毕业论文:在线新闻发布系统 - 图文

发布时间 : 星期二 文章毕业论文:在线新闻发布系统 - 图文更新完毕开始阅读

重庆邮电大学移通学院毕业设计(论文) 摘要



在线新闻发布系统的主要作用是系统管理员通过Internet能够方便,快速,简洁的管理各种新闻;普通用户能够快速地浏览新闻。本系统制作过程中基于Windows XP平台,用ASP和Access 进行系统开发。系统实现了新闻的分类浏览、添加、修改和删除等功能。系统以数据库为后台,采用ASP技术开发前台,其功能简单、鲜明、实用性强。


重庆邮电大学移通学院毕业设计(论文) Abstract

【Abstract】Today along with computer technology’s development and Internet’s popularization, people's life and work cannot leave the network.In such conditions, information on the Internet came into being on the media, the published news system for such a trend way of published news can be a faster transmission of news and information resources so that people can in the shortest possible time, the quickest way to share information resources around the world, it is also the site as a result of network data in real-time interaction to ensure the site's real-time data. Press Release system, is the site of the need to focus on changes in information management, through existing page template format and posted to the site review process, the network can show a variety of media, in order to provide users with a variety of network media show.

In the field of the network technology, there are two kinds of the management styles of traditional commercial websites, first, static HTML page, needs to make the page then upload the page and revise corresponding chaining again while upgrading information, but the further development with Internet, development and maintenance of such static Web website become more and more difficult, and can't carry on with the viewer effectively and mutually, thus make this kind of method not multi-purpose yet. Second, because of ASP, PHP or JSP and script language, combine the dynamic webpage with the database, process information comes through the application program, this is comparatively popular method at present.

The purpose of news management of online system is let the students and teachers can read news as quickly as possible and the system manager can manage the system easily.the system is based on windows xp.developed in asp and access.This system has carried out the function of classified browse, accession, edit and deleting of news. This News Publication System takes Database as background, exploit foreground by ASP technology, its simple, brilliant, practical function and well-set.

【Key Words】News; Publish; Management; ASP

重庆邮电大学移通学院毕业设计(论文) 目录

目 录

前 言 ...................................................... 1 第1章 绪论................................................. 2

1.1 目的、意义和背景 ............................................ 2

1.2 系统开发工具概述 ............................................ 3

1.2.1 B/S结构 .............................................. 3 1.2.2 ASP技术 ............................................... 4 1.2.3 ACCESS技术 ............................................ 6 1.2.4 DREAMWEAVER............................................ 7 第2章 需求分析 .............................................10

2.1 功能需求 ................................................... 10 2.2 性能需求 ................................................... 13 2.3 系统平台 ................................................... 14 第3章 系统分析设计 .........................................15

3.1 系统的模型结构 ............................................. 15 3.2 系统的功能模块 ............................................. 16 3.3 数据库分析设计 ............................................. 17

3.3.1 数据库的设计.......................................... 17 3.3.1 数据库结构创建........................................ 18 第4章 详细设计与实现........................................21

4.1 前台显示 ................................................... 21 4.2 后台管理 ................................................... 22

4.2.1分类管理 .............................................. 23 4.2.3新闻管理 .............................................. 24 第5章 测试调试运行 .........................................27

5.1 IIS的安装配置.............................................. 27 5.2 由IIS运行网站 ............................................. 29 5.3 问题及解决方法 ............................................. 29 结束语 ......................................................31 致 谢 ....................................... 错误!未定义书签。 参考文献 ....................................................33 论文附件 ....................................................34

一、英文原文 ................................................... 34 二、英文翻译 ................................................... 37 三、部分源代码 ................................................. 40

重庆邮电大学移通学院毕业设计(论文) 前言

前 言


在这个毕业设计中,我对课题的要求进行了详细的研究,查阅了大量的资料并作出了设计方案。系统分为前台和后台两部分,前台主要作用是浏览新闻、管理员登录、分类查询等,后台主要作用是新闻的增加、修改和管理删除。采用动态网页及数据库相结合的方法来进行设计,在制作动态页面上选用具有优势地位并且对数据库良好支持的ASP语言,由于不是大型网络系统因此在后台采用了操作简单明了并且易于管理的Access数据库。设计过程中主要应用ASP语言、HTML语言,Microsoft Access数据库系统及Photoshop图像制作软件等。其关键是ASP与HTML相互结合、互相嵌套,并利用ASP的相对路径链接访问Microsoft Access数据库,重点是在动态网页中对数据库的访问与管理。
