
发布时间 : 星期一 文章英语试题练习题教案学案课件护理专业英语更新完毕开始阅读

难点:体温, 呼吸,脉搏和血压的正常范围值和体温,呼吸的测量方法. 【相关练习题】

一、单选题: Choose the best answer from A,B,C and D according to the text.

1. “Apnea” means ___________.(C)

A. difficulty breathing B. rapid respiration C. the absence of respiration D. slow respiration

2. When you measure blood pressure, the adult is between _______ times per min.(D)

A. B. 90-120 C. 80-110 D. 60-100 二、多选题: Choose the correct answers from A,B,C,D, and E according to the text.

1. Vital signs refer to _____________.(B, C, D , E)

A. stress B. body temperature C. pulse D. blood pressure E. respiration

2. Factors that may influence the pulse rate involves _________.(A,B, D, E)

A. fear B. anger C. E. exercise


vital signs 生命体征 thermometer 温度计 respiration 呼吸

Fahrenheit temperature 华氏温度 Celsius temperature 摄氏温度

radial artery 桡动脉 systolic pressure 收缩压 diastolic

pressure 舒张压pulse 脉搏 blood pressure血压 dyspnea 呼吸困难 apnea 呼吸暂停

What’s my temperature? 我的体温多高?

Please roll up your sleeves. I’ll take your blood pressure. 请把袖子卷起来,我要给你测血压. 四、简答题:

1. What are vital signs?

2. Please list the types of thermometers we commonly use. 五、正确理解课文含义。

Unit 12 Health Assessment 健康评估


1. 掌握健康评估的目标; 2. 熟悉评估资料的来源; 3. 掌握现病史的主要内容; 3. 了解确保评估成功的一些方法. 【教学内容】

1. 健康评估的目标;

2. 健康评估资料的来源; 3. 完整的健康史应包括的内容; 4. 现病史的主要内容; 5. 查体的方法 6. 获得成功的评估的方法 7. 护理日常英语 (见书第12章日常口语部分)

重点:健康评估资料的来源; 完整的健康史应包括的内容;现病史的主要内容;难点:完整的健康史应包括的内容;现病史的主要内容;


一、单选题: Choose the best answer from A,B,C and D according to the text.

1. The sources of the information for the assessment exclude . (C ) A. the for further assessments.

B. Collection of the complaints that cause the patient to seek of diagnoses and treatments.

二、多选题: Choose the correct answers from A,B,C,D, and E according to the text.

1. The information of C. neighbors D. friends E. medical record


视诊 palpation 触诊 percussion 扣诊 auscultation 听诊

What brings you and Infection Control 隔离技术和感染控制 【学习目标】

1. 掌握隔离的分类;

2. 了解各种隔离主要预防措施; 3. 熟悉洗手,穿白大褂和戴手套的目的.

【教学内容】 1. 隔离的分类;

2. 各种隔离主要预防措施;

3. 洗手,穿白大褂和戴手套的目的.

重点:隔离的分类; 各种隔离主要预防措施; 难点:隔离的分类


一、单选题: Choose the best answer from A,B,C and D according to the text.

1. Universal precautions emphasize all of the following except_____. ( D )

A. prevention of transmission through blood and body fluid; B. prevention of sharps injury; C. use of barrier precautions;

D. The patient should performing bloodbody fluid

precautions, the ’t and gloves even if patient care involves contact with infected materials;

2) wash practices are an attempt to prevent the spread of infection by breaking the chain of infection ________________. ( A C E )

A. at the source B. in the wounds C. at the the fecal matter E. in the course of transmission. 三、牢记下面的单词或表达法:

breaking the chain of infection 切断感染链 the source 感染源 the 传播途径

universal precautions 普遍性的预防 gown白大褂 mask 口罩 glove 手套 四、简答题:

1. What are isolation practices?

2. How many types are isolation practices divided? 五、正确理解课文含义。

Unit 14 Medication 药物


1. 陈述药物应用的意义; 2. 列出药物应用的途径;

3. 写出药物应用护理评估的内容;

4. 说出出院病人药物应用方面的护理要点. 【教学内容】

1. 药物应用的重要性 2. 药物应用的途径 3. 药物应用的护理评估 4. 出院病人药物应用的护理

5. 护理日常英语 (见书第14章日常口语部分) 重点:药物应用的途径; 药物应用的护理评估 难点:药物应用的途径


一、单选题: Choose the best answer from A,B,C and D according to the text.

1. Medication treatment is very important in _______. ( B )

A. caring of patients B. curing of diseases C. diagnosing of diseases D. testing of patients 2. Oral medications are those _________. ( A )

A. given by mouth B. absorbed in the mouth C. absorbed in the stomach D. absorbed in the intestine 3. Which of the followings can be absorbed most rapidly? ( D ) A. sublingual medications B. buccal medications C. topical medications D. parenteral medications

二、多选题: Choose the correct answers from A,B,C,D and E according to the text.

1. The basic considerations for physiological assessment on medication

should include ______. (BDE)

A. job B. age C. family income D. weight E. sex

2. When administering medication, the nurse should (ABCDE ) A. take a medication in the nursing care plan

B. communicate the information gathered with other members of the C. observe the outcomes of the treatment 三、牢记下面的单词或表达法:

adverse effect副作用 parenteral medication 注射药物

intradermal injection 皮内注射 subcutaneous injection 皮下注射

intramuscular injection 肌肉给药 intravenous injection 静脉注
