《新视野大学英语预备级2》教案 - 图文

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6. trick v. deceive or cheat 欺骗

e.g.Many people have been tricked by bad people with false name cards. 许多人让坏人用假名片欺骗了。

trick sb. into doing sth: cheat sb. into doing sth. 诱骗某人做某事

e.g.It's bad to trick others into doing things they do not clearly understand. 诱骗别人做他们并不知道原委的事情是不对的。 7. picture…as: imagine … as 想像……为

e.g.He pictured himself as a handsome prince. 他把自己想象为英俊的王子。

e.g. Rob had pictured her as kind of serious, but she wasn?t like that at all. 罗布想象她有些严肃,但她根本不是那样。

Ⅳ. Exercises

5.1 Fill in the blanks with the words given below. Change the form where necessary. (P93) glide whenever complain passage flood depth remarkable fresh copy trick float genius 1. I don?t believe any of these stories; in fact, they have been ______ from some history books. Key: copied

2. ______ he tried to explain any new idea, he just couldn?t make himself understood. Key: Whenever

3. You might even take some ______ fruit with you for the journey. Key: fresh

4. He ______ me into telling him everything about the new plan. Key: tricked

5. It is ______ to find that the young children in your class are familiar with so many English words. Key: remarkable

6. When winter comes, there are large pieces of ______ ice on the surface of the river. Key: floating

7. Within minutes, the small church was ______ with men, women and children. Key: flooded

8. You ______ about your friends never coming to see you, but when they do come, you give them such a hard time that it?s hardly surprising they usually stay away. Key: complain

5.2 Translate the following sentences into English using the words in the brackets. (P94) 1. 她在英语演讲中得了一等奖,感到非常兴奋。(feel excited)

She felt very excited that she had won the first prize in the English Speech Contest. 2. 那个小男孩发觉自己很难适应新学校的环境。(fit into)


The little boy found it hard to fit into his new school.

3. 他对这里的一切都很满意,从不抱怨任何事情。(complain about) He is satisfied with everything here, and never complains about anything.

4. 如果我能通过学校的考试, 心里就会充溢着这样一种感觉:我很快就会变得完美无瑕。(be filled with a sense)

If I could pass my school examinations, I would be filled with the sense that I would become perfect.

5. 有些父母选购神童故事给孩子看,希望孩子将来有一天会出人头地。(remarkable) Some parents choose and buy stories of child geniuses for their children to read, with the hope that the children will become remarkable some day.

5.3 Translate the following sentence into Chinese. (P94)

1. I was a dancing girl standing in the wings, waiting to hear the music that would send me floating like a feather across the stage.


2. “If you don?t hurry up and get me out of here, I?m leaving for good,” it warned. “And then you?ll always be nothing.”


3. The first night she brought out a story about a three-year-old boy who knew the capitals of all the states and even most of the European countries. 第一晚,她拿出一本关于一个三岁小男孩的故事。那个男孩知道美国所有州的州府,甚至大多说欧洲国家的首都他也知道。

4. The tests got harder: doing math in my head, finding the queen of hearts in a pack of cards, trying to stand on my head without using my hands, etc.


5. And after seeing my mother?s disappointed face once again, something in the depths of my soul began to die.

在又一次看到妈妈那张失望的脸后,我灵魂深处的某个东西开始消逝。 Ⅴ. Spotlight on Grammar so用作替代词

In the beginning, I was just as excited as my mother, maybe even more so. (Passage A, Unit 5)

这句句末的so是一个替代词(pro-form),替代上文提到的 just as excited as my mother。句中的even more so意为 even more excited than my mother。




He was very angry, and his wife was even more so. Mary looks pretty, but her sister doesn?t look so.

可以用so替代的谓语部分主要包括“动词+宾语”、“动词+状语”、“动词+宾语+状语”等结构。如果这些结构已在上文出现过,在下文中便可用do so来替代。例如: Jane has read the newspaper today, and she will do so tomorrow.

Dr. Smith always examines his patients carefully, and he is doing so now.

在主语补语或谓语部分被替代的情况下,如果上文和下文都是肯定陈述句,而它们的主语又不相同,通常要用“so + be / do +主语”的结构。例如: Mary looks pretty, and so does her sister.

My father caught a cold, and so did my mother. I answered the question correctly, and so did Lisa.

这种结构常出现在日常对话中用于简短的答语,表示相同或类似的情况。例如: A: Tom came to the class early. B: So did I.

A: The chair needs repairing.

B: So does the one you?re sitting on. 如果上文和下文都是否定陈述句,则下文要用“neither / nor + be / do +主语”的结构。例如:

She doesn?t speak good English, and neither / nor does her husband. A: I?m not worried about it. B: Neither / Nor am I.

有必要注意的是:“so + be / do +主语”或“neither / nor +be / so + 主语”结构中的be / do只是最常用的形式。如上文的动词短语中包含除be / do以外的助动词或情态助动词,则下文中要用相同的助动词或情态助动词。例如: He hasn?t come yet, and neither have his friends. A: Tom mustn?t come back very late. B: Neither / Nor must his brothers.

用替代词so替代分句的情况常见于充当宾语的名词分句,这些宾语分句常跟在一些表示看法、意见的动词之后,这些动词常见的有believe, be afraid, expect, hope, imagine, say, tell, think, suppose等。例如: A: Does Tom agree with you? B: I believe so.

A: Was she an actress when she was young? B: I?ve been told so.

对类似上述问题的否定回答常用not作替代词,也可用“动词否定式+so”。例如: A: Is there going to be a meeting tomorrow? B: I suppose not. / I don?t suppose so.


请注意:并非上面列出的所有动词都能同时用于“not作替代词”和“动词否定式 + so”两种形式。例如: I?m afraid not.

[误] I?m not afraid so. I hope not.

[误] I don?t hope so.

Audio Script

Cinderella (灰姑娘): The popular fairy tale about Cinderella portrays a girl who suffers the wrath of her stepmother and stepsisters. Cinderella is visited by her fairy godmother, who gives her a coach so that she can go to a masked ball (化装舞会). At the dance Cinderella meets a prince, but she leaves before he learns her name. The prince is so taken with Cinderella that he travels the countryside until he finds her.

Unit 6 Wedding Parties


A. Have you ever attended a wedding party? Did you enjoy that? B. Imagine what will your groom/bride look like? Please tell us. II. Sentence Analysis 1. … and excitement builds up during the days … (Para.1)

build up: become greater in amount or number; increase 增加;加强; e.g. They have built up their business by offering good service. 他们靠优质服务使生意逐步兴隆起来。

e.g. He has built up his strength after an illness. 他病后逐步恢复了体力。

2. As far as the bride is concerned, her family has been preparing for her wedding ever since she was born. (Para.2)

as far as sb./sth. be concerned: on the subject of sb. / sth. 就……而言 e.g. As far as we?re concerned, you can go whenever you want. 就我们而言,你们什么时候走都行。

ever since: from a particular time in the past until now 自从;

e.g. My parents bought this house in 1995 and we have been living here ever since. 我父母1995年买的这所房子,此后我们就一直住在这里。 3. Cattle, goats, money, an ox and cart, a television and … (Para.3) cattle: n. (pl.) cows kept on farms for meat or milk(总称)牛; e.g. The farmer built a fence to protect his cattle. 那个农民筑起了篱笆,保护他的牛群。

Note: cattle 是集体名词,常用作复数。一头牛是 one head of cattle。 goat: n. [C] 山羊;奶羊;

e.g. A young goat is called a kid. 幼小的山羊叫做羊羔。

