
发布时间 : 星期二 文章最新仁爱版七年级英语下册unit7-topic1-测试题更新完毕开始阅读


C. She wanted another present. D. She liked it very much.

( ) 5. Which of the following sentences is true?

A. Mary’s mother only liked expensive presents. B. Her mother was very happy. C. She made her mother sad. D. She was a bad daughter.


Jakie was nine years old. One day,his friend Amy said to him,“I’m going to have a birthday party on Sunday, Jakie. Can you come?”

Jakie asked his mother, and his mother said,“Yes, you can go.”On Sunday afternoon, his mother said to him again“Now, Jackie, when you go to the party, remember this, you must be polite (有礼貌的), don’t ask for food until(直到)someone gives it to you.”

“All right, Mum,”Jakie answered, and he went to Amy’s house on his bike.

There were many children at the party. They played together for an hour and then Amy’s mother gave them some food; but she forgot Jakie and didn’t give him any. He waited politely for a long time, and then, he took up his plate and said loudly (大声地),“Does anyone want a nice clean plate?”

根据短文内容,选择正确答案 ( ) 1. How old is Amy?

A. Ten. B. Nine C. Sorry, we don’t know. D. Eight.

( ) 2. When is the birthday party?

A. Saturday. B. Sunday C. Friday. D. Last Sunday.

( ) 3. Whose birthday is it?

A. Jakie’s mother. B. Amy’s C. Jakie’s. D. Amy’s mother.

( ) 4. Did Jakie go to Amy’s home?

A. Yes, he did. B. No, he didn’t. C. Sorry, we didn’t know. D.Sorry, we don’t know.

( ) 5. Why did he take up his plate?

A. He wanted others to look at his clean plate. B. He had a nice clean plate. C. He wanted some food. D. His plate was very clean.

Ⅷ. 书面表达(15分)







Ⅰ. 1. I was born in October.

2. It was on October the twelfth, nineteen thirty-seven. 3. The ball is round.

4. There is a dictionary in the picture. 5. It’s August 8th today. Ⅱ. 1. A: What’s the date today?

B: It’s May the seventeenth. Q: What’s the date tomorrow? 2. A: Was he born in Shanghai? B: No. He was born in Macao. Q: Where was he born?

3. A: Is your present round or rectangular? B: It’s round.

Q: What’s the shape of the present? 4. A: Tomorrow is David’s birthday.

B: That’s right, we will have a special dinner to celebrate. Q: How will they celebrate David’s birthday? 5. A: When is your birthday, Kangkang? B: May the eighteenth. A: That’s next Friday! B: You’re right.

Q: When is Kangkang’s birthday?



Unit 7 Topic 1

答 案


Ⅰ. 1~5 B A C A A Ⅱ. 1~5 B B A B B

Ⅰ. A) 1. celebrate 2. present 3. dictionaries 4. February 5. shape B) 1. yesterday 2. playing 3. birthday 4. October 5. color Ⅱ. 1. B 2. B 3. B

4. B 具体指明某一天或某一天的早上、下午或者晚上用介词on 5. C plan to do sth

6. B 球类名词前一般不加冠词,乐器名词前一般加定冠词the 7. A 二月份是天数最少的一个月份,故用be different from 8. A 这是一道口语测试题,意思是你说对了 9 . C 题中be是were,故排除A,B是宾格形式 10. C 介词of名词所有格,表示“……的”如:

the students of No.1 Middle School一中的学生

11. C sing…for sb 给某人唱歌

12. C buy sth for sb 句型 13. C Would like to do sth 14. A 此句有转折关系

15. C What about+doing…? 句型

Ⅲ. 1. celebrate 按题意应为“我们该如何庆贺”

2. shape 问形状用名词“shape”

3. looks like 按题意为“看上去像一头猪” 4. was born “出生”应用“be born”,注意时态

5. candles 按题意为“买蛋糕和蜡烛”且用复数

6. was “当我十二岁时”用when I was twelve

Ⅳ. 1. the fourth 2. What, date 3. What’s, shape 4. When, where 5. do, want 6. Are there any

7. When does, have(一般现在时句型转换借助动词用does) 8. don’t, like 9. How wide, your Ⅴ. 1. D 2. B 3. E 4. C 5. A 精品文档


Ⅵ. 1.C 2.D 3.A 4. B 5. C 6. A 7. B 8. C 9.C 10.D Ⅶ. (A) 1~5 D B C D B (B) 1~5 C B B A C

Ⅷ. I had a party on June the ninth, because that day was my birthday. I invited my best friend Judy to come to my party. She brought a present to me when she came. It is a backpack. It is green. It is 40cm long and 30cm wide. I like it very much. We had a good time together.

