
发布时间 : 星期日 文章【附20套高考模拟试题】广东省七校联合体2020届高三第二次(5月)联考英语【文】试题含答案更新完毕开始阅读


第一部分 (共20小题每,小题1.5分,满分30分)

1.Doris Lessing, an author who has had a fascinating life, lived in Iran _______ she was five before moving to Zimbabwe. A.unless C.until D.after

2.—Shall we turn to the boss for a longer holiday? —He’ll probably say no, ________ it’s worth asking. A.so B.while C.unless D.though

3.Most of us try to discover we think is the most moving love story in our company. A.which

B.that C.what D.who


4.— I am worn out. — Me too, all work and no play. So it’s time to ________. A.burn the midnight oil B.push the limits C.go with the flow D.call it a day

5.—What happened to the young trees we planted last week? —The trees ________ well, but I didn’t water them. A.might grow

C.would have grown D.would grow

6.The folks were delighted at the message of their relatives _______ that mine explosion. A.survived B.to survive C.were surviving

D.surviving B.needn’t have grown

7.I think you could complain, _______, of course, you are happy with the way thing s are. A.unless

B.that C.which


8.Mary nearly missed the flight doing too much shopping. A.in need of C.in front of

D.as a result of

B.on top of

9.Large quantities of time ______ for practising guided writings. A.was needed

B.are needed

C. needs

D.is needed

10.Music treatment involves a specialist playing an instrument or sing ________ the patient’s mood. A.by means of

C.in response to D.on account of

11.In front of the whole audience, Premiere Li made his promise ______ the government would try its best to solve the problem of poverty in China. A.what B.which C.whether D.that

12.Have you read the book Life and Death Are Wearing Me Out by Mo Yan, _____ that won him the 2012

B.with regard to

Nobel Prize in Literature?

A.the one B.one C.those D.ones

13.A quick review of successes and failures at the end of year will help ________ you year ahead. A.sharpen C.stretch



14.lt was in December, 2018 ________ Chairman Xi and President Trump met in Argentina. A.when C.before



15.Some people suggest changing the date for the college entrance exams into ______ Saturday and Sunday of the first week of June, which I think is ______ good advice. A./ ; / B.the; the C.the; a

D.the; /

16.---- Which of these digital cameras do you like best? ---- ______. They are both expensive and of little use. A.None B.Neither C.Nothing D.No one

17.That student admitted in the math exam, that he would never do that again in the future. A.to have cheated, promising

B.cheating, promised

C.to cheating, promised D.having cheated, promising

18.-You’ve been coughing so badly recently. Give up smoking, please. -_______. I think I am addicted to it. A.It can’t be helped

C.So far, so good D.Far from it

19.Don’ t be joking. It’ s time to______your business. A.set out

B.take up C.go on

D.get down

B.Good idea

20.---How was your evening?

---We went to Joe’s and had ____. We really enjoyed ourselves.

A.a white elephant B.a square meal C.a sacred cow D.the salt of the earth

第二部分 阅读理解(满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。

21. There’s a world of difference between a horror movie and a comedy—the former scares (6分)you half to death while the latter leaves you rolling on the floor with laughter. But try watching them without the background music and you just might decide they’re not so different after all. Music and movies have been closely connected since the beginning of the film industry—even before the voices of actors were recorded. In movies, music helps to provide a sense of time and place, convey ideas about the characters and, most importantly, draw emotions out of the audience.

Studies have long shown that our heart rates and anxiety levels rise and fall depending on the speed of the music we hear. Using this knowledge, composers use sudden changes in film music speed to create fear among audiences. Slowing the speed of the music will have the opposite effect, bringing about a sense of

peace or a dreamlike quality. The use of dissonant(不和谐的) tones and noises is another technique that heightens tension. Humans naturally become unnerved when we hear dissonant sounds because such noises are usually associated with danger, like those that animals make to warn against predators(捕食者).

As crucial as it is, the best film music is subtle. All that audiences are supposed to feel is a heightened sense of emotion—they shouldn’t realize what’s causing it. Only when the music is taken out of the film should audiences understand its effects.

In keeping with this principle, some filmmakers are even using what’s called “infrasound”(次声波) to arouse fear. While we may not be able to hear it because its frequency is below the range of the human ear, infrasound has been proven to cause anxiety, tremble and even sorrow. For example, infrasound was used in the soundtrack of the 2007 horror movie Paranormal Activity, and audiences reposed extremely high fear levels despite the 1ack of action throughout the movie. “It doesn’t affect everyone equally,” said British science writer Philip Ball, author of The Music Instinct, but he predicted that “we will see more of it used in movies in the future”.

1、What is the difference between a horror movie and a comedy? A.Their history. C.Their actors.

2、What causes fear among audiences? A.The theme of the music. C.The knowledge of the music.

B.The slow speed of the tangle. D.The unexpected change of the music. B.Their background music. D.Their time and place.

3、What does the underlined word “subtle” in the third paragraph mean? A.Gentle.

C.Not immediately obvious.


D.Not extremely attractive.

4、What do we know about “infrasound” from the last paragraph? A.It can’t be known to people. B.It makes audiences relaxed.

C.It is within the range of the human ear. D.It will be used more in movies in the future.

22.The announcements that follow inform you of various First Presbyterian Church programs (8分)and events to which you are invited. Please save this publication, take it home and keep it for easy reference.

Summer Musikgarten—Today

Musikgarten is for infants (V)L) through three years old, but if you have older children, bring them with you during the summer. We don't want to leave anyone out! We'll meet for Summer Musikgarten

classes in Room 307 at 9:20-9:50 AM today, and on June 25, July 9, 16, 23, 30, August 1 and 20. If you have questions or for more information, please contact Kathy Middleton (kmidd@mchsi.com; 563-505-0471).

BTC Book Club Bonus—Monday

Join us for dessert and a discussion of the book, The Traitor's Wife, by Allison Pataki, led by Lois Boyer-Fitzpatrick. We will meet Monday, June 19 at 12:30 PM in the Parlor. For more information, contact Carol Phoenix (563-332-0980). Performing Arts Series—Saturday

The twenty-fifth anniversary season of the Performing Arts Series concludes with two performances of the classic Broadway musical, My Fair Lady. Lerner and Loewe's most successful collaboration, My Fair Lady has delighted audiences for decades, and we look forward to producing it for you. Tickets are $2 for adults and $10 for students, and can be purchased on the church's website or by calling the church office. Tabitha's Circle—Sunday

All those who sew and make some simple dresses and shorts can join us in Fellowship Hall. The clothes we make are sent to children in Africa, Guatemala, Cambodia and Haiti. Please bring your own sewing machines and invites others who would like to participate. We will have refreshments. Contact Rosen Paulsen (563-355-3165) for questions about this outreach project. 1、14.If you value the children education, which event is your best choice? A.Summer Musikgarten B.BTC Book Club Bonus 19 C.Performing Arts Series D.Tabitha's Circle 2、16.You can contact all of the four events by A.making phone calls B.visiting the websites C.inquiring in person D.writing letters

3、18.According to the third section, we know My Fair Lady A.is free for young kids B.has been popular for years C.was starred by Lerner and Loewe

D.was one of the longest classic Broadway musicals

23.(8分) My kids sit in Gee’s living room and respectfully lift antique Christmas ornaments (装饰品) out of a cardboard box. They giggle at Ann, who is a foreign character to them. Gee stands beside them, quietly explaining each treasure. She tells me that she and Tom built their ornament collection piece by piece. She smiles as we leave with the box.

We first met Tom and Gee in the early days of our marriage. Someone had been returning our garbage
