大学英语精读(第三版)Unit - 6-10 - 讲稿

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suspect sb. of sth. suspect sb. to be

CF: suspect & doubt 这两个词都是动词,都有“怀疑”、“不相信”之意。

suspect 意思是―怀疑‖、―猜想‖、―觉得不可靠‖,指没有足够的证据或毫无证据而相


doubt 意思是―怀疑‖、―不相信‖,常带―否定‖意味,指怀疑某种事物的存在或是否会


1. At first, I suspected him to be an imposter. 2. He began to doubt whether she would come or not. 3. We suspect you of nothing. Take it easy. 4. I doubt his honesty.

5. The students suspected that the teacher was ill yesterday because a substitute came instead.

7. afford: v. have enough time, means, time, etc. for; be able to spare (often used with can, be able

to, could)

No one can afford to waste so much time attending the meeting. I wish I could afford two hours for the party. NB:

1. 在否定结构中时, 表示―经不起‖(发生某事,做某事),含尽力避免其发生做某事的意思。

I can’t afford to neglect my father’s scolding.

2. 表示有能力做某事时,通常不用被动语态。

Cars are so expensive that only rich people can afford to buy them.

不能说:Cars are so expensive that they can be afforded only by the rich people.

8. very: adj. used to emphasize a noun (only before noun and often used with the, this, my, your)

It was on this very spot, the manager was shot.

You are the very man I’m looking for. 你正是我要找的人。 9. positive: adj. 1) sure or certain

I am positive that it was John who scrambled for help just now. Can you be positive about what you heard? 2) constructive

The old professor gave him some positive suggestions on what to do next.

3) (in math) greater than zero; (of electricity) caused by deficiency of electrons ―+‖ is the positive sign.

You must have confused the positive pole with the negative pole. 10. cheat:

v. act in a dishonest way to win an advantage or profit Those students who cheat on / in the exam will be punished.

The elderly woman was cheated into buying a house that did not exist. The elderly woman was cheated out of her fortune. n. an action of deception or sb. that deceives



Some tax cheats have been heavily fined. Cheats will be disclosed in the long run.

CF: cheat & deceive 这两个动词均有“欺骗”之意。

cheat 普通用词,指用蒙蔽他人的手段取得所需之物,尤多指在赢利的买卖中欺骗人。 He always cheat at cards; I never play with him. 他打牌时总是作弊;我从不同他一起打牌。

deceive 指采用歪曲真相隐瞒事实的手法给人造成假相,使人上当受骗。此外,该词


He deceived me under the mask of friendship. 他假托友谊来欺骗我。

You deceived yourself as to the course you chose. 你对自己所采取的方针认识不正确。

11. amidst: prep. among, in the middle of A church stands amidst trees.

He was brave amidst all dangers. 他在各种危险中总是勇敢的。 12. crowd:

n. large group of people together

Crowds gather in front of the stock exchange every weekday.

Upon his arrival, the President was cheered by welcoming crowds. v. come together in a crowd

People crowded around the tourist guide for more interesting stories. One can hardly breathe in such a crowded room.

Collocation: attract / draw a crowd 吸引一群人 disperse a crowd 驱散一群人

an enormous / huge / tremendous crowd 庞大的人群 a capacity crowd 客满 the wrong crowd 一帮坏人 13. prosperous: adj. rich; successful

Upon liberation in 1949, many overseas Chinese came back to build a prosperous China. We should hold a party for the prosperous business this year. 14. figure: n.

1) human form

What a fine figure of a man!

I saw a familiar figure ahead of me in the crowded subway station. 2) number

People were surprised to find that the beggar had a bank account of six figures. Write the amount in words and in figures. 用文字和数字写下这笔钱数。 3) drawing to illustrate sth.

Her job is to draw figures for magazine articles. 15. considering: prep. in view of; taking into account He writes a beautiful hand considering his age.

Considering that I have told you about it three times, you must know it. 16. appearance: n. 1) look

He had an unhealthy appearance.



Don’t judge by appearances. 不要根据外表来作判断。 2) the act of appearing

Some people are still frightened by the appearance of UFOs. My appearance at the party was not very welcome. Collocation: put in / make an appearance 出现;露面

make a personal appearance 亲自露面(出场) at one’s appearance 在出现时 in appearance 从外表看来 at first appearance 初看起来

CF: appearance, expression, face & looks 这几个词都是名词,都有“表面”之意。 appearance 强调外表、外貌、外观。

expression 指神色和表情,与前者相比更有抽象意味。 face 表示实体的脸与面孔,引申为面部表情或脸色。 looks 意思是―容貌‖,指人的相貌仪表。 1. He looked at me with a very strange appearance. 2. She had a face like thunder. 3. Her face was sad.

4. We don’t like his shabby appearance.

5. “I don’t understand,” he said, with a(an) expression of complete surprise. 6. She’s got her father’s good looks. 17. pack: v.

1) put things into boxes, bases, etc.

Some British people pack their lunch in a paper bag.

I hate traveling because it takes me much time to pack and unpack my things. 2) crowd

The bus is heavily packed during rush hours.

The bad businessman packed unreasonable costs into the budget. n. bundle of things tied or wrapped up together What do you carry in that huge pack on your back?

Please give me a pack of cigarettes. 请给我一包香烟。 18. worn: adj. bad from too much use

Oliver Twist had only a worn coat in winter. It is time you changed your worn tire.


1 . take advantage of: make use of (sth. or sb.) for one’s own benefit

We’ve decided to take full advantage of the week-long holiday to visit some interesting

places in southeast countries.

They often take advantage of his kindness and borrow money from him and never return it. Collocation: at an advantage 有利地 be of advantage to 对?有利

gain / get / have / win an (the) advantage over (of) 胜过, 优于 give sb. an advantage (over) 使某人处于有利地位 have the advantage of 比?强, 胜过

take advantage of / make one's advantage of 乘机利用 2. and what’s more: also, and more importantly, seriously, etc.



Playing games can relieve people totally from the pressure of work, and what’s more, it can

teach rules of life as well.

He managed to finish the task within limited time, and what’s more, the task is well-done. NB: More usages of “more”

1. 当more作many的比较级用时,前面可以用一个表示程度的状语来修饰。a lot of


2. 当more代替或修饰可数名词复数时,前面可用a few, many或数字来修 饰。a few more apples or three more books 3. 如more后接的是不可数名词,副词或形容词时,more前面可用much, rather, a little, a great deal 来修饰。rather more slowly or much more serious

3. all right: certainly; beyond doubt

She is pretty all right, but I don’t like her.

It’s time to leave, all right, but the bus hasn’t come.

4. break off: stop suddenly

John rose. “As for me —” he suddenly broke off when the teacher came in. The speaker was interrupted so often that in a huff he broke off and sat down.

5. come down in the world: lose a place of respect or honor; become lower as in rank or fortune

The stranger plainly had come down a long way in the world.

Poor old George has come down in the world since his business failed. 6. mistake? for: suppose wrongly that sth. or sb. is sth. or sb. else I mistook that stick for a snake.

People are always mistaking him for his twin brother. 7. long for: wish very much for

In winter times, how we longed for spring.

I long for a timely reply from you.


1. In a certain store where they sell puddings, a number of these delicious things are laid out

in a row during the Christmas season. Here you may select the one which is most to your taste, and you are even allowed to sample them before coming to a decision.


There is a certain store where puddings are sold. During the Christmas season, different kinds of delicious puddings are spread out in a row so that customers can select to their liking. And before they decide what to buy, they can even taste the puddings.

2. I have often wondered whether some people, who had no intention of making a purchase, would take advantage of this privilege.

A customer has the right to sample the puddings before coming to a decision whether to buy them or not, and the narrator often wants to know if there were people who would merely sample them with no intention to buy any.

3. And what’s more, I hope there are a lot more stores where he can go and get his share. (1). What is the shop girl’s hope?

She hopes many other stores can allow him to sample their puddings, too. (2). What do you think of the shop girl?

