高职高专实用英语教材Unit 2教案

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Difficult Sentences

6. And, with more than 1,000 foreign media correspondents based here, it is a city with a voice that is heard all around the world.

译文:而且,伦敦还有一千多名外国媒体的通讯记者常驻于此,能向全世界播出 这里的消息。

with more than 1,000 foreign media correspondents based here是介词with的复合结 构,在句中作状语,表示原因。with复合宾语结构还可以表示伴随的情况,表示 一事与另一事之间在时间或空间上的距离等。这种复合结构常见的有:with+名 词(代词)+分词(形容词、副词、介词短语、动词不定式)。

e.g. With this matter settled, we left the room. 这事一解决,我们就从房里走了出去。 Mary came down the stairs, with her baby in her arms. 玛丽走下楼梯,手里抱着她 的小孩。



席这个会议。八国峰会今天开幕,作为东道主,我不得不赶回英国。正因如 此,我不能亲临这历史性的一幕。不过,在过去的几天里我很荣幸地与诸位 见了面,也非常高兴与大家重温了我们的友谊。去年我很庆幸地出席了在雅 典举办的奥运会和残奥会两大盛典。英国去观看雅典奥运会的观众是全世界 最多的,有两万多人,作为其中的一员我很自豪。

雅典奥运会激励着我,同时我从中也学到了很多。我们的目标就是想在 伦敦亲眼目睹奥运会的魅力。

能够成为主办城市,这是一种殊荣。我深知这项殊荣意味着巨大的责 任,而且还要求最高水准地与国际奥委会的合作。 我向大家承诺:我们会成为你们最佳的合作伙伴。

我们向大家作出了保证,现在已准备好兑现所有的保证,无论是安全还 是资金,涉及我们所作的每一项承诺。

如果你们给予伦敦主办权,我个人的承诺是:将一如既往地继续给我们 奥申委的领袖塞伯·科和基思·米尔斯提供最高水平的支持,并且奥申委也 得到了奥运会大臣特萨·乔威尔的支持。

我整个的政府,还有主要的反对党,在申奥的问题上都是同心协力的, 所有的政党都支持申奥。

这是我们全国的一个申办。它令全国人民倍感兴奋,现在有三百多万英 国人已经自愿地表示了他们的支持。



Chinese Version of the Text Answer Key:

比伦敦更合适举行这一将世界团结在一起的盛会,伦敦将激励全世界的青年 人,并且一定会使奥运会成为未来几代人的梦想。”

这些话提醒了我们:无论是政府还是体育界领导人,我们有这样的责 任,来超越我们的时代,超越我们的国界,放眼未来,造福后代。 我们的愿望就是想亲眼目睹英国的乃至全球的数百万年轻人参加体育运


伦敦有这样的能力让这一切发生。这是一个能和年轻人对话的城市。 而且,伦敦还有一千多名外国媒体的通讯记者常驻于此,能向全世界播 出这里的消息。

这正是我们伦敦所提供的独特的合力 —— 一个全球性的平台,将奥运信 息传递给年轻人。

不仅仅在比赛的17天中是如此,在这之前和以后的很多年里都会如此。 Omitted

Ⅰ Reading Aloud

Fill in the blanks without referring to the original text. Then check

your answers against the original. After that, read the passage aloud until you can say it from memory.

1. throughout 2. support 3. beyond 4. inspiring 5. hold 6. remind

Ⅱ Understanding the Text

1 Choose the best answer according to the text. 1. C 2. D 3. A 4. B 5. A 6. B

Ⅲ Using the Word

1 Complete each of the following sentences with the correct form of the italicized word on the left of each sentence.

1. cooperate 2. distinguish 3. responsible 4. compete 5. participation 6. undertook 7. secure 8. corresponded 9. personally 10. combined

2 Fill in the blanks with the words given below. Change the form where necessary.

1. delighted 2. bid 3. ensure 4. generations 5. guarantee

Answer Key:

6. honoured 7. inspired 8. renew 9. privilege 10. witnessed

Ⅳ Learning Expressions

1 Complete each of the following sentences with one suitable word from the text.

1. attended/promised 2. privileges 3. beyond 4. ready 5. honour 6. participate 7. just 8. volunteered 9. led 10. backed

2 Fill in each of the blanks in the following sentences with a suitable preposition or adverb. 1. in 2. with 3. with 4. as 5. of

6. with 7. for 8. throughout 9. on 10. of

Ⅴ Practicing the Sentence Patterns

Rewrite the following sentences after the models. 1. It is not sufficient to know the main facts. 2. It needs hard work to finish the job. 3. It always pays to tell the truth.

4. She likes to sleep with the window open. 5. He stood there with his hands in his pockets.

6. The king came in, with all his servants following after him.

Ⅵ Filling in the Missing Words

Read the passage with blanks and then fill in each of the following blanks with one suitable word. 1. up 2. hard 3. end 4. talking 5. to

Answer Key:

6. close 7. in 8. struggle 9. to give up 10. behind Michael Jordan’s career highlights

Five-time NBA Most Valuable Player (1987-88, 1990-91, 1991-92, 1995-96, 1997-98) Ten-time All-NBA First Team selection (1986-87 to 1992-93, 1995-96 to 1997-98) Selected in 1996 as one of the “50 Greatest Players in NBA History”

A member of six Chicago Bulls NBA championship teams (1990-91, 1991-92, 1992-93, 1995-96, 1996-97 and 1997-98) Six-time NBA Finals Most Valuable Player

Holds the NBA Finals record for highest single-series scoring average (41.0 ppg in 1993) Holds the NBA Playoffs record for highest career scoring average (33.4 ppg) Participated in 13 NBA All-Star Games (1985, 1987-1993, 1996-98, 2002-03), starting 13 times, and missed another due to injury

Named the MVP(=Most Valuable Player) of the 1988, 1996 and 1998 NBA All-Star Games

1. retirement /r??????????/ n. 退休,退役;退休年龄,退休时期 e.g. On his retirement from job, he went to live in the mountains. 他退休之后,便 去山区居住了。

He reached retirement but was asked to work another year. 他已到退休年龄,但被要 求再工作一年。

More: retire v. 退__________休,退役;retired a. 退休的,退役的; retiring a. 行将退休的,行将退役的

2. announce /???????/ v. 宣布,宣告;声称,述说

e.g. They announced a wedding in the newspapers. 他们在报上登了结婚启事。 He stood up and announced that he was ready to go. 他站起来说他准备走了。 More: announcer n. 宣告者,电(视)台的节目报告员,报幕员

3. announcement /???????????/ n. 宣布,宣告;通告,布告 e.g. The announcement of their engagement surprised everyone. 他们两人宣布订 婚,使大家觉得意外。

Two announcements were made by the chairman. 主席宣布了两项通告。

Part B: Text B

Background Knowledge

New Words

4. mentally /????????/ ad. 心理上,精神上;内心里,在心里

e.g. He is a sick man, mentally and physically. 他是个身体和精神都有病的人。

Practice your speech beforehand—either mentally or aloud. 你事先把发言稿练练—— 可以默练,或者出声地练。 More: mental a. 精神的,心理的

5. exhausted /??????????/ a. 极其疲惫的,精疲力竭的;用完的,耗尽的

e.g. You look exhausted. 你看上去疲惫不堪。

The resources will be exhausted one day. 资源总有一天会被耗尽的。 More: exhaust v. 用完,耗尽;exhaust n. (排出的)废气,废液; exhausting a. 使耗尽的,使精疲力竭的

6. agenda /????????/ n. 待议事项,议事日程;日常工作事项

e.g. What is the next item on the agenda? 议事日程上的下一个项目是什么?

The government set an agenda for constitutional reform. 政府制定了宪法改革的工作事项。 7. awareness /????????/ n. 意识,知道;(政治上的)觉悟,(某方面的) 知识

e.g. Environmental awareness has increased over the past decades. 环境意识在过 去几十年中得到加强。

Health officials have tried to raise awareness about AIDS. 卫生官员们努力提高人们 对艾滋病的了解。

More: aware a. 意识到的,知道的

8. retire /r??????/ v. 退休,退役;退出,引退

e.g. Most people retire at 60. 大多数人在60岁时退休。

The ladies retired, and the men went on drinking and smoking. 女士们离席退去,先生 们则继续喝酒抽烟。

9. tough /t?f/ a. 困难的,艰苦的;坚韧的,坚固的

e.g. It was tough to get a job. 找工作很不容易。

Some plastics are as tough as metal. 有些塑料象金属一样坚固。

10. drain /?????/ v. 消耗,渐渐耗尽;慢慢排去,使慢慢流出

e.g. That country is draining its precious resources into the military. 那个国家正 把宝贵的财力物力消耗到军事上。

The swimming pool is drained and cleaned every winter. 游泳池每年冬天被排干清淤。 More: drain n. 排水沟,排水渠

11. restore /r?s????/ v. 恢复;归还,使复位

e.g. The relations between the two countries were restored to normal. 两国间的关 系恢复了正常。

You should restore the book to the shelf. 你应该把书放回书架上。 More: restoration n. 恢复,复原 12. guy /????/ n. 家伙,人

e.g. Jake’s a real tough guy. 杰克真是个顽强的家伙。

Hey you guys! Where are you going? 喂,伙计们,你们去哪儿? 13. league /li??/ n. 联合会,协会;同盟,联盟

e.g. They won the football league championship. 他们赢得了足球联盟冠军。

The three nations united in a league of friendship. 这三个国家结成一个友好同盟。 14. enhance /?n??????/ v. 提高(价格、质量、吸引力等),增加 e.g. The book is enhanced with pictures. 这书因有了图片而更加精彩了。 Her beauty was enhanced by make-up. 化妆使她显得更美。 More: enhanced a. 提高的,增强的

1. deal with 对付,打交道;论述,讨论

e.g. That man is difficult to deal with. 那人很难打交道。 He dealt with the first question. 他论述了第一个问题。
