
发布时间 : 星期二 文章江苏省2020学年高一英语模拟选课调考试题更新完毕开始阅读


All registrations must be made online with full Visa or MasterCard payment. You must register one child at a time. Once you have registered your first child, you will see the “add another camper” button, allowing you to choose camps for a second child. Registrations require full payment at the time of registration.


Requests for withdrawal must be received at least 2 weeks before camp start date. For week-long camps, a $ 100 processing fee will be charged per camp. For 2-day camps, 50% of the cost will be charged. No refunds(退款)given within 2 weeks of the camp start date.

Kid Code

At pick-up you will be asked the Kid Code you selected at registration. This code functions as a password; share this code only with anyone authorized to pick up your child. If you forget your Kid Code at pick-up, you must park and walk to camp staff to show photo identification. 21. What do Seattle summer camps provide for kids? A. Make new inventions.

B. Do scientific research.




C. Learn some medical courses. experiments.

22. How do you register for your children? A. Signing up in turn. C. Paying half online.

B. Registering on the spot. D. Using a kid code.

23. If you want to cancel a 7-day camp a month before camp start date, you will pay _______. A. $ 200. B

A recent study has found that being exposed to low temperatures creates more good fat which burns calories in the body. Being cold imitates the effects of exercise, protecting against obesity and improving health. The researchers have discovered that exposure to cold changes the make-up of gut bacteria, which can lead to fat-burning, improve glucose metabolism, and reduce body weight.

While ordinary white fat, known as bad fat, piles on when we eat more calories than we burn, brown fat seems to burn extra calories to produce heat. Babies have lots of brown fat — they need it to keep warm — but there are small amounts in the necks of adults, too. Studies have shown that staying in a cold environment can accelerate the formation of more brown fat in the body.

B. $ 100.

C. $ 50.

D. None.

Researchers predict the health benefits of being exposed to cold may be linked to gut bacteria. They exposed the first group of mice to cold temperature of 6 ℃ for up to 10 days and discovered this caused a major shift in the make-up of the mice’s gut microbes, preventing the mice from gaining weight.

Then, the gut bacteria were transplanted into the second group of mice that did not have the gut microbes. It was found that they improved glucose metabolism and increased tolerance to cold temperatures. The mice also lost weight as the changes in gut bacteria promoted the formation of brown fat. However, after three weeks of cold exposure, the body weight began to remain stable.

Professor Mirko Trajkovski of the University of Geneva claims that they provide powerful evidence that gut microbes play a key role in people's ability to adapt to the environment. They are excited about testing whether targeting gut microbes could be a promising approach for preventing obesity and related conditions.

24. What's the new finding of a recent study? A. Good fat has nothing to do with calories. B. Exercise can make people become fat. C. Being cold helps people lose weight.

D. Gut bacteria will stop glucose metabolism. 25. What do we know about the brown fat? A. It's usually considered as bad fat. B. It will fail to produce in cold bodies. C. It can't be found in the bodies of adults. D. It burns more calories in low temperatures.

26. With the gut bacteria, the second group of mice _______. A. kept losing weight continually B. had much less brown fat in the cold C. gained better ability to stand the cold D. produced more gut microbes in the body 27. According to Mirko Trajkovski, the findings _______. A. could provide new treatment for overweight people B. show people how to get used to the cold

C. remind people of the importance of keeping warm D. may cause more people to take exercise C

British parents encourage their children to play musical instruments as part of a family tradition and not to raise their social status as Americans do,
