to Japan lots of times. (改为一般疑问句) _______ the boys _______ to Japan lots of times? 3. Has your sister gone to the bookstore? (作肯定回答) _______, she _______. 4. I have been to the theme park three times. (对划线部分提问) _____ ______ times have you been to the theme park? 5. The movie has been on for half an hour. (对划线部分提问) _____ _______ has the movie been on? Ⅱ. 根据括号中所给动词的提示完成下列句子或对话。 1. I ____________________ (work) in this city for 7 years. 2. — How long ______ she ______ (live) here? — Since she ______ (get) a new job here. 3. How many words _____ you ______________ (learn) since two years ago? 4. My mother ____ never ________ (hear) of this man. 5. Tom _________ (be) to China twice. 2. Finish 4a on textbook. Put the correct form of the verbs in the blanks. 1. A: Do you want ________ (come) to the space museum? B: No, I’ve already ______ (be) there three times. 2. A: Have you _____ (see) the robots at the science museum? B: Yes, I _____ (go) there last weekend. 3. A: Let’s _______ (spend) the day at the zoo. B: Well, I’ve already ______ (be) there a couple of times, but I’m happy _______ (go) again. 4. A: How about ______ (go) to the art museum? There are some special German paintings there right now. B: Sure. When do you want _____ (go)? 5. A: Have you ever _______ (visit) the history museum? B: No, I’ve never ______ (be) there. 13

3. Finish 4b on textbook. Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the verbs in brackets. Most of us ____________ (see) Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck and other famous Disney characters in cartoons before. But have you ever ______ (be) to Disneyland? Disneyland ______ (be) an amusement park with a special theme — Disney characters and movies. There _____ (be) many exciting rides, lovely restaurants and fantastic gift shops there. You can also _____ (see) the Disney characters walking around the park. And have you ever _______ (hear) of a Disney Cruise? This ______ (be) a boat ride with a Disney theme. You can ______ (take) a ride on the boat for several days and eat and sleep on it. On the boat, you can ______ (shop) and have Disney parties before you ________ (arrive) at the Disney island. 4. Finish 4c on textbook. Answer the survey questions and then ask your partner. Have you ever ... been to another province in China? lost something important? Step 4 Homework 1. Remember the grammar in this lesson. 2. Finish the exercise in the workbook.

课题 Unit 9 Have you ever been to a museum? Section B 1 (1a-2e) 1. Knowledge and Ability Objects 教 (1) Key vocabulary: 学 the Terracotta Army, the Great Wall 目 the Bird’s Nest, the Palace Museum 标 Singapore, population, southeast Asia, western food, Indian food, You Your partner 14

Night Safari… (2) Target language: Have you visited …? Have you been to …? Have you seen …? Have you tried …? (3) To train students’ listening, speaking reading abilities and skills.. 2. Method Objects in Teaching (1) Listening and speaking methods. (2) Reading methods. (3) Practice method. 3. Sensibility and Value (1) To raise students’ interest of learning English. (2) To make students get to know cultures of other countries. 1. Teaching Key Points 1. Key vocabulary in this period. 2. Target language in this period. 教 2. Teaching Difficulties 材 1. Improve students’ listening. 分 2. Improve students’ reading skills. 析 3.Teaching Aids 1. A computer for multimedia use. 2. A tape recorder. 时序 Teaching Procedures 15

Step 1 Revision Complete the sentences. Step 2 Pre-listening 1. Look at the pictures and learn the new words. thousand num. 一千 thousands of 数以千计的 safe adj.安全的 fear v.& n.害怕;惧怕 Indian adj.印度人;印度的 spring n.春天 Japanese adj.日本人;日本的 fox n.狐狸 equator n.赤道 2. Look at the pictures and review the sentence pattern: Have you ever been to…? 3. Finish exercise 1a on textbook. Match the pictures with names. _________ the Terracotta Army _________ the Great Wall _________ the Bird’s Nest _________ the Palace Museum Keys: c, a, d, b Step 3 Listening 1. Listen to a student interviewing a foreign student. Check (√) the question you hear. _______ Have you visited the Palace Museum? _______ Have you been to the Great Wall? _______ Have you been to the Bird’s Nest? _______ Have you seen the Terracotta Army? _______ Have you tried Chinese food? Keys: 1,3, 5 2. Listen again and take notes. Name: _____________________________________ Country: ___________________________________ How long in China ________________________ Places visited: ____________________________ Food: __________________________________ 16
