
发布时间 : 星期二 文章(山东江西卷)2020版高考英语模拟试题精编7(无答案)更新完毕开始阅读

C.Space junk is a big problem human beings have to find ways to solve. D.An Italian researcher has found a good way to remove space junk. 59.What is the author's attitude towards Marco Castronuovo's method of cleaning up space junk?

A.Doubtful. B.Objective. C.Favorable. D.Disapproving. 60.What can be inferred from the passage?

A.Cameras or gloves had been left behind in space after they were used. B.Space junk is made up of many big objects given up by humans. C.There isn't an effective system to clean space junk at the moment. D.Larger pieces of objects are often broken into smaller ones and fall onto the Earth. B

A clinic in West Kalimantan,Indonesia,works to support the health of people and forests.

Kinari Webb is an American doctor who helped start the non-profit group that operates the clinic.The group is known as ASRI.Dr.Webb says most communities value the local forests,but illegal logging (伐木) was often their only way to earn money to pay for health care.“Villagers know that if they protect the forest,that's good for their long-term well-being.But if they have no money to see a doctor,they have to do illegal logging,” said Dr.Webb. The clinic is in Sukadana,a village outside Gunung Palung National Park.Each month someone from ASRI visits the surrounding villages to see if they are actively logging or burning land within the park.Communities that do not take part in illegal logging pay about 40 percent less for health care than those that do.Also,the clinic uses a barter system.Patients can pay with things like handmade baskets,labor exchanges,young trees or fruit they grow. Patients learn about environmental conservation as they wait to register at the clinic.Many of the 70 staff members also help communities learn about

organic farming and other ways to earn money.In May,ASRI started a program to identify forest “guardians”.These guardians work with the community to try to prevent illegal logging.One of the guardians says he entered the program because ASRI helped his son recover from tuberculosis (肺结核). The clinic is small,but very busy.However,people did not trust the clinic at first.They wanted to go to the only hospital in the area.Yet its resources are limited and villagers often have to travel more than two hours to get there.

Now,people happily share stories about the clinic.Amelia's mother is one of them.She started going there when her daughter was eight months old.She says the treatment is good.Dr.Webb smiled when she heard that.

Dr.Webb said:“Health care is an incredible key.And everyone everywhere around knows that we really care and that we are helping save their lives.” 61.Which of the following is the best title of the passage? A.A Clinic in Indonesia Seeks to Save Patients.

B.A Clinic in Indonesia Seeks to Save Patients and Forests. C.Dr.Webb Set Up a Clinic in Indonesia. D.ASRI Tries to Prevent Illegal Logging.

62.The villagers paid for their health care mainly by________. A.making handmade baskets B.planting young trees C.cutting down trees illegally D.working as guardians 63.A barter system is a system in which________.

A.people trade by the exchange of goods B.patients can receive a free treatment

C.customers pay the goods in cash D.trees are taken good care of 64.Kinari Webb set up the clinic for the following purposes EXCEPT________. A.treating the local patients B.protecting the forests

C.teaching people about organic farming D.forcing the only hospital out

of the area

65.We can infer that________.

A.only a few people went to the clinic at the beginning B.the clinic is well equipped

C.Amelia's mother is not satisfied with the medical service D.the only hospital in the area is of poor service C

The first flights of the new airlines that will take tourists into space are ready to take off in 2020,and getting a seat on one is not all that different from booking a trip someplace on Earth.You can sign up on the website of,say,Virgin Galactic,the most well-known of the new space tourism companies,or go to an approved travel agency and put down a large deposit.Soon you will be able to buy travel insurance,just as you can for any other vacation. Until now,space tourism has been limited to the ultrawealthy.Just seven people have paid tens of millions of dollars each for a trip to the International Space Station aboard a Russian rocket.

But that could change this year,when Virgin Galactic intends to start offering flights just beyond the space barrier on a rocket ship it has built,featuring five minutes of weightlessness during a two-and-a-half hour tour.At $ 200,000 a seat,this will open the final frontier to far more people. At least two other specialty airlines have jumped in as well,taking reservations and deposits for future space flights.Allianz,the big insurer,will introduce an insurance product in 2020,lending space tourism the trappings of the regular travel industry.

“Just to be able to sell space travel as a regular part of your business,really,just how cool is that?” said Lynda Turley Garrett,president of Alpine Travel of Saratoga,Calif.,who is one of 58 accredited space agents for Virgin Galactic in the United States.

In five years,Ms.Garrett has sold three seats.But she expects that to change once passengers start going up and coming down to tell their friends.“ By 2020,it'll be just like scheduling a flight to L.A.,” Ms.Garrett predicted. 66.If you want to book a flight to space in 2020,you can ________. A.go to any travel agency B.telephone Virgin Galactic

C.pay a visit to Allianz D.sign up on the website of Virgin Galactic 67.From Paragraph 2 we can know that________.

A.only the extremely rich people can afford the space trip

B.seven people have paid tens of millions of dollars for a space trip C.Russia is the first country to build the space station D.ordinary people are not allowed to take space tour 68.Which of the following is true of Virgin Galactic ?

A.It is one of the approved space agencies. B.It is a famous space tourism company.

C.It sells insurance products to space tourists. D.Its rocket has carried space passengers successfully.

69.What does the underlined word “trappings” in Paragraph 4 probably refer to?

A.Standard uniforms. B.Traditional decorations. C.Symbolic signs. D.Personal belongings.

70.What does Ms.Garrett think of the future space travel? A.Common. B.Changeable. C.Flexible. D.Reasonable. D

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