《新视野大学英语预备级2》教案 - 图文

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教 案

New Horizon College English



Unit 1 Going out on Dates


A. Do you think parents should give full instructions to their sons or daughters when they have dates? Why?

B. Would you do as the author?s mother did to teach your son how to date when he is still young? Why?

Ⅱ.Sentence Analysis 1. … and most of the guys had gone out on … (Para.2) guy:n. 1) [C] a man男人

e.g. Do you know the guy standing behind the bridge? 你认识那个站在桥后边的男人吗?

2) ( pl.) a group of people 一伙人

e.g. Hey, guys! Come here. 嗨,各位!请到这儿来。

Note: 在美国英语里,不论对男士或女士说话,都可以用 you guys:What do you guys want to eat? 你们想吃什么?

2. … making a scene, and saying … (Para.4)

make a scene: give a bad show of oneself 当众吵闹;出丑

She wanted to make a good show of herself, but finally she made a scene. 她本来想显示一下自己是个能干的女人,结果却大出洋相。

e.g. I?m ashamed of you, making a scene in the restaurant like that. 你在饭馆里那样大吵大闹,我真为你感到羞耻。

scene: n. 1) [C] a show of emotions in public 当众显露情绪 e.g. She wanted to create a scene. 她想当众大闹一场。

2) [C] a picture or view 景色

e.g. There are some pretty scenes in the park.公园里有许多美丽景色。

3. It was a big adventure for me, and I was feeling nervous and a little shy. (Para.6) adventure: n.1) [C] an experience that is strange, exciting or dangerous


e.g. She left home to travel, hoping for excitement and adventure. 她离家出游,寻求刺激和冒险的生活。

e.g. The explorer told the boys about his adventures in the North Pole. 探险家把自己在北极的探险经历讲给孩子们听。

2) [U] participation in sth. exciting冒险,冒险活动

e.g. He?s a man full of adventure.他是一个充满冒险精神的男子。

Meaning: For me to date a girl was very exciting, and I was feeling nervous about it and didn?t find it easy to talk to a girl whom I didn?t know well.



4. I was bothered by the thought that the other boys would think I was weak, and to be stuck for weeks playing “Dance of the Flowers” was too much for me. (Para.7) bother: vt. cause trouble or worry to sb. 打扰,烦扰 e,g. I don?t want to be bothered by anyone at the moment.


be stuck: be unable to go further or do anything further, esp. because of difficulties 被困住的; 被难住的

e.g. He was stuck in the middle. 他处于进退两难的境地。

Meaning: I was worried that the other boys would think I was not clever enough. I played “Dance of the Flowers” for weeks without being able to do anything else and I was really tired of it.

中文翻译:其他男孩会以为我是笨蛋,这种想法困扰着我。连续几个星期辛辛苦苦弹奏\花之圆舞曲\却没有多大进展,这对我来说太难受了。 5. I was really sensitive about showing ... (Para.7)

be sensitive about: easily become worried or unhappy about 对……敏感的,易受……影响的

e.g. Don?t say anything bad about her work; she?s very sensitive about it. 千万别说她的工作不好,她就怕别人提这件事。

sensitive: adj. easily or quickly moved by what others say or do 易受影响的;敏感的

e.g. Don?t be so sensitive. I was only joking. 别太敏感,我只不过开了个玩笑。

6. The next time I went out on a date … (Para.11) on a date: meeting a boy friend or girl friend 约会

e.g. Because they are on a date, many of us believe that they are in love. 因为他们在约会,我们很多人相信他们在恋爱。

Ⅲ.Word Study 1.push v. ①use force against sth. for the purpose of moving it 推

e.g. She pushed the chair out of the way. 她把挡道的椅子推开。

② make one's way by pushing 挤;推进

e.g. He pushed his way through the crowd. 他在人群中向前挤。

③ try to force sb. to do sth. 催促;逼迫 e.g.Don't push yourself too hard, or you'll get ill. 工作别太卖命了,要不然你要生病的。

e.g. He pushed her into making a decision. 他催促她做出决定。 2. embarrass v. cause to feel anxious and uncomfortable



e.g. She did not want to embarrass him in front of so many guests by refusing his requests.


e .g.I had very little to say at the meeting and felt rather embarrassed. 我在会上没什么可说的,感到十分不好意思。

3.stick v. stuck stuck ①cause to be fixed, not move 卡住;困住 e.g. A fishbone stuck in my throat. 一根鱼刺卡在我喉咙里。

②keep to; not give up 坚持

e.g.He always sticks to his words. 他一向信守诺言。 4.welcome adj. gladly accepted 受欢迎的

e.g. You're always welcome at our house. 欢迎您随时光临寒舍。

v. greet in a friendly way 欢迎

e.g. The suggestion was warmly welcomed. 这项建议受到热烈欢迎。

n. [C] a greeting given to sb. when he or she arrives 欢迎

e.g.We received a great welcome. 我们受到热烈欢迎。

5. stare v. look without moving the eyes away for a long time 盯着看 e.g. Everybody stared at his hat. 人人都盯着他的帽子看。 e.g. He was staring out of the window. 他凝视着窗外。 6. invite sb. to (n.) : ask sb. to (n.) 邀请某人去(……)

e.g.The manager often invited me to dinner at a restaurant not far from the company. 经理经常邀请我去一家离公司不远的饭馆吃晚饭。 7. call for: ①come and get sb. or sth. 邀请;要求

e.g.He called for Eliza and took her to the dance. 他邀请伊莱扎去跳舞。

② need 需要

e.g.This sort of work calls for a lot of time. 这种工作需要大量的时间。 Ⅳ. Exercises

5.1 Fill in the blanks with the words given below. Change the form where necessary. (P6) period instruction shake pink push shy pause tradition stick sweet welcome adventure 1. During the time of a lecture, it is by _____ that everyone keeps silent and that no one is allowed to stop the speaker. Key: by tradition: 照传统

2. Lucy was _____ and quiet while her brother was sure and noisy. Key: shy

Note: While: used to emphasize the difference between two situations, activities, etc.

