2018届高三10月月考英语试题 含答案

发布时间 : 星期三 文章2018届高三10月月考英语试题 含答案更新完毕开始阅读

II. Translation

Directions: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.

1. 民众呼吁政府延长失业的救济。( appeal )

2. 用户名和密码不要经常性改动,会引起不必要的麻烦。(basis)

3. 父母和孩子的长期分开使孩子有一种被遗弃的感觉。(abandon)

4. 知道因为自己的努力和奉献而改善了别人的生活是做慈善的最大动力。(charity)

III. Guided Writing

Directions: Write an English composition in no less than 150 words according to the instructions given below in Chinese.

每一个人都会被自己阅读过的一本书,一个故事或看过的一部电影而感动并难以忘怀, 请你以My most Influential ____________ 为题写一篇文章。 内容包括:

1. 描述你的书,故事或电影的主要内容。 2. 谈谈它对你产生的影响或带来的思考。

七宝中学 高三月考( 十月)英语试卷答案

I. Listening

1-10 BBCBC CBCAB 11-16 CCB DCC 17-20 BDBB II. Grammar & Vocabulary

21. in

22. because / for

23. overwhelming

would 25. had gone 26. which

27. but loved 29. that

30. themselves

21. She was trembling with anger. 她气得发抖。 His face was flushed with anger. 他的脸气得发红。 He raised his voice in anger. 他气得提高了嗓门。

31- 40 AD / CD / C / BC / AB / AC / BD / A / B /ABC



41-45 ACDAC 46-50 BCBAB 51-55 CADCB



56-59 DABB 60-62 ACC 63-66 CADB 67-70 B /AB /C /AC

第II 卷


A poor boy asked for water but got milk from a kind, beautiful young lady. Inspired by her kindness and God’s love, the boy worked hard to become an excellent doctor, who saved the young lady finally and paid the medical bill for her. Both of them believed love is spread from people to people. ( 55 words )

II. Translation:

The public appealed to the government to extend (the) unemployment benefits. The public appealed to the government for an extension of unemployment benefits. User names and passwords should not be changed/can’t change on a regular basis, which otherwise will/would cause unnecessary trouble(s).

If parents are away from their children for long, children are likely to feel abandoned. Knowing that your efforts and contribution have improved/improve/better others’ life/lives is the greatest motive/motivation for charity.

Knowing that others’ life has been improved/bettered because of your efforts and contribution is the greatest motive/motivation for charity.


Section A

1. M: Your new bag looks nice. How much is it?

W: I got three on a sale. 300 dollars each. And it’s buy-two-and-get-one-free. Q: How much does one bag actually cost the woman?

2. M: Miss Richardson. My daughter didn’t sleep well last night. Will you give her

some extra attention today?

W: Don’t worry, Mr. Cruise. All the kids will be taken good care of here. Q: Where does this conversation most probably take place?

3. M: Hey Jenny. It’s already April. Aren’t your parents coming to visit this month?

W: Yes, they have planned to but then an emergency turned up and they have postponed their visit for two months. Q: When are Jenny’s parents coming?

4. M: A new book of J. K. Rowling has been released. You must be a fan of hers.

W: I haven’t heard about the news. But you’re right. I am crazy about her works. Q: What will the woman probably do?

5. W: You look fit. You must be a sports-fan, aren’t you?

M: Well, I often spend some time jogging with my son in the morning and occasionally play a basketball game with my friends but my favourite is still swimming though.

Q: What sport does the man like best? 6. W: Is there a lady’s room around here?

M: There is. But unlucky for you. It has a big “out of use” sign on it. Q: What does the man mean?

7. W: I’d like to read the paper after Peter finishes with it.

M: No problem Jane. But I think he promised Sandy first. Q: What will Peter probably do?

8. M: My nose feels a little uncomfortable today. I am wondering if I have caught


W: Well, I am no doctor. But it doesn’t sound so bad. Maybe you just need some fresh air or perhaps it’s all in your head. Q: What does the woman imply?

9. M: You know, if the weather is still this hot tomorrow, we had better drop the plan

of playing basketball in the afternoon.

W: Oh, I’ve got the feeling it won’t last. The weather forecast expects it to cool down later today.

Q: What does the woman think?

10. M: Hey, Jane, I don’t want to miss your birthday party but I should spend some

time with my wife.
