
发布时间 : 星期一 文章E英语教程第一册翻译填空更新完毕开始阅读

43、While the graduates of 2011 were busy job hunting, their senior Zheng Sheng, was not acting as a “role model.”

当 2011 届的毕业生们正忙着找工作之际,他们的学长郑盛却并没有做一个好的“榜样”。

44、Having worked for six months in Shanghai, Zheng Sheng decided to quit his job, pack his bag, and cycle to London. 在上海工作了半年后,郑盛决定辞去工作,收拾行囊,骑自行车去伦敦。

45、“But in China, the year between college and work cannot be wasted,” said Zheng, 23.“但是在中国,大学毕业和工作之间的这一年不能被浪费的,”23 岁的郑盛说。

46、Starting out on March 5 in Shanghai, Zheng spent 136 days traveling through 11 countries in Asia and Europe. 3月5日从上海出发,郑盛花了136天的时间穿越了亚欧的11个国家。

48、He camped, often in forests, instead of sleeping in hotels.


49、While cycling in France one night he got injured and broke his flashlight.


51、“I realized that the best way to thank someone for his help was to reach out to help other people,” he said. 他说:“我意识到感谢他人的最好方式是伸出手去帮助其他人。”

52、It’s what more and more people have been turning to in order to ease the troubles of modern life.

已经有越来越多的人利用瑜珈来减轻现代生活的烦恼 53、In fact, yoga has become so popular in recent years that it’s easy to overlook the fact that it is one of humankind’s oldest activities. 事实上,瑜伽近几年已经非常流行,以致于我们很容易忽视它是人类最古老的活动之一这个事实。

54、Their role in society was to communicate with the spirit world to find solutions to problems facing their people.


55、Siddhartha, the founder of Buddhism, practiced yogic meditation, which is still a central part of Buddhism today.


56、There is baby yoga in which infants copy the stretching poses of their mothers.

在婴儿瑜珈里,小宝宝模仿母亲做伸展运动。 57、Whatever form it may take, people today are starting to look at yoga as a way to find peace of mind. 无论形式如何,人们今天正开始视瑜伽为一种找到心灵宁静的方式。

58、It’s obvious that yoga is as useful for solving the problems of today as it was for solving the problems of 5,000 years ago. 显然,无论是用来解决当今的问题还是解决五千年前的问题,瑜珈都一样管用。

59、When I was a junior in college, I took a course on D. H. Lawrence.


60、I know this sounds stupid, but I at first thought it was about Lawrence of Arabia, the great British desert fighter.


61、I’d seen the movie, and I wanted to be him. 我看过有关他的电影,并且幻想着能成为他那样的人。 62、I went to a used bookstore to get the required novels. 我到一个旧书店去买这门课程要求阅读的小说。 63、Like a lot of college students, I bought used books hoping someone would have already underlined the important stuff.


64、I figured that I’d call her, hoping for anything from a date to copies of the papers she might have written about Lawrence.

我想了很久,觉得应该给她打电话,说不定能和她约会或是获得几份她论述劳伦斯作品的文章副本。 65、I called her, introduced myself, and told her what I
