2017-2018学年高中英语 Unit 4 Pygmalion Section Ⅰ Warming

发布时间 : 星期二 文章2017-2018学年高中英语 Unit 4 Pygmalion Section Ⅰ Warming更新完毕开始阅读



“There's really no better playground for kids in America than right here,” says Tom Hart, an artist from Easton, Maryland. He's talking about the Chesapeake Bay, which is indeed a huge playground. Surrounded by Maryland and Virginia, it's the nation's largest estuary (河口湾), with 64,000 square miles of bays and rivers. This vast inland ocean hosts more than 300 species of fish and is best known for its Eastern oyster, blue crab (螃蟹), and abundant bird life.

Easton's Farmers' Market — open from May through October — has a large number of farmers and craftsmen who produce astonishingly tasty vegetables, handmade soaps, home-made lemonade and tomato pie, and Hart's folk art.

From there, head to the Oxford Ferry, where you'll find a small beach and boat transport for cars, bikes, and walkers to

the seaside town of Oxford. Or you can just randomly explore — ask kids to count the cows while driving down roads, perhaps ending up at a wild shoreline where they will come face to face with pure nature.

“To me, a tide pool was always much more interesting than an electronic game,” recalls former chef Barton Seaver, author of ForCodandCountry. “I grew up spending summers on the Patuxent River near Chesapeake Bay. My brother and I would pull large male Jimmy crabs from the tide pool. We'd fish for rockfish from the dock.”

“But the time I became a chef, crabs were impossibly expensive,” he continues. “There was a ban on bass (鲈鱼). Bluefish had been over-harvested. So I realized the abundance of sea life I had seen as a child had disappeared within 10 or 15 years. It is a real lesson that all kids should understand.”

But the oyster and blue crab populations have begun to return. One five-year-old boy now comfortably is walking to the end of a friend's Chesapeake dock and watching wide-eyed as a crab pot is lifted. Always at least three or four blue crabs try to escape as you pull them up. For a child, he can look at an extraordinary wild creature at arm's length. “The Chesapeake Bay offers the joy of discovery,” says Seaver.

语篇解读:美国东海岸的切萨皮克湾物产丰富,景色宜人,是孩子们的天然游乐场。 5.Tom Hart will probably agree that ________. A.Easton offers playground equipment B.children will love the Chesapeake Bay


C.children of the estuary need better playgrounds D.the Chesapeake Bay has the largest playground

解析:选B 推理判断题。结合下文可知,Hart把切萨皮克湾比喻成了儿童游乐场,孩子们会非常喜欢这里。

6.What does Barton Seaver think of his childhood summers on the Patuxent River? A.Fairly dull. C.Rather busy.

B.A bit regretful. D.Very enjoyable.

解析:选D 推理判断题。根据第四段中的“To me, a tide pool was always much more interesting than an electronic game”可知,Seaver在帕塔克森特河的童年很有趣。

7.What does Barton Seaver mainly express in Paragraph 5? A.Fish is good for children's health. B.Crabs should be sold at a lower price. C.Overfishing produces a destructive effect. D.Children should spend more time learning.

解析:选C 细节理解题。根据倒数第二段可知,Seaver旨在说明过度捕捞会带来破坏性的后果。

8.What does the five-year-old boy see? A.How oysters are raised. B.How crabs are caught. C.Various wild creatures. D.The strong arms of crabs.

解析:选B 细节理解题。根据最后一段可知,这个五岁的男孩看到了螃蟹是如何被捕捞的。


A French Canadian design group has greatly improved the classic swing set. Created by Montreal-based group Daily Tous Les Jours, The Swings is a large set of multicolored seats that emulate (仿真) a range of musical instruments as people swing. However, there is one rule required to reach the activation of The Swings — people must cooperate. When users work together to swing in unison (一致地), they are rewarded with a perfectly pleasant tune.

“The Swings is a game where, from the start, you need to adjust to the actions of others,” Mouna Andraos, Daily Tous Les Jours founder, said.

The Swings made its first American appearance at the Green Box Arts Festival, in Green Mountain, Colorado, last summer. After being awarded a grant (经费) from


the Knight Foundation, The Swings will have month-long stays in Charlotte, North Carolina; Macon, Georgia; Philadelphia; and San Jose, California, over the course of the next year. Currently, The Swings is in storage until the first city of the tour has been designated (指定).

The project began in 2011, when the Montreal entertainment district was looking for a way to attract visitors. Daily Tous Les Jours worked alongside a musical composer and a biology professor to create “the magic of collective music making”, and the end result was swinging musical chairs. The Swings generated attention from other cities, which led Daily Tous Les Jours to apply for a grant to take the swing set on the road.

Daily Tous Les Jours hopes that, in addition to bringing joy to these four cities, The Swings will promote community interaction and cooperation. This could also eventually lead to positive socio-economic changes within each city.

“We want to observe how the positive interactions made by The Swings can help communities, neighborhoods and local businesses,” Andraos said. “Cooperation is at the heart of this operation.”

语篇解读:本文是说明文。文章介绍了鼓励人们合作的成套音乐秋千。 9.What is most special about The Swings? A.It is colorful. C.It is a swing set.

B.It is very large. D.It is able to play music.

解析:选D 细节理解题。由第一段中的“emulate a range of musical instruments as people swing”及“they are rewarded with a perfectly pleasant tune”可知,该秋千最特别之处在于它可以播放音乐。

10.The Swings mainly encourages people to ________. A.keep active C.work together

B.enjoy music D.have some fun

解析:选C 细节理解题。由第一段中的“there is one rule required to reach the activation of The Swings — people must cooperate”及第二段中的“you need to adjust to the actions of others”可知,该秋千主要是鼓励人们合作。

11.The Swings was originally designed to ________. A.change society C.help people in need

B.promote tourism D.make people creative

解析:选B 推理判断题。由第四段开头的“The project began in 2011, when the Montreal entertainment district was looking for a way to attract visitors.”可推




How to Stay Positive No Matter What Happens

No matter what happens, you can stay positive by following a few simple steps. __1__ If you have something to look forward to that motivates you and makes you feel needed, your self-esteem will skyrocket. Pick one or two activities, such as doing volunteer work or teaching your favorite lessons to others, and promise to do it on a regular basis.

Pick a goal that is important to you and reach for it. Create a structured schedule that leads you to a goal that is important to you. Make it something you are passionate about and enjoy talking about. __2__

Keep away from negative people. If certain people always make you down, minimize your time around them. __3__ If you don't have a strong social structure, then start taking part in some activities you enjoy so that you can meet people with similar interests.

Build close connections with family and friends. Reach out and keep in touch with people you are close to. __4__ Go for walks. Call old friends. Fill your life with the small important things that keep your spirits up.

__5__ A lot of us spend time struggling to achieve our goals that don't suit us and aren't meaningful to us. If you get stuck in a job or relationship that doesn't work for you, do something about it. Don't stay in the situations that add to your stress and anxiety levels.

A.Do what works for you.

B.Deal with negative situations positively. C.You can stay positive by living a regular life.

D.Stay positive by filling your life with meaningful activities. E.Working towards something every day will add positivity to your life. F.Go out of your way to spend time on fun activities that you can do together. G.Surround yourself with people who lift you up and give you encouragement. 语篇解读:本文是说明文,介绍如何保持积极乐观的心态。

1.选D 根据本段后两句中的说明和举例可以概括出本段的主旨,即要让生活充满有意义的活动以保持积极乐观的心态,故选D。

2.选E 选项中的“Working towards something”与上一句中的it都指的是奋斗目标,与本段的首句相对应,故选E。

