
发布时间 : 星期三 文章高考英语二轮专题限时训练:议论文型完形填空含答案更新完毕开始阅读

专题限时训练(二十五) [议论文型完形填空]

(限时:30分钟) (一)

What are the basic elements of good manners? Certainly a strong sense of justice is one; courtesy(谦恭) is often __1__ more than a highly developed sense of __2__ play. A friend of mine once told me about a time when he was driving along a narrow, unpaved mountain road. __3__ was another car that produced clouds of __4__, and it was a long way to the nearest __5__ highway. Suddenly, at a wider place, the car ahead __6__ off the road. __7__ that its owner might have engine trouble, my friend stopped and asked if anything was wrong.“__8__,”said the other driver,“but you've borne my dust this far, I'll __9__ with yours the rest of the way.”

Another element of courtesy is empathy(善解人意), a __10__ that enables a person to see into the mind or heart of someone else, to understand the pain or __11__ there and to do something to __12__ it. A man dining with his girlfriend in a restaurant was trying to open the cap of a beer bottle, but he couldn't do it because of badly injured __13__. He asked a young busboy to help him. The boy took the bottle, turned his back momentarily and loosened the cap without difficulty. Then he __14__ it again. Turning back to the man, he __15__ to make great efforts to open the bottle without success. Finally, he took it into the kitchen and returned shortly, saying that he had __16__ to loosen it—but only with a special tool.

__17__ another element of politeness is the ability to treat all people __18__, in spite of all status or importance. __19__ when you have doubts about some people, act as if they are worthy of your best manners. You may also be __20__ to find out what they really are. 1.A.nothing B.anything C.something D.nobody 2.A.fair B.consistent C.significant D.positive 3.A.Behind B.Ahead C.After D.Beside 4.A.dust B.smoke C.gas D.pollution 5.A.blocked B.used C.paved D.repaired 6.A.took B.pulled C.drove D.flew

7.A.Hoping B.Seeing C.Recognizing D.Thinking 8.A.Yes B.Sure C.No D.OK

9.A.do away B.catch up C.put up D.go on 10.A.tool B.thought C.behaviour D.quality

11.A.unhappiness B.pleasure C.feeling D.attitude

12.A.maximize B.expand C.minimize D.contract 13.A.legs B.arms C.fingers D.mouth

14.A.loosened B.repeated C.capped D.tightened 15.A.seemed B.pretended C.managed D.believed 16.A.offered B.tried C.managed D.failed 17.A.As B.But C.So D.Still

18.A.alike B.separately C.warmly D.nicely 19.A.Ever B.Specially C.Especially D.Even

20.A.astonished B.frightened C.disappointed D.depressed (二)

“What r u doing? I'm waiting 4 u.” It is a __21__ thing to see teenagers tapping away on their mobile phones. But parents and teachers are __22__ that a “lost generation” may grow up with great technology skills, but be unable to __23__.

The Qilu Evening News, in Shandong Province, has reported that parents of primary school students are facing a huge __24__ in getting their children to improve their handwriting. Schools have set __25__ special handwriting classes for pupils. In a(n) __26__ of text messages, __27__, computer games and Microsoft World, is it any __28__ that teens view handwriting as old-fashioned as tying

your feet with a long strip of cloth?

I learnt to write __29__ I was five years old. Armed with a big pencil, I __30__ to make sense of the alphabet. Being able to __31__ through writing proves that we have the ability for thinking intelligently, __32__ us from animals.

OK, so most teenagers will not be able to write in a few years. What's the big __33__?

Well, using a keyboard all the time may be affecting the shape of your hands. A new study __34__ recently in Shandong __35__ the fingers of people under 25 years old has shown that thumbs are taking over from other fingers as the hand's most flexible and strong fingers.

The Chinese __36__ view handwriting as an indication of a person's __37__. Calligraphy(书法) has __38__ been an important part of Chinese culture, but today its future is __39__. Before we lose our skills altogether, __40__ that a letter written by hand is worth a thousand times more than a quick e-mail.

21.A.simple B.common C.foolish D.special

22.A.shocked B.disappointed C.ashamed D.worried 23.A.speak B.read C.write D.listen

24.A.hardship B.challenge C.project D.task 25.A.in B.out C.up D.down

26.A.period B.world C.time D.age

27.A.e-mails B.telephones C.videos D.radios

28.A.reason B.wonder C.fun D.chance 29.A.when B.until C.since D.while

30.A.realized B.wanted C.struggled D.continued 31.A.think B.communicate C.feel D.tap

32.A.dividing B.lifting C.separating D.freeing 33.A.fear B.benefit C.difficulty D.deal

34.A.picked out B.found out C.worked out D.carried out 35.A.on B.to C.for D.by

36.A.normally B.traditionally C.officially D.proudly 37.A.skill B.deed C.hobby D.character 38.A.always B.still C.often D.even

39.A.bright B.amazing C.uncertain D.different 40.A.remember B.enjoy C.choose D.learn

专题限时训练(二十五)【议论文型完形填空】 (一)

【文章大意】 处理好人际关系的秘诀是什么?本文告诉了你答案,那就是“以礼待人”,同时也提出了一些化解矛盾和冲突的具体建议。

1.A nothing more than相当于only,意为“只不过”,故选A项。

2.A 上文“Certainly a strong sense of justice is one…”出现了justice,这里需要填一个它的同义词,故选A项。

3.B 另一辆车在前面,从后面的the car ahead可以找到答案。故选B项。 4.A 前一辆车扬起了很多灰尘。本段末有提示。故选A项。

5.C 作者朋友的车现在正开在灰尘滚滚的没有铺柏油的山路上,所以可以推测,要开到最近的铺好了柏油的公路上还有一段很长的距离。paved与前面的unpaved对应,符合语境。故选C项。

6.B 前面那辆车驶向路边。take off 飞机起飞;pull off驶向路边;drive off驾车离开;fly off 飞出,故选B项。

7.D 这里描述了作者朋友当时的想法(内心的一种猜测),故用thinking。他认为那部汽车的发动机出了毛病。故选D项。

8.C 从后面的but可以判断,汽车并没有什么毛病,故选C项。

9.C 在余下的路程中,另一辆车的司机要求作者朋友的车开在前面,而他自己的车开在后面,忍受吃灰之苦。put up with是“忍受”之意,符合语境。do away with废除;catch up with赶上;go on with继续。故选C项。

10.D empathy是个人所具有的品质和能力,而不是工具(tool) 想法(thought) 或一种行为(behaviour),故选D项。

11.A 根据or提示应选用pain的近义词,作同位语,而只有unhappiness符合这个要求。故选A项。 12.C 做些事情使痛苦或不幸减少到最小。maximize 使增至最大限度;expand扩大;minimize把……减至最低数量(或程度);contract使收缩。故选C项。

13.C 拧不开酒瓶盖,说明受伤的部位应该是手指头。故选C项。 14.D 他这时又把旋松的瓶盖拧紧。故选D项。

15.B 他假装费了很大的劲却没有旋开瓶盖。故选B项。

16.C 只是用了一件特殊的工具,他就打开瓶盖了。offer to do 主动做;try to do 努力做(不一定成功);manage to do 设法做成某事(做成功了);fail to do做某事没有成功。故选C项。 17.D 语境表达“礼貌的另一个要素”,still another是固定搭配,意为“还有另一个”,故选D项。

18.A 礼貌的另一个要素是平等地对待每一个人,不管他的地位多高,多么重要。alike在这里是副词,意为“相同地”。故选A项。

19.D 这里要选用程度状语来修饰,且含有转折之意的词汇,故用even。 20.A 你也会惊讶地发现他们的真面目。astonish惊讶,惊奇;frighten使惊吓;disappoint 使失望;depress使沮丧。故选A项。 (二)

【文章大意】 本文是一篇议论文,关于青少年过多使用网络语言导致家长和老师担心他们会因此而丧失了书写能力。文章告诉我们虽然书法前途未卜,但它一直以来都是中华文化的一部分。

21.B 此事已引起社会的广泛关注,一定是“常见的”现象,故选B项。

22.D 下文一直在说人们是如何采取措施应对该现象,所以推断此事一定是令家长和老师感

到“担忧”的,而既然这是一个常见的现象,就不会使人感到震惊,故选D项。 23.C write为全文中心词,选C。 24.B 从文中可知家长和学校在改变这一现状方面有很大困难,根据文中提示词face和huge可知选B。

25.C 根据语境,可知本句意为“为小学生专门设立书法课”,故选up。set up意为“设立,创办”。

26.D in an age of…意为“处于……时代”,与上文的generation相呼应。 27.A e-mail与前后的text messages,computer games,Microsoft World 同属一个类别。

28.B 青少年这样看待书法不足为奇,故选B项。

29.A 当“我”五岁的时候,“我”开始学习写字。故选A项。

30.C 由常识可知任何一个5岁的孩子,拿着一个硕大的铅笔学写字,都很费劲。struggle意为“挣扎,艰难,费力”故选C。

31.B 文章开篇的对话即是人与人的对话,同时本文最后一句有提到人际往来的信件。communicate意为“交往,联系,沟通”故选B。

32.C 书写是人与动物的区别。separate…from…意为“把……与……分开”,故选C项。 33.D “What's the big deal?”在此处意为“问题有多严重?”。

34.D carry out意为“实施”,在此作定语,修饰study,意为“进行的一项研究”。 35.A 固定搭配study on…意为“做关于……的研究”。

36.B 本段着重说明书法是中华文化的一部分,中国人传统上很看重书法,因此traditionally最合文意。

37.D 中国人常说“字如其人”。character意为“性格,品性”。故选D。

38.A “书法是中华文化的一部分”由来已久。always意为“一直”,最切文意。

39.C 这里前一个分句和后一个分句的内容是截然不同的转折关系,且本文的开篇就提到人们的担忧。uncertain意为“不确定,未知”,最合文意。

40.A 这里文章深化主题,点明我们要永远“记住”手写的书信远比e-mail更有意义。

