
发布时间 : 星期日 文章徐州市2016-2017学年度高三第一次质量检测英语试题更新完毕开始阅读

is perfect. Some of us hit. Some miss.‖

65. The author‘s attitude towards Zevin‘s book is _________. A. supportive B. critical C. objective D. indifferent

66. How many characters of the novel are mentioned in the passage? A. Four. B. Five. C. Six. D. Seven.

67. The police chief organizing a reading club is mentioned to prove _________ in the novel.

A. there is really nothing to hide B. reality is not allowed to interfere

C. important stuff has been focused on D. everything is a result of timing 68. What can be implied in Paragraph 5?

A. The novel underlines happiness will always be around. B. The novel mainly talks about the marketing of the book. C. It is The Late Bloomer that brings A.J and Amelia together. D. It is important to do things on the basis of overall situation.

69. The underlined sentence in the last paragraph most probably means _________. A. our life is full of ups and downs B. we should collect works all our life C. our life is closely connected with books D. we should read books all our life 70. The passage is mainly about _________.

A. the extraordinary life of A.J. Fikry B. the moral lesson of no ―too late‖ in life C. a comment on The Later Bloomer D. a review of The Storied Life of A.J. Fikry 第四部分:任务型阅读(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)

请认真阅读下列短文,并根据所读内容在文章后表格中的空格里填入一个最恰当的单词。 注意:每个空格只填1个单词。请将答案写在答题卡上相应题号的横线上。 Is Cash Becoming Outdated?

When he rolls into a gas station to fill his tank, BarkhadDahir doesn‘t get out of his car. He pushes a few buttons on his cellphone and within seconds he has paid for the fuel. With the same quick pushes on his phone, he pays for virtually everything he needs: groceries at the supermarket, a few oranges from a market stall, or a cup of sweet milky tea from a café. ―Everyone here has his own bank with easy access,‖ boasts Mr. Dahir. ―Even lying in bed, you can be paying your bills.‖

Electronic payments offer consumers convenience, provide revenue to banks, credit card companies and payment processors, and offer merchants improved cash flow and convenience. ―I don‘t even carry money any more,‖ says Adan Abokor, a democracy activist, ―I haven‘t seen cash for a long time. Almost every merchant, even hawker (小贩) on the street, accepts payment by cellphone. There‘s no waiting for it and no counting of cash.‖

The system is impressively simple and secure. Purchases are made by dialing a three-digit number, entering a four-digit PIN, and then entering the retailer‘s payment

number and the amount of money. Both customer and merchant receive text messages to confirm the payment.

Clearing up cash payments has several advantages as well. The printing and handling of money is expensive. Cash payments can be anonymous and hard to track criminal activities to be conducted in secret. Many government favor reducing cash dealings in

order to better monitor and understand the activities of their citizens. The Swedish government has been discussing the removing of cash since 2010.

However, some people doubt what members of a cashless society do when the power goes off. Do they choose to barter (物物交换) and rob? Do they sit at home and wait? What happens to people who rely on their cell phones to process money dealings when cell service and the Internet are interrupted? A world affected by terrorism and

increasingly violent weather may not yet be ready to abandon currency. ―Ironically, the day after the largest bank in Norway, DNB, proposed ending all cash dealings, I went to my local grocery store and when I tried to pay by phone, I was told that I needed to go to the ATM to get cash because the system was broken.‖ said an interviewee.

Other people fear that electronic payments may create security and fraud risks and enable dealings to be tracked and reported.

Privacy, security and convenience are all important factors in the adoption of electronic payment technology. New technologies which balance and address these factors may enable to remove cash.

Is Cash Becoming Outdated?





1. 简要描述图表中反映出的人生规划与发展现状的关系; 2. 谈谈人生规划的重要性;

3. 结合自身实际,谈谈你的人生规划。 参考词汇: elite精英人士 注意:

1. 不必写标题;

2. 可参照图表适当发挥;

3. 作文中不得提及有关考生个人身份的任何信息,如校名、人名等。

英语试题参考答案 听力原文

Text 1

M: How much is this chocolate bar? W: It is two dollars and fifty cents.

M: The sign on the shelf says that it‘s a dollar.

W: No, that‘s the price for the second bar if you buy two and pay the regular price for the first one. Text 2

M: Shouldn‘t you leave to pick up Jason from the baseball game? If you leave now, it will be 5:00 when you get there.

W: He called me at 3:45 to say the game will go on later than planned. He said I shouldn‘t leave before 5:30 unless I want to be waiting around for him. Text 3

M: The washing machine in our apartment is more than seventeen years old, and it worked just fine until last night.

W: You‘ll never be able to get parts for it. It might be time to buy a more recent model. Text 4

M: Our class will be cancelled this afternoon. Our teacher is sick and can‘t go to school. W: Really? I didn‘t hear anything about that.

M: Uh…I just saw the teacher and she told me about it.

W: But you said the teacher was sick! Oh, I know what‘s going on. Today is April Fools‘ Day! Text 5

W: Hello, sir. I‘m calling to see if you were satisfied with our service.

M: It was fine for the most part, but I was a little annoyed that our beds were dirty.

W: I‘m sorry to hear that. Can I offer you a discount to stay with us for half price next time? M: Um…no, thank you. Text 6

M: Did you sign a contract for your apartment?

W: No. I was told I didn‘t have to. But I put some money down before I moved in.(6) M: You can usually get that money back at the end of the contract.

W: Yes, that‘s what the manager said. He said I would get it back when I leave. M: How do you like your new place?

W: I‘m happy with it. It‘s got all the modern conveniences. It‘s in a safe neighborhood. And it‘s not as expensive as I thought it would be. (7) Text 7

W: Peter, I don‘t know how to find a book I‘ve been looking for in the library. Can you help me?(8)

M: Do you know the title and the author‘s name? W: Yes. It‘s Japanese Overseas by Mary White.

M: If you know that information, just go to the card catalogue on the first floor and look up the author‘s name. (9)

W: What should I do when I find the card?

M: Write down the number and find the floor where the book is kept. When you get the book, take it to the check-out counter near the entrance. W: All right. I‘ll try.

M: If you have any questions, ask one of the librarians there. Text 8

M: I called the Belgium office yesterday about that order that still hasn‘t arrived. (10) W: What did they say?

M: They kept me waiting on the line for twenty minutes while they looked for the paperwork.

W: That‘s terrible.

M: Yes, I was furious, especially because it was their fault that the order didn‘t arrive. You know what they said? They told me that they couldn‘t find the paperwork for the missing order. (11)

W: How annoying! What happened next?

M: So the Belgium office told me they would send me an email as soon as they found the missing paperwork. Guess what? This morning, I got another phone call from them.
