
发布时间 : 星期三 文章新视野大学英语读写教程第一册第三版Unit5TextA分析更新完毕开始阅读

eg: \ “坚持下去!”萨德鼓励我道。


When he got to a major town he was asked about his plan for the rest of the race.当他抵达一个大城镇时,有人问他对接下来的比赛有什么计划。

Major: a. very large or important 主要的;重要的;大的


He said he would just keep running and he did.他说他会继续跑下去,而且他也的确是这样做的。


With every passing hour and every shuffling step he got just a little bit closer to the race leaders. 随着每一小时的流逝和迈出的每一次拖拖拉拉的步履,他一点一点地接近领先的选手们。


Later he told people that throughout the race he kept focused by imagining he was gathering his sheep and trying to outrun a storm.事后,他告诉人们,整个比赛过程中他都很专注,他把自己想象成是在赶着羊群、努力与暴风雨抢时间。

[Meaning] Later, he told people that throughout the race he kept focused by imagining he was trying to gather his sheep and get home before the storm came.【解析】 outrun意为“跑得比……快”。 Outrun: v. to run faster or further than sb/sth 跑得比…快(或远);超过 Eg: He couldn't outrun his pursuers [p??sju:?(r)]. 他跑不过追他的人。


9 By the fifth night he had overtaken them all. 到了第五天夜里,他追上了所有的选手。

Overtake: v. to go past a moving vehicle or person ahead of you because you are going faster than they are 超过;赶上

Eg: He pulled out to overtake a truck. 他驶出车流,以超过一辆卡车。 It's dangerous to overtake on a bend. 在弯道强行超车是危险的。


By the sixth day he led the whole pack of runners by a wide lead.到了第六天,他把整个队伍甩开一大截。

Lead: v. to be the best at sth; to be in first place 最擅长于;处于首位;处于

Eg: The department led the world in cancer research. 这个系在癌症研究方面走在了世界前列。

We lead the way in space technology. 我们在航天技术方面处于领先地位。

n. the amount or distance that sb/sth is in front of sb/sth else 超前量;领先的距离 Eg: The polls have given Labour a five-point lead. 投票选举中工党领先五个百分点。

Manchester lost their early two-goal lead. 曼彻斯特队失去了他们开场不久领先两球的优势。


He led all the way to the finish line smashing the record by finishing the 875-kilometer race in 5 days 15 hours and 4 minutes 9 hours faster than anyone before! 他一路领先,直到终点,以5天15小时4分钟跑完875公里的赛程,打破了纪录,比之前最快的选手还快了9个小时!

[Meaning] He stayed in the lead all the way to the end of the race, breaking the record by finishing the 875-kilometer race in 5 days, 15 hours and 4 minutes, which was 9 hours faster than anyone before.【解析】本句的精彩词汇 smash,意为“打破,击碎”.all the way,意为“一直,一路”。 smash |sm??| : vt. (~ a record) do sth.much faster,better,etc., than anyone has done before 打破纪录 eg: The movie directed by a not-so-famous director smashed all box office records。这部由不太知名的演执导的电影打破了所有票房纪录。

v. (1) break into pieces violently or noisily, or make sth. do this by dropping, throwing, or hitting it

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Eg: Someone smashed a bottle。有人打碎了一个瓶子。

(2) hit an object or surface violently, or make sth. do this.(使)猛撞,猛击,猛掷 Eg: The bottle smashed against a wall. 那瓶子撞到了一面墙上。


In that instant, Cliff Young became a beloved national hero.在那一刻,克里夫·杨成为受人爱戴的民族英雄。

[Meaning]At that moment, Cliff Young won the love and respect of people throughout the country. 【解析】 instant意为“瞬间,片刻”。 beloved意为“受人尊重的,受人爱戴的”。


10 When Cliff was awarded the first prize of $10000 he said he didn't know there was a prize and insisted that he had not entered for the money. 当克里夫得到一万元奖金时,他说他不知道比赛还有奖金,并坚持说他不是为了钱才参赛的。

award [??w?:d]: vt. officially give sb. sth. such as a prize or money to reward them for sth. they have done给予;授予

eg: We have awarded the contract to a New York-based company.我们已经把这份合同给了一家总部设在纽约的公司。

n. [C]sb. such as a prize or money given to sb. to reward them for sth. they have done奖;奖赏;奖金;奖品

Eg: This new invention won the highest award. 这项新发明获得最高奖。


He said \each. 他说:“还没有到达终点的那五位选手,他们比我跑得更艰苦。”他给他们每人2,000元。 [Meaning] There are five other runners who were still running out there and having a harder time than him, so he gave each of them $2,000.【解析]本句凸显了克里夫·杨人性的光辉一面,他把自己的奖金分配给其他更加困难的参赛选手.


He did not keep a single cent for himself. That act increased his fame and endeared him to all of Australia.他自己一分钱都没留。这一举动提高了他的声望,使他受到了所有澳大利亚人的爱戴。 endear |?n?d??(r) |: v. 使受喜爱; 使亲密; 使被爱恋;

endear sb/yourself to sb.: to make sb/yourself popular and liked使受欢迎(或喜爱、爱慕) eg: He managed to endear himself to my entire family.他能让我全家人都喜欢他

She was a talented teacher who endeared herself to all who worked with her. 她是一位深受同事喜爱的有才华的教师。


11 Cliff came to prominence again in 1997 at age 75 when he attempted to become the oldest man to run around Australia and raise money for homeless children.克里夫在1997年75岁时又一次赢得了声望。当时他试图成为环澳大利亚长跑年龄最大的人,并为无家可归的孩子们筹集善款。 [Meaning]Cliff became famous again in 1977, at the age of 75, when he tried to became the oldest man to run around Australia. He did so to collect money for homeless children.

Prominence [?pr?m?n?ns]: [U] the state of being important or well-known重要; 著名 Eg: He came to prominence during the World Cup. 他在该世界杯期间一举成名。 【派生】 prominent a. 突出的,杰出的

come to prominence意为“变得重要,变得有名”

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attempt to do sth.是固定搭配,意为“试图去做某事,尝试去做某事”


12 For the rest of his life Cliff kept running. 在他的余生里,克里夫一直坚持在跑。


Over the years, despite increasing age and physical challenges he participated in many races and won a number of them.多年来,尽管年纪越来越大,身体状况也不如从前,但是他还是参加了许多比赛,并赢得了其中的多次比赛。

[Meaning]Although he was getting older and not as strong as before, he took part in many races and won a number of them. 【解析】固定搭配 participate in相当于同义词组 take part in,含义是“参与,参加”。

despite [d??spa?t] prep. used to say that sth. happens or is true even though sth. else might have prevent it尽管;虽然

eg: He persevered despite discouragement from those around him.尽管周围一片劝阻声,他还是锲而不舍。

participate in: take part in参与,参加


It was said that Cliff Young never kept a single prize. People gave him watches because he never had one.据说克里夫从未为自己留下过任何奖品。因为他从没戴过表,所以人们就送他手表。


He would thank them because he did not want to hurt their feelings but then gave them away to the first child he saw.他会感谢送他手表的人,因为他不想伤害他们的感情。但是随后,他就把表送给沿途上他看见的第一个孩子。

give away: (1) give sth. to sb. because you do not want or need it for yourself分送,送掉(不需要的东西

eg: We have six copies of the book to give away.这本书我们要赠送6本出去。

(2)show where sb. is or what they are doing or thinking when they are trying to keep this a secret 露马脚;暴露

Eg: Don' t give away the secret.这项机密不可泄露。 give sth.away: to give sth as a gift 赠送;捐赠

eg: He gave away most of his money to charity. 他把他的大部分钱都捐赠给了慈善事业。


He said \他说:“我不需要手表。我知道什么时候是黑夜白天、什么时候是白天黑夜、什么时候肚子饿了。”


13 His love for running never dimmed but in the year 2000 he suffered a mild stroke that ended his heroic running days. 他对跑步运动的热爱从未衰减。但在2000年,他得了轻度中风,从而结束了他具有英雄色彩的跑步生涯。

[Meaning]His love for running never faded, but in 2000, he suffered a mild stroke, which put a stop to his glorious.【解析 suffer词后面经常搭配疾病方面的词语,意为“遭受,遭遇”。

dim/dim/: (1) if feelings or hopes dim, or are dimmed, they become weaker(使)减弱;(使)变渺茫 eg: Their memory of what happened has dimmed.他们对所发生的事的记忆变得模糊了。 (2) if a light dims, or if you dim it., it becomes less bright(使)暗下来;(使)变微弱 Eg: Their economic prospects have dimmed.他们的经济前景变得暗淡了。

a. fairly dark or not giving much light so that you cannot see well阴暗的;昏暗的

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eg: She stood waiting in the dim light.她站在昏暗的灯光下等待着。 stroke: [C]中风(to have/suffer a stroke患中风)

eg: He had a minor stroke in1987, which left him partly paralysed。他在1987年患了轻度中风,这使他半身不遂了。

v. move your hand gently over sth。轻抚;轻摸

eg: Carla, curled up on the sofa, was smoking a cigarette and stroking her cat.卡拉蜷曲在沙发上,抽着一支烟,轻抚着她的猫。

Heroic |h??r???k|: adj. showing extreme courage and admired by many people 英勇的;英雄的


Cliff Young the running legend passed away on November 2, 2003. He was 81. 2003年11月2日,克里夫·杨这位长跑传奇人物与世长辞,享年81岁。

Legend |?led??nd| : n. (1)[C]sb. who is famous and admired for being extremely good at doing sth.传奇人物

Eg: On the verge of a comeback tour, music legend Michael Jackson dies at 50.在准备重回舞台时,代音乐传奇人物迈克尔·杰克逊天命之年去世。

(2)[C, Ul an old well-known story, often about brave people, adventures, or magical events 传说,传 奇(故事)

Eg: This legend still spreads abroad among the people.这个传奇故事依然在民间广泛流传。 pass away: die去世

eg: He passed away peacefully.他安详地去世了。


14 To this day, Cliff Young remains a magnificent reminder and brilliant example of how ordinary individuals can inherently achieve remarkable results. 直到今天,克里夫·杨依然是一个伟大的标杆和辉煌的榜样。他向世人表明,普通人也能凭潜在的能力取得非凡的成就。

[Meaning]Even now, Cliff Young is still a good reminder and brilliant example of how ordinary people can achieve great results with their natural qualities.【解析 to this day,sb. remains++ reminder and+ad.+ example of how.”用于表达“某人树立的榜样精神”。 To this day:even now,after a very long time直到现在;至今

Eg: To this day, it' s unclear whether he shot himself or was murdered.至今尚不清楚他究竟是饮弹自杀还是被谋杀。

magnificent [m?g?n?f?snt] : a. very good or beautiful, and very impressive宏伟的;壮观的;华丽的 Eg: These magnificent ancient buildings demonstrate the great intelligence of the labouring people. 这些壮丽的古代建筑显示了劳动人民的高度智慧。

Brilliant/'briljont/: a. (1)(BrE)( infml.) extremely good极好的 Eg: She had a brilliant mind.她有极聪明的头脑

(2) brilliant light or color is very bright and strong明亮的;光辉夺目的;灿烂的

Eg: Many of the patterns show brilliantly coloured flowers.许多图案都有绚丽多彩的花。 individual [??nd??v?d?u?l] n. [C] a person, considered separately from the rest of the group or society that they live in个人;个体

eg: No individual shall overtop the law.任何个人的权力都不能凌驾于法律之上。

a.(only be fore noun) considered separately from other people or things in the same group 单独的,个别的

eg: After all, individual strength is limited.个人的力量毕竟是有限的。

Inherent [?n?h??r?nt] : a. an inherent quality is a basic or essential feature that gives sth.its character

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