
发布时间 : 星期二 文章2017人教版七年级英语下册units1-12重点单词,短语,句子及作文更新完毕开始阅读

Unit 10

1. Would you like to eat one large bowl of beef noodles with cabbage and potatoes ?

No , I would like mutton noodles with onion and fish . 2. I ate tofu ,meat ,dumplings for lunch yesterday. 3. I ate porridge and pancakes for breakfast yesterday. 4. May I take your order? 5. What size would you like? 6. I am not sure yet.

7. What is birthday food around the world ?

8. The answer would be different in different countries, but the ideas are the same. 9. They bring good luck to the birthday person .

10. In China ,it is getting popular to have cake on your birthday. 11. The birthday person must make a wish .

12. If he blows out all the candles in one go,the wish will come true. 13. The number of candles is the person age. 14. In the UK,the child with candy is lucky. 15. People never cut up the noodles. 16. Special 2

Unit 11

1. I milked a cow and rode a horse yesterday.. 2. I fed chickens on the farm yesterday.

3. Farmers grew quite a lot of flowers in the countryside . 4. Did you eat anything?

5. Carol picked quite a lot of apples.

6. We worried it would rain. Luckily ,it did not,and the sun came out again! 7. I visited a fire station saw some paintings yesterday. 8. These paintings were excellent.

9. I went to a gift shop and bought some lovely gifts for my parents. 10. They were not expensive . 11. They were cheap.

12. All in all ,it was an exciting day.

13. We visited the science museum yesterday. 14. Everything was about robots . 15. I am not interested in that. 16. The rooms were really dark . 17. I could not really hear the guide . 18. Carol learned a lot about farming. 19. We got there so fast by train. 20. It was so hot on the slow train.

Unit 12

1. We went camping in India.

2. The snake moved into the forest near the lake. 3. I went to the beach yesterday.

4. I played badminton with my friends yesterday. 5. I fed some some sheep.

6. I worked as a guide at the Nature History Museum. 7. They have a butterfly house . 8. I told the visitors about them. 9. I am kind of tired now.

10. I stayed up late to watched the soccer game. 11. A family of mice were in the kitchen. 12. Baby mouse was afraid.

13. Father Mouse shouted at the cat . 14. The cat quickly ran away.

15. It is important to learn a second language. 16.
