
发布时间 : 星期一 文章北京市西城区2020届高三上学期期末考试英语(含答案)更新完毕开始阅读

北京市西城区2019 — 2020学年度第一学期期末试卷


本试卷共10页, 共120分。 考试时长100 分钟。 考生务必将答案答在答题卡上, 在试卷上作答无效。


第一节 语法填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,共15分)



Most of us claim we don't have time for exercise. However, many experts say that exercise plays an important role in making our body healthy. Being ___1___( physical) active offers many advantages. As a physical reward, exercise can reduce weight and the risk of heart disease. Exercise also ___2___ ( bring) good effects mentally. It can make us feel refreshed and happy, helping us increase our life quality. Actually, exercise can be done in simple ___3___( way). For example, we can take the stairs rather than the lift. Overall, it's hard to find time to exercise in our busy lives, but every little bit helps. 【答案】1. physically 2. brings 3. ways 【解析】

这是一篇说明文。主要介绍了锻炼的益处很多,而且可以通过简单的方式完成,每做一些锻炼都会有帮助。 【1题详解】

考查副词。句意:保持身体活跃益处很多。分析句子成分可知,active是形容词作表语,需使用副词作状语修饰,因此使用physical的副词形式physically。故填physically。 【2题详解】

考查主谓一致。句意:锻炼也能带来精神上的益处。分析句子成分可知,句中缺少谓语动词,且主语为第三人称单数形式,因此谓语动词应使用bring的第三人称单数形式brings。故填brings。 【3题详解】





It's a popular belief that fish can't remember anything___4___ longer than seven seconds. It may seem sad to think that they don't remember what they've eaten or where they've been. But a recent study ____5____ ( find) that a kind of fish called African cichlids can remember events from as long as 12 days ago. Researchers trained the fish to go to a certain area of their tank ___6___ ( get) food. They then waited for 12 days before _____7_____ ( put) them back in the tank again. With the help of computer software, they found the fish still went to the same place where they first got food.

【答案】4. for 5. has found\\finds\\found 6. to get 7. putting 【解析】

本文是说明文。研究表明鱼的记忆力比我们认为的要好得多。 【4题详解】

考查介词。句意:许多人都认为,鱼的记忆不超过7秒。分析句子结构并翻译语境可知,“for+时间”结构做时间状语表示“长达...”段时间,符合语境。故填for。 【5题详解】

考查动词时态。句意:近日有研究表明,鱼的记忆力比我们认为的要好得多。最近研究报道,像African cichlids的鱼类甚至能记得12天前发生的事。根据语境可知,使用一般过去时表示“过去某时间发现的结果”;使用现在完成时表示“截至目前已经发现的结果”;使用一般现在时表示“客观发现的结果”,三种时态均符合语境。故填has found\\finds\\found。 【6题详解】

考查非谓语动词。句意:研究人员训练鱼游到鱼缸的特定区域获取食物。分析句子结构可知,句中存在谓语动词trained,且fish与get之间为目的性关系,因此使用不定式形式to get。故填to get。 【7题详解】




In April 2017 , two giant pandas from China arrived at a zoo in the Netherlands. There, they ___8___( welcome) to the Chinese-style compound where they were to live. On May 30, after the preparations were complete, the day finally came___9___the pandas met their fans for the first time. People were excited because ___10___ zoo is the

only place in the country where it is possible to see pandas. In fact, the last time there were pandas in the Netherlands was in 1987.

【答案】8. were welcomed 9. when 10. the 【解析】

本文是记叙文。讲述了2017年4月,中国大熊猫引进荷兰动物园,受到当地人热烈欢迎的事情。 【8题详解】

考查动词语态和主谓一致。句意:他们受到欢迎到结合中式风格的住所居住。分析句子结构并翻译语境可知,they与welcome之间为被动关系,使用被动语态,且they为复数,因此使用are welcomed。故填are welcomed。 【9题详解】

考查定语从句。句意:所有准备工作做完后,5月30日,熊猫们首次见粉丝的日子终于到了。通过分析句子结构可知,空后句子是定语从句,修饰限定先行词day时间,因此使用关系词when引导。故填when。 【10题详解】


第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,共30分)

阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

Pam Bales, an experienced hiker, stepped onto snow-covered Jewell Trail. The hike up the lower part of Jewell was ___11___. But less than an hour later, the weather was showing its teeth. Bales began to think about calling it a day. Then she noticed something: a single set of ___12___ in the snow ahead of her. She'd

been___13___unclear tracks all day and hadn't given them much ___14___, because so many people climb Jewell Trail. But these, as a volunteer of the Valley Search and Rescue Team, she ___15___, had been made by a pair of sneakers, which was surely not for this kind of trail. Strong wind screamed, and___16___was just hours away. If Bales continued to follow the tracks, she'd add___17___to the journey. But the tracks ahead meant someone might be in ______18______She could not let this go. She silently scolded the absent hiker for ___19___ normal safety rules and struggled to walk carefully in the direction of the _____20_____ .

After about tracks to 30 yards, she rounded a corner and saw a man sitting motionless. He wore tennis sneakers and a light jacket. She checked him for any sign of ______21______ . There was none. Bales had been trained in search and rescue and knew that he was hypothermic ( 体温过低的 ) and would ____22____soon if

he didn't get out of there. The man said he had lost his way and was extremely____23____ . Bales brought a pair of soft-shell pants, a winter hat, and a jacket from her pack. She helped the man ____24____ the warm, dry layers onto his body and offered him some hot cocoa.____25____he stood. She offered continuous

encouragement—“ Keep going! You're doing great.\, they arrived at the trailhead

very____26____ . Her climb up to the spot where she______27______ the man had taken about four hours. Two hours had passed since then.

A week later, the president of Bales' rescue group received a letter in the mail. It read: “ On Sunday October! 17, 1 went up my trail, Jewell. ____28____ was to be bad. But without thinking too much I was dressed to go quickly. Next thing I knew this lady was talking to me, changing my clothes, making me warmer. She just kept____29____me. Finally, I learned her name was Pam. The entire time she treated me with compassion (同情心),confidence, and one hundred percent commitment...\

In the nine years since she saved John, Bales has become something of a hiking legend (传奇人物). It's a( n) _____30_____ she never sought or wanted, but one she certainly has earned. 11. A. long 12. A. clothes 13. A. recording 14. A. response 15. A. realized 16. A. success 17. A. information 18. A. trouble 19. A. knowing 20. A. wind 21. A. power 22. A. recover 23. A. cold 24. A. pick 25. A. Unwillingly 26. A. tired 27. A. treated 28. A. Chance

B. boring B. tools B. following B. expectation B. suggested B. darkness B. interest B. control B. making B. tracks B. life B. escape B. starving B. pull B. Nervously B. stressed B. observed B. Sight

C. pleasant C. gloves C. covering C. thought C. admitted C. freedom C. risk C. doubt C. judging C. sound C. injury C. wake C. sleepy C. bring C. Immediately C. upset C. located C. Health

D. unforgettable D. footprints D. leaving D. hope D. remembered D. disaster D. pain D. touch D. breaking D. hikers D. loss D. die D. concerned D. carry D. Slowly D. scared D. protected D. Weather
