上教版五年级英语下册课后练习题module 3 unit 8

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Module 3

Unit 8 buying clothes


◆ 判断题 1. Here are some traditional clothes from India. ( ) 2. There is a emperor. ( ) 3. Which dress do you like, the blue one and the red one? ( ) ◆ 单项选择题 ( ) 1. ------____ do you like it? ------Because it's fun.

A.What B.Who C.Why

( )2. .I'll meet _____ at the school gate.

A.they B.them C.their

( )3..What will they do___ ?

A.one B .once C.first

1. Ben________(have) got some jam but he2.______(need) some bread. Ben and Kitty 3._________(want) some Cokes. Listen, Peter 4._________(sing) a song. Alice 5.________(play) the guitar. Kevin is thirsty. He 6.________(want) some water. 5.What 7._______(do) she want? 1. -__________ do you need?



◆ 单词正确形式填空 ◆ 用特殊疑问词提问 班级: 姓名: 表现:

-I need some crayons. 2. -__________ are the leaves? -They are green.

3. -__________ brushes are these? -They are Mr. Browns.

4. -__________ socks do you like? -The white ones. ◆ 根据音标把单词归类

all that short watch thirsty jacket red smooth come bed doctor rubber

1./?/ ( )( ) 2./?/ ( )( ) 3./θ/ ( )( ) 4./e/ ( )( ) 5./?:/ ( )( ) 6./D/ ( )( )


◆ 判断题 1.错误

【解析】Here are some traditional clothes from India.这句话是错误的。Here are some traditional clothes from China.这是一些中国的传统服装。 2.错误

【解析】There is a emperor.这句话是错误的。There is an emperor.这有一个皇帝。一个皇帝an emperor.,本题考查的是学生对一个皇帝an emperor的掌握情况。



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【解析】 Which dress do you like, the blue one and the red one? 这句话是错误的。你喜欢哪个裙子,蓝色的还是红色的?的表达是Which dress do you like, the blue one or the red one? 1. C

【解析】Why do you like it? 你为什么喜欢它? Because it's fun.因为它很有趣。 2. B

【解析】I'll meet them at the school gate.我会在学校门口见他们。动词后面要用人称代词的宾格形式。本题考查的是人称代词的掌握。 3. C

【解析】What will they do first?他们首先要做什么?本题考查的是对first 的掌握情况。first是one的序数词第一的意思,在这里表示首先。

◆ 单词正确形式填空 1.has 2.needs 3.wants 4.is singing 5.is playing 6.wants 7.does 1. What 2. What color 3. Whose 4.Which

◆ 单项选择题 ◆ 用特殊疑问词提问 ◆ 根据音标把单词归类 1. that jacket 2.come rubber 3.thirsty smooth 4.red bed 5.short doctor 6..watch all

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