
发布时间 : 星期三 文章人教版中学2019-2020学年七年级下学期英语期末考试试卷(I)卷更新完毕开始阅读


一、 单项选择 (共15题;共30分)

1. (2分)- Tony, could you give me a hand? - Wait a minute. I ______. A . lock the door B . will lock the door C . am locking the door D . was locking the door

2. (2分)─ ________ bad weather! It makes me down. ─ Yes. _________ rainy morning! A . What; What B . What a; What C . What a; What a D . What; What a

3. (2分)Millie's father found ______ last month. A . such an easy work B . such an easy job C . so tough work D . so tough job

4. (2分)Is that a picture of my friend? Please show A . me it B . me them C . it to me D . them to me

5. (2分)一 These are my personal things. You can't take them away. 一 Sorry, madam. A . good B . own C . favourite

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6. (2分)—Excuse me, does Mr Smith still live in the small village?

—He used to here, but he gets used to in a modern city with his son. A . live, live B . living, living C . living, live D . live, living

7. (2分)The mobile phone has influenced people's life a lot since it ________________. A . invents B . invented C . was invented

8. (2分)(2016·泉州)—I hope I will win the English speaking competition tomorrow. —____________

A . What a pity! B . Congratulations! C . Good luck to you!

9. (2分)(2016?十堰)- I shouted to you at the gate, but you didn't hear me. - Really? I ____ a telephone call to my mother. A . make B . was making C . made D . have made

10. (2分)— Is he tall or short? A . Yes, he is B . He's tall C . No, he isn't D . He isn't tall

11. (2分)The cat is missing.Will you please _________ it? A . look for B . look up

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C . look at D . look after

12. (2分)There were hundreds of students in the playground. It was noisy. A . full of people B . full of noise C . popular D . exciting

13. (2分)---Hey, Bob! What do you usually do _____ rainy days? ---I usually read books at home. A . on B . in C . at D . to

14. (2分)一 He expressed his opinions in French . 一 Pretty good. A . quietly B . confidently C . suddenly

15. (2分)—_____ late for class next time. —I'm sorry. A . Be B . Don't be C . Don't D . Not

二、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)

16. (10分)根据短文理解, 从A、B、C三个选项中选择最佳答案填空。

Mike is going to have a trip to the Greet Wall tomorrow. He decides to 1 some things for his trip. He often goes to the 2 by bus. It's ten o'clock in the morning. Many people are 3 for the bus. His friend, Mary is also there. She wants to buy a present 4 Lisa, her pen friend from London. She is coming to China to 5 Mary and they are going to have 6. Can you guess whom they meet in the shop? Lisa. She

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is 7 a map of China. All of them are so happy 8. Mike says he is glad to 9 Lisa. They are talking 10. At last, the two girls decide to climb the Greet Wall with Mike tomorrow.


A . write B . buy C . send (2)

A . cinema B . school C . shop (3)

A . waiting B . having C . talking (4)

A . to B . at C . for (5)

A . visit B . teach C . tell (6)

A . a postcard

B . an English lesson C . a good time (7)

A . talking B . lying

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