
发布时间 : 星期三 文章上海港对上海经济发展的影响分析更新完毕开始阅读


上海港对上海经济发展的影响分析 Analysis on impact of port of shanghai on

shanghai economic development

学 院 : 专 业 : 班 级 : 学 号 : 学生姓名 : 指导教师 :

经济管理学院 国际经济与贸易 2006级4班 106063111 赵海峰 孙泽生

二○一○年 六 月




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论文作者签名:赵海峰 导师签名:

签字日期: 年 月 日 签字日期: 年 月 日



内 容 摘 要







Port as the connection point of water transportation,not only plays a important role in the transportation network,but also plays in a invreasin- ly important role in regional economic development in the process of regional economic development,and it also has become the heart of growth.So now the goverment’s port development in China has been unprecedented attention to regional economic,and also increasingly demanding on the port,the port is expanding,function continue to improve and profound understanding of the importance of ports and regional economic development and to determine the port contribution to the regional economic,which is a very important and urgent research topic.T- his topic.This paper has a quantitiative studaies fo the shanghai economic by shanghai port,the paper is divided into five chapters,the first is an introduction and literature review,followed by description of shanghai port’s history,current statues,historical revolution and city development stage ,the forth chapter analysis the shanghai economic impact from shanghai port,the last one is the conclusion and the countermeasures.

In the paper,empirical measurement and theoretical study found the folling results:first,from the present situation of the development of Shanghai port,Shanghai Port’s contruction and development has made important achievements,achieved leapfrog development,and rising statues and from the shanghai city history and the stage view,the history of Shanghai’s development is itself a city and history together,fully illustrated with the truth of “city and port developed together” ,shows tje development of the port and urban economy closely related to growth.Second,through the DEA evalution model,prove that shanghai and

