
发布时间 : 星期三 文章北京市西城区2020届高三上学期期末考试英语(含答案)更新完毕开始阅读

推理判断题。根据第六段中“The proposal died in the Senate without even a word spoken about it on the floor.”和最后一段中“I'm moving forward with plans to file the legislation ( 立 法) again in 2021.”可知这个提议在参议院只字未提就被拒绝了,我会在2021年继续推进这些立法文件,因此最后两段表明作者会继续做他一直在做的事情,B项切合题意。故选B项。 【41题详解】

推理判断题。根据最后一段中“I urge you to contact your state legislators to move this legislation forward so that this weekend will be one of the last times we have to ‘fall back’”可知,作者强烈建议大家联系本州的立法机构来推进立法进程,这样的话本周末就会是我们最后一次调回时间的周末了,意在表明作者劝大家为了停止夏令时做些努力,D项切题。故选D项。


According to a new study, teens focus on rewards and have a hard time learning to avoid punishment or consider the consequences of alternative actions.

University College London researchers compared how teens and adults learn to make choices based on the available information. They tracked the way in which 18 volunteers aged 12-17 and 20 volunteers aged 18-32 completed tasks in which they had to choose between abstract symbols.

Each symbol was consistently associated with a fixed chance of a reward, punishment, or no outcome. As the trial progressed , participants learned which symbols were likely to lead to each outcome and adjusted their choices accordingly. Teens and adults were equally good at learning to choose symbols associated with reward, but teens were less good at avoiding symbols associated with punishment. Adults also performed significantly better when they were told what would have happened if they had chosen the other symbol after each choice, while teens did not appear to take this information into account.

“From this experimental lab study we can draw conclusions about learning during the teen years. We find that teens and adults learn in different ways, something that might be relevant to education,\Stefano Palminteri. \This suggests that incentive systems based on reward rather than punishment may be more effective for this age group. Additionally, we found that teens did not learn from being shown what would have happened if they made alternative choices.\

To interpret the results, the researchers developed computational models of learning and ran simulations (模拟)applying them to the results of the study. The first was a simple model, one that learned from rewards, and the second model added to this by also learning from the option that was not chosen. The third model was the most complete and took the full context into account, with equal weight given to punishment avoidance and reward

seeking. For example, obtaining no outcome rather than losing a point is weighted equally to gaining a point rather than having no outcome.

Comparing the experimental data to the models, the team found that teens\reward-based model while adults\ed the complete, contextual model. “Our study suggests that teens are more receptive to rewards than they are to punishments of equal value, ” said senior author Dr. Sarah-Jayne Blakemore. “As a result, it may be useful for parents and teachers to frame things in more positive terms.” 42. It can be learned from the study that . A. adults made choices faster than teens B. adults understood rewards better than teens C. teens reacted better to reward than punishment D. teens were aware of the outcome of each choice

43. What do we know about the three computational models? A. They reflected people’s strong desire for punishment avoidance. B. They gave circumstances different degrees of consideration. C. They paid equal attention to reward and punishment. D. They shaped the behavior of people at different ages.

44. The underlined word “receptive\ . A. accustomed C. sympathetic

B. opposed D. responsive

45. According to the writer, which of the following statements works best for teens? A. “If you insist on doing things in this way, you will lose ten points. \B. “If we had talked about this earlier, you wouldn’t have made the mistake. \ C. “ If you hand in your assignment ahead of time, you will get an extra bonus.\D. “If you want to approach a problem differently , you can talk to your parents. \【答案】42. C 43. B 44. D 45. C 【解析】

这是一篇说明文。介绍了一项新研究,研究表明青少年们关注回报,很难学会避免惩罚或者考虑到不同行为的结果。 【42题详解】

推理判断题。根据最后一段中“Our study suggests that teens are more receptive to rewards than they are to punishments of equal value”可知,这个研究表明青少年们对于同样意义的回报和惩罚,更能接受回报而不

是惩罚,意在表明青少年对于回报的回应比惩罚好,C项切题。故选C项。 【43题详解】

推理判断题。根据第五段中“The first was a simple model, one that learned from rewards, and the second model added to this by also learning from the option that was not chosen. The third model was the most complete and took the full context into account, with equal weight given to punishment avoidance and reward seeking.”可知第一个是简单模型,从回报中了解到的。第二个增加了一些从未被选的选择中了解的部分。第三个模型是完全考虑到了惩罚避免和追求回报的等量关系,这部分语境意在表示研究者给了环境不同程度的考虑。B项切题。故选B项。 【44题详解】

词义推测题。根据最后一段中“Our study suggests that teens are more receptive to rewards than they are to punishments of equal value”,研究表明青少年们对于同样意义的回报和惩罚,更能接受回报而不是惩罚,意在表明青少年对于回报的回应比惩罚好。A. accustomed习惯;B. opposed相反;C. sympathetic同情的;D. responsive反应积极的。结合句子结构分析和翻译语境可知, D项切合题意。故选D项。 【45题详解】



根据短文内容, 从短文后的七个选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。 选项中有两项 为多余选项。


Plogging is a new way to jog while cleaning up the planet. It's a craze that began in Sweden in 2016 and the motivation behind it includes reducing the load of plastic litter in our environment, as well as keeping fit while running. ___46___If you love outdoor exercise, enjoy exercising with others, and care about removing litter from our environment, then this might just be the sport for you.

Make good preparations before plogging. Dress suitably for the environment in which you are running. This will vary depending on the weather and surroundings, but the basics are comfortable running clothes and closed-toe running shoes. Suitable gloves are a wise and useful addition, as picking up litter can be dangerous in some situations. ___47___This might be a standard trash bag, easy to carry and capable of containing litter that might have sharp edges.

Organize your plogging group. If you're lucky enough to have ploggers already in your area, seek them out.

Join up and make new friends with a shared interest. Check out such meeting groups at Meetup or ask at a local sports store to find out what opportunities exist where you live. If you don't have a group, create one. Use social media, notices on bulletin boards, or place signs in the windows of sports stores to find fellow ploggers. ___48___

Collect safely. One key suggestion for staying safe while collecting litter is to avoid picking up broken glass or sharp items. If you must collect such an item, only do so when you can find a very safe way to collect it without harming yourself. If in doubt, leave it and get better equipment to remove it. ___49___If an item of litter presents a potential safety risk, try to mark the item clearly to encourage people to avoid it.

___50___ It is a way of combining individual achievement via exercise with community and environmental care. You're part of the growing movement of people who are giving back to the world at the same time as honoring self care, a sustainable and healthy way to balance your life. This could be a fantastic opportunity to show people that individual action makes a big difference.

A. Taking some photos during the process is also necessary. B. You can also ask for assistance from the local authorities. C. Usually performed as part of a group run, it's also a social exercise. D. You also need to find a suitable carry bag for collecting the litter in. E. Plogging is a great way to feel motivated as it has more than one benefit. F. If you find a natural area with litter problem, this might be a suitable place. G. With some advertising effort, you are likely to connect with a few interested people. 【答案】46. C 47. D 48. G 49. B 50. E 【解析】

这是一篇说明文。主要从三个方面说明了跑步捡垃圾的好处,并提出了进行跑步捡垃圾的相关建议。 【46题详解】

根据下文“If you love outdoor exercise, enjoy exercising with others”如果你喜欢户外运动,喜欢和别人一起运动的话。C项Usually performed as part of a group run, it's also a social exercise.“这是一个社交运动,通常以组队的形式进行”呼应下文中的others,切合题意。故选C项。 【47题详解】

根据下文“This might be a standard trash bag, easy to carry and capable of containing litter that might have sharp edges.”这可以是一个普通的垃圾袋,便于携带,并且能装带有锋利边缘的垃圾。D项You also need to find a suitable carry bag for collecting the litter in.“你还需要一个便于携带的垃圾袋来装垃圾”呼应后句中的
