
发布时间 : 星期六 文章NetApp模拟器安装文档更新完毕开始阅读

cd .. 回到根目录



4. 安装NetApp模拟器

安装文件路径: 7.3.1-sim-cdrom-image-v22.iso 将这个文件拷到本地

mount /dev/cdrom /mnt/cdrom cd /mnt/cdrom ls


Where to install to?[/sim]:

Would you like to install as a cluster?[no]:

Would you like full HTML/PDF FilerView documentation to be installed[yes]: Continue with installation?[no]:yes

Your simulator has 3 disk(s).How many more would you like to add[0]:25


What disk size would you like to use?[a]:f Disk adapter to put disk on?[0]:

Use DHCP on first boot?[yes]:no Ask for floppy boot?[no]:

Which network interface should the similar use?[defualt]: How much memory would you like the similar to use?[512]:256 Create a new log for each session?[no]: Overwrite the single log each time?[yes]:

到这一步,如上图所示,提示你run /sim/ to start the simulator

Please enter the new hostname[]:qichanghongnetapp0102 (这块是输入一个host name,
