
发布时间 : 星期日 文章人教版英语八年级下册Unit1知识点归纳更新完毕开始阅读


Who’s in control of the project?谁是这个项目的负责人? (2)拓展:control的其他相关短语:

under control在控制之下 out of control失去控制 e.g. Everything is under control.一切在控制之下。 ★例题:The car was out of _____ and hit a tree by the road. A. danger B. breath C. control D. practice

答案:C out of danger脱离危险;out of breath上气不接下气;out of cont失控;out of practice疏于练习。

9.keep on doing…继续、重复做…

e.g. Don’t keep on interrupting me.别老是跟我打岔。 (1)句型:

①keep doing sth.一直做某事 e.g. Keep smiling.保持微笑。

②keep sb. doing sth.让某人一直做某事

e.g. I’m sorry to keep you waiting.对不起让你久等了。 ③keep on doing sth.继续/重复做某事

e.g. He kept on sitting down and standing up.他重复坐下又站起来。 (2)英语中后接doing作宾语的词(组):

完成练习值得忙finish,practice,be worth,be busy 继续习惯放弃keep on,be used to,give up

考虑建议不禁想consider,suggest,can’t help,feel like 喜欢思念要介意enjoy,miss,mind


10.because of… 由于… (1)辨析: ①because 接从句

e.g. He is absent because he is ill today.他今天缺席,因为他病了。 ②because of接名词,代词或动名词

e.g. He is absent today because of his illness.他今天缺席,因为他病了。 ★例题:We didn’t have a sports meeting yesterday _____ the heavy rain. A. because B. unless C. because of D. across from

答案:C 句意:因为下大雨,昨天我们没有开运动会。介词of之后应跟名词。 (2)because(因为)和so(所以)不能同时出现在一个英语句子中,只用其一,类似的词还有although(虽然)和but(但是)。

e.g. Although he was tired,he still worked hard.

=He was tired,but he still worked hard.虽然他很累了,但他仍然努力工作。

11.give up放弃


e.g. You shouldn’t give up running.你不应该放弃跑步。

★例题:You should _____ smoking. It’s really bad for your health. A. put up B. give up C. get up D. set up

答案:B搭建;放弃;起床;建立。句意:你应该放弃吸烟 吸烟真的有害身体健康。 (2)up在此短语中是副词,故give up与代词连用时,代词需放中间。 e.g. I find it too difficult to learn English well. I want to give it up. 我发现学好英语很难。我想放弃它。 (3)拓展:give其他相关短语:


give away赠送 give back归还;恢复 give in屈服 give off发出;放出 give out分发



e.g. You should obey the school rulers.我们应该遵守学校的规则。 You shouldn’t do that.你们不应该做那件事。

★例题:——Many people play with mobile phones all day instead of reading books. ——That’s too bad. Everyone _____ be a book lover. Reading is more enjoyable. A. may B. should C. would

答案:B 可能;应该;会。句意:每个人应当成为书的爱好者。读书跟快乐。


e.g. Should I help her clean the park?我应该帮她打扫公园吗? What should I do for them?我应该为他们做些什么?


反身代词是由第一人称、第二人称形容词性物主代词或第三人称人称代词宾格形式,词尾加-self或-selves组成的。反身代词意为“本人”、“本身”,为加强语气,也可翻译为“亲自”、“自己”。 (1)反身代词构成: 单数 第一人称 myself 第二人称 yourself 第三人称 himself/herself/itself 复习资料


ourselves yourselves themselves (2)反身代词的用法: ①作动词宾语或介词宾语

e.g. The boy can dress himself.这个男孩能给自己穿衣服。 Take good care of yourself.好好照顾你自己。 ②作主语或宾语的同位语

e.g. Mrs. Black herself is a lawyer.布莱克夫人本人就是一名律师。 You had better ask the driver himself.你最好问司机本人。 ③作表语

e.g. Just be yourself.做你自己就好了。

Mary hasn’t been herself recently.玛丽近来感到不适。

(3)反身代词必须与其所指代的名词或代词形成相互关系,在人称,性别和数上保持一致。 e.g. The children are enjoying themselves in the park.孩子们正在公园里玩得很高兴。 ★例题:They could look after _____ when they were six. A. ourselves B. themselves C. yourselves

答案:B 句意:当他们六岁时就能够照顾自己了。主语时they,对应反身代词themselves。

(4)反身代词的常用短语: teach oneself=learn by oneself自学 enjoy oneself过得愉快 help oneself to… 随便吃/用… look after oneself照顾某人自己
