
发布时间 : 星期一 文章最新新视界大学英语综合教程2课后翻译更新完毕开始阅读


4 It needs to be shared by the editors, who sometimes show shots of dead enemy soldiers, in order to convey the tragedy of the war, but not to show shots of our own dead soldiers, for fear of offending both their relatives and the readers.


5 It needs to be shared by the readers, who must accept that an exaggerated or shocking story about a young Hollywood film star may lead to a significant invasion of privacy and even human rights.

这份责任需要读者来分担,他们必须接受这样一个事实:一则有关好莱坞影星的被夸大了的、令人咋舌的新闻可能会严重侵犯这位影星的隐私,甚至是人权。 Unit8

1 任何人都不能被剥夺受教育的权利。(deny) No one shall be denied the right to education.

2 很明显,缺少良好的教育是职业发展的一大障碍。(evidently; obstacle to)

Evidently, the lack of a good education is a big obstacle to career development.

3 学业成功固然重要,但我也知道它不是实现梦想的唯一因素。(academic success; do)

Though academic success is important, I do know that it is not the only factor in realizing our dream.

4 希望工程帮助那些因为贫困而辍学的学生重返校园。(drop out)

The Project Hope helps those students who dropped out of school because of



poverty return to school.

5 为了孩子能受到良好的教育,父母往往要做出很大牺牲。(make sacrifices)

Parents usually have to make many sacrifices to ensure that their children receive a good education. 英译汉

1 On occasions like this, you’d expect someone like me to stand before you and give you advice about how to conduct your lives at college over the next three years. 在这样的场合,你们会希望有个人,比如说我,站在你们面前,给你们一些关于怎样安排未来三年大学生活的建议。

2 I thought we were told that doing well in our studies was the surest way to equip us for the best occupations, and to facilitate something which is in our constitution: the pursuit of happiness.


3 Ever since we began our formal education, we’ve been told time and again that high school dropouts were not meant to be our role models, they were people whose example was to be avoided at all costs.


4 The point is this: Our education system is often too concerned with academic

success at the expense of the overall development of the child and the young adult.




5 They need to be taught and constantly reminded by their parents and teachers that they have gifts which can benefit the world and bring them fortune.


