
发布时间 : 星期六 文章英语听力入门stepbystep3000第一册标准答案及原文更新完毕开始阅读

regularly scheduled exams, etc. some classes will be conducted as seminars. In a seminar class, there may be no exams, but students are expected to read rather widely on topics and be prepared for thorough discussion of them in class. Another possibility in graduate classes is that in addition to readings done by all students, each student may also be expected to work independently in some area of interest and later make a presentation that summarizes what her or she has learned. Usually each student then goes on to write a paper on what he or she has researched to turn in to the professor for a grade.

I hope that today’s lecture has given you some idea about student life on an American campus and that you have noticed some difference between our system and yours.

B2 to make mistakes / every new thing / the language/ Working outside the classroom Passive / the teach / stick his neck out / more likely to be right than himself

How would you describe a good student or a bad student, sort of things they do or don’t do in the classroom?

He’s eager to experiment with every new thing that he learns, whether it be a structure of a function or a new word, he immediately starts trying to use it.

He’s interested in the mistakes he makes, he’s not afraid to make them. He’s not simply interested in having it corrected and moving on? He plays with language.

I’ve done this chapter I know this, without trying to experiment at all, without really testing himself.

He’s usually passive, he won’t speak up much in the classroom. He’ll rarely ask you why this … Just sort of accepts what you give him and doesn’t do anything more with it.

… and in a test he’s the one person who’s likely to suddenly realize that he wasn’t too sure about that after all.

And peep over at his neighbor’s paper. An alternative learning strategy.

He invariably decides that the other person is more likely to be right than himself. That’s the result of this sort of unwillingness to make mistakes and stick his neck out. That characterizes the good or bad learner?

He’ll do more off his own bat as well, he won’t rely entirely on the teacher. He’ll work outside the classroom as well as in it.

Students who make most progress are first of all those who experiment and secondly those who read books.

Part IV University Campus A

2. the History Department 3. the Psychology Department 4. the Library

5. the Education Department 6. the Philosophy Department 7. the Geography Department 8. the Sports Ground 9. the Foreign Languages Department 10. the Chinese Department

11. the Physics Department 12. the Mathematics Department 13. the Chemistry Department 14. the Clinic 15. the Auditorium 16. the Administration Building

Look at the map. At the bottom of the page, fine the gate (1). Now locate 16. It is between the river and the lake, close to the Main Road. The building behind the Administration is 15. Where is 4? It’s on the right-hand side of the Main Road, close to the river. Across the Main road from the Library, the building by the river is 5. The first building on the left-hand side of the Main Road is 7. 6 is between the Education and the Geography. The building at the end of the Main Road is 12.


on its left is 11 and on its right, near the lake, is 13. Another building behind the like is 14. 10 is facing the lake, across the Main Road. The building between the Chinese Department and the river is 9. 2 is the first building on the right of the Main Road. Next to the History Department is 3. And last, 8 is behind the Education, Philosophy and Geography Departments.

B Robert Martin / biology / next fall / six years in a public school in the hometown; two years in a military school, high school in the hometown / science (biology in particular), sports So I had to earn a little money to help pay my way.

It sounds as if you’re a pretty responsible fellow. I see that you attended two grade schools. I don’t find a transcript among your papers.

But it’s hard to keep up with both sports and studies. I’ll hold your application until we get the transcript. What did your guidance counselor tell you?

He told me I had a real knack for scientific things. I have been fascinated with science since I was a child. An interest of that kind really signifies something.

Unit 2 Colorful lands, colorful people

16,998,000 / 64,186,300/ 840,000 / 1,000,000 / 3,320,000 / 143,244 / 32,483 / 2,966,000 / 5,105,700 / 29,028 / -1,312 / 5,315 / 36,198 / 4,145 /

The biggest continent in the world is Asia. It covers 16,998,000 square miles. The Pacific Ocean is the largest ocean with 64,186,300 square miles.

Which is the biggest island? It’s Greenland. It occupies an area of 840,000 square miles. The Arabia Peninsula is the largest peninsula and has an area of 1, 000,000 square miles.

Do you know which is the largest desert? Yes, it’s the Sahara Desert in North Africa. It covers 3,320,000 square miles.

The biggest saltwater lake is the Caspian Sea, which is 143,244 square miles large.

Lake Superior is the biggest fresh water lake and it covers a total area of 32,483 square miles.

The smallest continent is Oceania, with an area of 2,966,000 square miles, and the smallest ocean is the Arctic Ocean with 5,105,700 square miles.

You all know the world’s highest peak, don’t you? Mt. Qomolangma (or Mt. Everest) is 29,028 feet above sea level. In contrast, the lowest altitude in the world is the Dead Sea, 1,312 feet below sea level, or you can say -1,312 feet.

The deepest lake is Baykal in Russia. The depth is 5,315 feet.

Mariana Trench near the Philippines is the deepest oceanic trench, with a depth of 36, 198 feet. The longest river in the world is the Nile in Africa. It is 4, 145 miles long. B

1,243,738,000 / 955,220,000 / 267,901,000 / 199,867,000 / 159,884,000 / 147,105,000 / 138,150,000 / 125,638,000 / 122,013,000 / 118,369,000 / 96,400,000 / 82,071,000

1. The country with the largest population in the world is China. According to the 1997 census,

the total population was 1,243,738,000.

2. The second largest in population is India. It listed a population of 955,220,000 in 1997.

3. And the third largest is the United States, with its estimated population of 267,901,000 in


4. Which country is the fourth largest in population? It’s Indonesia. About 199,867,000 people

live there.


5. 6. 7. 8.

Brazil ranks the fifth in its population. There the population was 159,884,000. Next comes the Russian Federation, with a population of 147,105,000.

The seventh in line is Pakistan, with an estimated population of 138,150,000.

Japan is the country with the eighth largest population. Its population estimated in 1997 reached 125,638,000.

9. The next larges country in population is Bangladesh. The estimated population was

122,013,000 in 1997.

10. Nigeria in Africa ranks the tenth in its population. There are about 118,369,000 people living


11. The eleventh? Mexico. According to statistics, its population was 96, 400, 000 in 1997.

12. And last, the twelfth larges is Germany. Its 1997 census showed it had a population of

82,071,000. C

Chinese 1,300 million / Spanish 332 million /English 322 million / 189 million / 182 million / 170 million / Russian 170 million / Japanese 125 million / German 98 million / 75.5 million / Korean 75 million / French 72 million / Vietnamese 67 million / 66 million / 64 million / 63 million / Turkish 59 million / 58 million / 44 million / Polish 44 million / Arabic 42.5 million / 41 million

Do you know which languages are spoken by more than 40 million people?

Chinese has the largest number of speakers, more than 1,300 million. Next, Spanish is spoken by 332 million people. The next on the line is English, which has more than 322 million speakers. Number 4, Bengali is spoken by 189 million people. Next comes Hindi, the language spoken chiefly in India, which has 182 million speakers. Portuguese and Russian are next on the line and they are both spoken by 170 million people. Number 8, Japanese is spoken by 125 million. Next, German has 98 million speakers, while Javanese has 75.5 million. We have Korean on the list with 75 million, and it is followed by French, which is spoken by 72 million. Number 13, Vietnamese is spoken by 67 million and Telugu is spoken by 66 million. Next, we have Marathi on the list and it has 64 million speakers. Marathi is followed by Tamil, with 63 million speakers. Next comes Turkish, the language spoken in Turkey, and it has 59 million speakers. Number 18, Urdu is spoken by 58 million people. Gujarati has 44 million speakers, and Polish is also spoken by 44 million people. Number 21, which 42.5 million people speak, is Arabic and last, the number of people who speak Ukrainian is 41 million. Part II

1. A baby boy

2. social/ ecological/ populations 3. longer/ healthier

A baby boy born in Bosnia-Herzegovina overnight has officially been named the world’s six billionth inhabitant.

Although several other babies are likely to have been born at the same time elsewhere in the world, the United Nations had declared that the first child to be delivered at the Kosovo Hospital in Sarajevo today would symbolize the passing of the mark.

The U Secretary General is visiting the mother and her son as a UN attempt to draw attention to the social and ecological problems of rapidly expanding populations

The boy who came into the world a short time ago in Bosnia to such international acclaim will


be sharing a birthday with a few hundred thousand people and in the next year another eighty million will be joining him on the planet. The earth’s population has doubled since 1960 and with more than a billion young people just entering their productive years. The population growth has plenty of momentum. But birth control programs are beginning to have an impact. Demographers predict that by the middle of the new century the global count will level off at something under ten billion. The UN population agency has presented today’s achievement as a success for humanity, pointing out that people are living longer and healthier lives than any generation in the history. B b c a

The boy will be sharing a birthday with a few hundred thousand people and in the next year, another eighty million will be joining him on the planet.

The earth’s population has doubled since 1960 and with more than a billion young people just entering their productive years.

Demographers predict that by the middle of the new century, the global count will level off at something under ten billion. Part III A

water/ 70% red or brown/ plant cover snow/ continents islands arms of the ocean connecting a channel valleys plains B 12 million / 2/ 10 million/ 10/ 3/ 6/ 4/16 million/ 18 million

1. Mexico City 2. Sao Paulo 3. Rio de Janeiro 4. Bombay 5. Delhi 6. Shanghia 7. Seoul I-Interview E-Expert

I: In Britain we are often told that people are leaving the big cities to live in the countryside but is this the case worldwide?

E: Not at all. If you look at the biggest cities in 1950, seven out of the top ten were in the developed countries but by the year 2000, the developing countries will have eight out of the top ten. New York, which in 1950 was number one with a population of around 12 million, will only be the sixth largest city in the world but with an extra 2 million. I: And London?

E: London, which was number two, won’t even be in the top ten. Its population in 1950, by the way, was about 10 million.

I: And why is this happening? Why are people moving to the big cities from the country in the developing countries?

E: The reasons are complex but many are moving to look for work. And the problems this creates are enormous. It’s estimated that 26 million people will be living in Mexico City by the year 2000, with Sao Paulo in Brazil not far behind. I: It’s difficult to believe.

E: I know. Rio de Janeiro will have a population of a mere 13 million. Well, just imagine the kinds of difficulties this is going to cause in terms of health, transport and education.

I: Yes. What about the cities of Asia? Will they be experiencing a similar sort of growth?

E: In some cases, yes. Calcutta in India which was No. 10 in the league in 1950 is expected to be the fourth biggest city in the world with a population of 16 million- quadrupling its size in just 50 years. Bombay and Delhi too are expected to be in the top ten. I: What about Japan?

E: Ah! Well, Tokyo was number three in 1950 and that’s where it’ll be at the beginning of the next

